FMSC Track Creator Contest | Entries Completed

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
I am going to start my Eifel entry soon, expect it to be a sharp contrast to my last track R1600Turbo
I have a couple submissions so far, one of which is ready for voting. 👍
Just sent you a PM for my tracks. 👍

After playing around with the creator last night, I feel more confidant that the patch (I think it was Version 1.3) that changed the layout of the sectors made it worse. I remember having so many different orientations for pit road even with only 4 sectors and now it seems like we only have one or two. :ouch:
Yeah I have some really good Eifel tracks from before the update that we can't use for some reason. :yuck:

In any case, I'll test out what you have in between episodes of Ghost Hunters tonight. :D
I have my first track done. I will post it later tonight.
I really like the last corner should be good for hard braking passes 👍
Can I summit 2 Eifel tracks?
I have my first track done. I will post it later tonight.
I really like the last corner should be good for hard braking passes 👍
Can I summit 2 Eifel tracks?

I should be on for a bit tonight. My favorite show is on at 10pm I believe, so before that I'll test out tracks.

Two of each, any combination works for me. I would actually prefer tracks from Eifel. ;)
Finished with testing for the night. Here's my results:

1) Jahgee1124 - OK
2) LancerEvo7 - OK (Great track!)
3) carracerptp - PM sent
4) outlaw4rc - OK (Left kink after banked right-hander is a nightmare!) :lol:
4) outlaw4rc - OK (Left kink after banked right-hander is a nightmare!) :lol:
I initially had the banking all the way to 10 but since I thought you wouldn't like that, I moved it down. I didn't test out the changes so I'm guessing you can't take that kink at full speed. :lol:

I now have Mukileto Road Course shared so grab it at your leisure. If you want the other ones I have (yes, I have more creations) all at once, send me a message through PSN while I'm on. 👍
I'll grab it tomorrow as Ghost Hunters is currently on.

But yeah, the banked corner is pretty fun, but it shoots you out of there with very little time to prepare for the left hander. Makes it a bit weird, and you end up having to take the banked corner slower than you'd like.
I'll grab it tomorrow as Ghost Hunters is currently on.

But yeah, the banked corner is pretty fun, but it shoots you out of there with very little time to prepare for the left hander. Makes it a bit weird, and you end up having to take the banked corner slower than you'd like.
Ok, I just tested it for myself and oh my, that corner and the one before it is much tougher with less banking. :lol:

Also note that I can spiffy up the last sector a bit by bumping it up to an 8. You get a WOT hard right and then an intermediate left hander and the rest stays the same. I left it at 7 since I thought it would make that area calamity corner.
Ok, I just tested it for myself and oh my, that corner and the one before it is much tougher with less banking. :lol:

Also note that I can spiffy up the last sector a bit by bumping it up to an 8. You get a WOT hard right and then an intermediate left hander and the rest stays the same. I left it at 7 since I thought it would make that area calamity corner.

I like the overall flow, and honestly the only thing I would change is that left hander. Maybe go down a click or two on the corner tightness?
Rolling Hill Circuit is on my shared track.

Thank you


Just notice above me "Green Hills" I almost named mine "Green Hill" Kibda a play on The Green Hëll. Decided to do Rolling Hill with out even seeing yours. Lucky me.
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I will be entering a submission to this. I will send a PM and a FR from the right account when I'm ready. Good luck everyone. :)
I like the overall flow, and honestly the only thing I would change is that left hander. Maybe go down a click or two on the corner tightness?
I checked and it made it much looser. I went ahead and put it back online.

I'll be on all night so you should be able to get all my tracks at once. :)