Can't buy into this whatsoever I'm afraid. Every single person every single day does unethical things, and if you think that you don't then perhaps we're coming at this from different angles. But the way I see it, whether it's driving your car when you could walk, or choosing not to share something when you could, all totally minor things, it's a scale. Your mistake here is treating ethics as a binary decision when in reality it's more about doing the best you can.
I fly all over the world, that is pretty unethical. I don't eat animals, that hopefully offsets it somewhat. And at least my understanding of veganism is that - your very existence means that you will have an impact on the world, that's fine. But these people try to live their lives so that they impact the very least on the world around them. At the very least, that is ****ing admirable in my opinion. Despite all the crap they get, they do something which is totally selfless purely for the good of others.
Sorry to be slightly rude on this point, but you can kid yourself all you like, if you think that being complicit in the gassing of thousands of beings (a horrific way to go btw) is you leading an 'ethical' lifestyle, then I couldn't disagree more with you there. I think that is cognitive dissonance at it's highest. By all means do it, I'm not trying to convince you here, but it's quite entertaining to see people try to convince themselves that they're still doing the right thing when it's clearly an unethical act to do.
I do appreciate your point regarding pigs though, that's exactly where I'm coming from, and I'm glad you at least accept the fact that they have a comparatively high level of understanding and are killed in awful ways. That alone makes it totally not okay for me, but that's where we clearly disagree

. The most awful people are those who just flat out deny or ignore it. The ones who they themselves are okay, so why should they care about anyone/anything else. But I'm glad you at least acknowledge that fact.
Again, I have a diesel car, I've flown 10 times across 3 continents in the last 9 months or so, I'm pretty useless myself when it comes to ethics/climate, etc, so I really don't mean to be patronising or confrontational. I'm just explaining the viewpoint, and as I care about animals it is something that would quite rightly evoke a response of sorts.
Personally I am more than happy to eat an impossible burger made on the same grill. Same reason I don't ask people at Subway to change their gloves. Honestly I couldn't care less if there's meat on there, as long as I'm not contributing to more deaths. I already feel like veggies/vegans get a bad rep for making people cater to them, so I like to try and be as non-impacting as possible.
That's my logic, but I understand that it's completely different for different people.