Floats Gallery

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Take a prime lens and reverse it. Hold the lens right up to your other lens on the camera and take the picture.
Ive tried that but can never get it to work it always seems blurry and trying the focus on both lens's never works.

You just need to more in or out abit. The DoF is very very shallow and a couple of millimetres either side of focus and the whole image will be out.
The playstation shot is gold. Easily looks like something on the cover of a magazine or the console box.

Cool Fujica btw. Reminds me of my minolta that I on (very rare occasions) get out. 👍
Love the DS3 shot, you cleaned it beforehand? There's not a spec of dust/dirt on it. 👍
The playstation shot is gold. Easily looks like something on the cover of a magazine or the console box.

Cool Fujica btw. Reminds me of my minolta that I on (very rare occasions) get out. 👍

Thanks! I love shooting with the Fujica too, if I had the money to shoot film more often I definitely would. It's my granddads old camera too so my grandma is pleased it's being put to use again.

Love the DS3 shot, you cleaned it beforehand? There's not a spec of dust/dirt on it. 👍

Cheers. I didn't clean it at all, I slightly upped the contrast and saturation in PP but that's all. It's probably one of the most unedited photos I've done.
Good stuff. I particularly like the reverse macro photos. I'm going to have to try that myself soon. :D
Very nice pic of the DS3 mate! Maybe i should post my own Gallery sometime.
Good stuff. I particularly like the reverse macro photos. I'm going to have to try that myself soon. :D


Very nice pic of the DS3 mate! Maybe i should post my own Gallery sometime.

Cheers. You should definately start up a gallery, it's always good to have more photographers in this Sub-Forum.

4 More Macros




Really enjoying these macro shots 👍 Will have to get another lens myself and try them out...
Wow, loving every single shot. :)


Really enjoying these macro shots 👍 Will have to get another lens myself and try them out...

Thanks. Getting a Prime Lens is definitely a great investment, not only do you get a stunning lens which forces you to consider composition more but flip it around and you've just saved a ton of money on a Macro.

Rider : Nik
Location : Hemlock Stone Open Ground
Date : 7.11.2009



I'm quite pleased with how these came out, ideally I would of preferred to use ISO100 but I didn't have the avaliable light in order to achieve the action stopping shutter speeds.
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Nothing? Ok, moving on...

On Tuesday I visited the Tate Modern, Hayward Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery as part of a college trip, unfortunately they don't allow any photos from inside the exibitions we went to see (John Baldessari in the Tate, Ed Ruscha in the Hayward and the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize in the NPG) but that was understandable.

While eating lunch in the Tate gallery a friend of mine acidentally dropped an apple and it rolled onto the floor below and stopped, I was amazed at how many people stopped to look at it, the boy in the photo kept asking his friend "Yo! Is this Art?"

Excellent set, but I really like the water fountain shot. Very nice lighting on it, and good water blur. Did you take it on a tripod/monopod or handheld? Either way it's still very good. 👍
I love them all for different reasons. The escalator shot conveys great mood and give you a feeling of the setting.

The rolling apple is a great study in composition (also your comments made me laugh, it's funny how everyone automatically assumes the most absurdly mundane occurrences are art cause it happened in a gallery :lol: )

The third shot works really well for me and the last one is a great scenery shot. 👍

You've been pretty quiet in the photo section but I can see why, busy taking nice shots.
The 1st and 4th pictures are my favourites. Nice composition and lighting there. 👍


All of it is epic.
No really.

Thanks Man!

Excellent set, but I really like the water fountain shot. Very nice lighting on it, and good water blur. Did you take it on a tripod/monopod or handheld? Either way it's still very good. 👍

It was taken semi-handheld, I sort-of rested it on the edge of the fountain but I had to tilt the camera with my hand so I got the whole thing in, that's why it's at such a wierd angle, which I kind of prefer actually.

I love them all for different reasons. The escalator shot conveys great mood and give you a feeling of the setting.

The rolling apple is a great study in composition (also your comments made me laugh, it's funny how everyone automatically assumes the most absurdly mundane occurrences are art cause it happened in a gallery :lol: )

The third shot works really well for me and the last one is a great scenery shot. 👍

You've been pretty quiet in the photo section but I can see why, busy taking nice shots.

Thankyou! I'm really really pleased with the photo of the apple too, I got the exact message across I think.
Dude! I went back to have a look at the original pylon shot to compare with the new one and I seem to have totally missed your macro insect post. The red beetle shot is pure win! I love it. 👍

Now onto the pylon shot. I like the edited version better than the original. The composition is great but I still feel like there is something missing, I just can't quite put my finger on it though.
Dude! I went back to have a look at the original pylon shot to compare with the new one and I seem to have totally missed your macro insect post. The red beetle shot is pure win! I love it. 👍

Now onto the pylon shot. I like the edited version better than the original. The composition is great but I still feel like there is something missing, I just can't quite put my finger on it though.

Thanks! Everyone I've showed the Pylon shot too has said that, yet nobody seems to be able to point out what is missing, I find it rather amusing.

College term has just about finished and I have zero assignments over the christmas period so I am hoping to spend some more time in my favourite sub-forum, entering a few comps and commenting on galleries as usual.

I took these a couple of weeks ago but I've only just got round to uploading them, winter is drawing in and it's getting to dark way to soon for my liking. Most of my shots from the session have extreme blur, which I did plan on but I missed out on getting action stopping moments because of my slow kit lens. Definately purchasing a Minolta 50mm F1.7 AF Lens when I have the funds.

Anyway Enjoy.



The first shot is nice. Great silhouette, nice and sharp and you have a bit of drama with the clouds in the background.

The second shot is my favourite of the two though. Great action, dark and moody. It works really well 👍
Thanks Guys. 👍





This is actually a pretty rare sight as I'm told you don't find these venturing into the suburbs much.​
Nice shots Bill Oddie SSU 👍! I've tried shooting birds before and was very unsuccessful.
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