Florida Church to hold "Burn a Quran Day" on 9/11. Update: He didn't do it.

Also, protests of this sort could probably be classified as hate speech anyways, which would make it unprotected by the First Amendment.
No. Hate speech is not a crime and is directly protected by the First Amendment. It is how the KKK, neo-Nazis, skinheads, and politicians are still allowed to speak in public. It is also why burning the American flag is a legal form of protest.

Actually, he is violating other laws outside "free speech" mainly fire codes. If he does go through with it he could get fined, not much more though.
Depending on how it is organized they likely won't even break that law.

Also, the first amendment voids itself if the speech is a direct threat to someone, which this guy seems to getting rather close to.
Kids on a playground get closer to threats than this guy has, from what I have so far heard.

So far this guy is doing nothing illegal. We may all disagree with it, but that is all we can do to stop them. Our best action is to ignore them. A couple of years ago a group in Germany attempted burning destroying violent videogames. By their own count they got roughly two dozen games in an entire day. Witnesses say it was more like four. But when the organizer of that event was asked about the failure he said that:
It wasn’t the goal to collect a lot of games, they just wanted to make a statement and start a discussion about the banning of violent videogames from children’s bedrooms.
And there it is. They want publicity, not a bonfire.

The real irony is that they know the reaction to the controversy is what gives them their power to continue their hate-filled message, but they miss that creating a public controversy gave those they claim to hate power to continue their hate-filled campaigns of terrorism.

Er, nevermind...looks like they backed down.

Melissa Block talks with NPR's Greg Allen about Terry Jones' announcement that he's canceling plans to burn copies of the Quran at his Gainesville, Fla., church on Saturday. Jones said he decided to cancel the protest because the leader of a planned Islamic center in New York City has agreed to move its location away from ground zero.

So, extremists believe they can't get along without acting like sociopaths whenever someone does something they disagree with. We should ignore them. This church got what they wanted, attention, and now they are moving on.
Imam has said that he never said he would move the mosque. Someone must have told the pastor that to get him to stop.

So I guess the Koran burning is back on? Inform the media, the circus is on it's way!
This just occured to me: how many generations of inbreeding between siblings do you have to go through to give birth to people as 🤬-up as him.

I think about 42-and-a-half.
Seriously, this is screwed up - I've grown up in a Christian household and even think this is over the top - one of my friends is a Muslim. A person in my class last year was speculating becoming Bhuddist.

And I'm pretty sure in the bible is says something about accepting other religions.
It makes me believe the media is trying to push the idea that Islam is responsible for terrorism.
I don't think it's that they're trying to push an agenda, it's simply that feeding thoughtless emotions of viewers makes them loads of money. The only problem with that is they all claim to be "fair and balanced" or whatever they say, and that is a blatant lie since they only report on whatever makes profit.

What should be done about religious extremism around the world? Should we just let the extremists fight it out amongst themselves while we normal people live our lives? Eventually they'll just blow each other up, won't they?
What do I care if a few guys out there think that their fairy tale is better than some other fairy tale and burn a few fictional books?

Honestly if you're a true believer in the bible you OUGHT to be behaving this way (and worse). I don't condone belief in the bible, Quran, or otherwise. Nor do I think the media should report this stupidity.
Wow, just wow. Appauling.

What do you guys think?

This is the reason I don't go around openingly proclaiming I'm a Christian. I don't want to be associated with idiots like this. Seriously, didn't Paul say "They will know we are Christians by our love"? Great way to show God's love: burning manuscripts of other religions and slandering homosexuals. I would vandalize those signs, too. I wish God would strike down churches like this. Let their buildings burn to the ground or something.
Funny idea here: Get some bibles, printed in Arab languages, give them to this guy's church, telling them that they are Qurans. Guy burns a bunch of bibles and doesn't realize. Then tell him after?

But seriously, this is just appalling. And thanks to the media for reporting this, America and Christianity will be disliked even more by the people in the Middle East. Then next thing we know, there's 2 planes headed for a Wal-Mart and McDonalds, or whatever.
Funny idea here: Get some bibles, printed in Arab languages, give them to this guy's church, telling them that they are Qurans. Guy burns a bunch of bibles and doesn't realize. Then tell him after?

But seriously, this is just appalling. And thanks to the media for reporting this, America and Christianity will be disliked even more by the people in the Middle East. Then next thing we know, there's 2 planes headed for a Wal-Mart and McDonalds, or whatever.

Hey, if the Arabs want to blow up Wal Mart and McDonald's they can go ahead and do it. I don't think many people would care. Most people that I know don't like Wal Mart and McDonald's is the lowest rung on the ladder when it comes to fast food anymore.
Hey, if the Arabs want to blow up Wal Mart and McDonald's they can go ahead and do it. I don't think many people would care. Most people that I know don't like Wal Mart and McDonald's is the lowest rung on the ladder when it comes to fast food anymore.

Except maybe the families of the people that were in the building at the time, I think they would probably care.
Funny Story:
Quran = representative of god.

In America, Christian extremists burn Quran,
In Soviet Russia, Quran burn Christian extremists!

So in the end, they WILL get their lesson of they do it.. ESPECIALLY in Russia. So just don't care about it and hope that god sends them to hell.
Apparently the guy has decided to "suspend" the event.Link

The Secretary of Defense actaully called this crackpot. W. T. F.

I understand the SoD has certain overarching realities to consider, but unfortunately the consequence is that it just emboldens this idiot to keep on acting like an idiot. Sigh.
Why stop with the Koran? Burn the bible and the torah too. He'd be doing us all a favour! 👍
Lets hope the Gainesville Fire Department hosts an 'International Hose a Pile of Burning Books Day' next door to the church, in remembrance of their fallen 9/11 comrades.

As a former resident of Gainesville (and might I mention that this church is literally just outside the municipal boundaries of the city?), I just want to mention that it's really not terribly indicative of the citizens of the area; most people move to this area of the state which is actually much more liberal-leaning (yes, many of them aren't university students nor faculty, either) than most of the South.

This Dove Outreach Center is akin to the so-called Westboro Baptist Church in their...ahem, teachings, and has been at it with their hellfire and brimstone commentary every so often just to stoke up bad feelings, and send a so-called "preacher" to the local campuses in the area to try and piss on everyone's parade of non-interference.

It's also not far from a local county fire department, although the latest "news" has it that the county won't issue a burn permit to them. And nobody's officially backed down form building their mosque/community center, because there's no law against them either.

Why stop with the Koran? Burn the bible and the torah too. He'd be doing us all a favour! 👍
Yeah! And round up them up like cattle, too!

I like my First Amendment, but let's not turn into the very nutjobs that we despised in the first place...destroying property for the sake of display is so 10th century. This is not what organized religion is all about, and destroying texts doesn't do **** about taking the meaning of religion and faith out of people, as my relatives will tell you. Does destroying science textbooks and scientific journals stop us from learning, discovering, and disseminating new ideas and theories? No, and I think some of you are getting all bent out of shape about equally applying the same ignorance and shock value these ignoramuses are using towards the Koran towards everything you personally despise.

There's a fine line between anti-religious sentiment and atheism: I know some of you can do better than that to prevent another Dark Age.
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Yah he’s a little twisted but he is only one guy talking about what he is planning to do and he freaks out the world, but when the other side does it for real it’s just another day in paradise.

i guess he had a better pr agent for his gimmicky attention seeking
controversy and offending is totally hip this year
Anyone watching the press conference around 6:30pm BST? They revealed the Pastors phone number and welcomed tips and ideas. WHAT AN IDIOT! I wish I noted it down.
Also, the first amendment voids itself if the speech is a direct threat to someone, which this guy seems to getting rather close to.

As somebody actually understands the first amendment(unlike a majority of americans), no its not. If it were that would like saying an atheist is violating an individual rights when making a criticism of religion.

Anyhow here is my take on the whole matter..first of all I defend pastor jones individual right to burn a Koran if he please, however speaking as a bible-believing individual I find burining the text of another to be contradictory of the bible itself, this given my study of the bible.

In the end Pastor Jone's actions doesn't suprise me as incidents of nature have happen before...the wave of anti-mormonism that swept this country in the 18th and the internment of japanese. Ultimately its has been the federal government instigating things of this nature.
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As somebody actually understands the first amendment(unlike a majority of americans), no its not. If it were that would like saying an atheist is violating an individual rights when making a criticism of religion.

That's hardly the same thing, criticizing religion isn't a threat to anyone and I never said he was threatening anyone. I said he was getting rather close but from what I heard he has not made any actual threats against an person(but once again was getting extremely close). And seeing how you supposedly know everything about the first amendment you should know that there are exceptions, for instance threatening ones live.

And last I checked he doesn't have a right to burn anything seeing how he does not have a permit which you have to have if you plan on doing any large scale burning.
In my opinion he can burn the bible, quran and any other religios books and testaments out there, i still wouldnt care.

Its just for the media hype.

Did anyone check if he's doing it or does nobody give a **** anymore?
And seeing how you supposedly know everything about the first amendment you should know that there are exceptions, for instance threatening ones live.

I hear this line from statist all the time, but anyhow to there should be execeptions would like saying government has the right to jail me for a thought e.g. dreaming up an criminal act.

And last I checked he doesn't have a right to burn anything seeing how he does not have a permit which you have to have if you plan on doing any large scale burning.

The last I checked, he has every individual right to burn whatever he want and he clearly doesn't need the permission of government to exercise that individual right. To say that he needs a permit is saying people need permission from the govenrment to live they life however they chooses.

Now if were cause the distruction of another individual's property, then that individual has every right to demand 100% restitution.
The last I checked, he has every individual right to burn whatever he want and he clearly doesn't need the permission of government to exercise that individual right. To say that he needs a permit is saying people need permission from the government to live they life however they chooses.

Now if were cause the destruction of another individual's property, then that individual has every right to demand 100% restitution.

Does he have the right to burn stuff on his property? Yes, he does(so long as it's not toxic as that's an actual crime).

This doesn't mean that he doesn't need a permit though and that's not my opinion that's what the fire chief of the city this church is in said.

If you want an example I'll give you one. Say you want to put an expansion on your house, you have every right in the world to except if you don't have a permit you will be forced to tear it down.
Does he have the right to burn stuff on his property? Yes, he does(so long as it's not toxic as that's an actual crime).

This doesn't mean that he doesn't need a permit though and that's not my opinion that's what the fire chief of the city this church is in said.

If you want an example I'll give you one. Say you want to put an expansion on your house, you have every right in the world to except if you don't have a permit you will be forced to tear it down.



(sorry, I always look for an excuse to use that macro)

See how messed up this is? Why should he be forced to tear it down? He or she just wouldn't be able to insure it or sell it. But now you're gonna come knock it down?