For all the Vision GT haters: McLaren is building a real McLaren VGT

  • Thread starter Magog
Not sure I follow? Gr.1 and Gr.4 include additional cars that do not compete in the real world, as does Gr.3. It doesn't matter which class you pick, they're effectively 'virtual' classes defined by PD.
Correct but i think PD should be a little bit more strict cause GR.4 alllows all drivetrains while GT4 allows only Rear-Wheel drive.
For me the main thing that makes vgt seem out of place is the whole "THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR" tagline, simply because its seems like they themselves want this sense of seriousness. At the end of the day though one of my favorite racing games is F-Zero, so i think laser powered cars are cool. I wish some of the companies were even more imaginative. Seeing a blue falcon go around tsukuba would be hilarious.
None of the VGTs add value to my gaming experience. There's too few real cars in the game to invest resources modelling the make believe.

As previously mentioned in the thread, let's not suddenly equate every new concept car with VGTs either.
Fittipaldi is an amazing car and its exist.
Fittipaldi is an amazing car and its exist.

As good as it is, its a medium performance Group X car among its peers.

I'm ok with people saying that sort of thing... I'm well aware people are opposed to the program and that it 'adds nothing to their Gran Turismo experience'.

I kind of welcome the continuation of the VGT program into the next game and the next console even with people who object to it.

PD have always done what they think should be done.
I like some of the VGT cars, especially when they follow some "rules":
  • They should be believable (like a concept car that could actually become real);
  • They shouldn't be too much "simple" (looking at you, BMW);
  • They have to be made especially for the franchise, not just a tuned or race version of an existing concept car.
I think the ones that follow those rules are Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Aston Martin, Infiniti, Mazda, Alpine, both Peugeots, Fittipaldi, Zagato, Honda and Audi.
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The point has been made that, if all the cars in the game are ones and zeros, why does it matter if VGT cars are in the game..?

To which, I might reply, then why any real cars at all? Why any tracks on the surface of the planet? Why gravity? Why any physical forces? Why no forward facing photon torpedoes? Why no power-ups? Why no Italian plumbers in karts?

The answer would be, because it's Gran Turismo. Not Pod Racer, not Mario Kart, not Wipeout. Once upon a time, the 'imaginary' cars in GT were a minuscule fraction of the total car list, and based on cars that existed. Nowadays, they are an unavoidable cancer on the game. You can't even specify (in Arcade or Campaign) that you don't wish to race imaginary cars. Immersion breaking at best, pointless at worst.
My only issue with VGTs is that some of them look so freakin' awful!

The SRT Tomahawk is one of the worst offenders for me. Exposure to that car in the missions alone put me off the idea of VGTs.

*however* I really like the Mazda VGT, and probably the X2014 on reflection. They remind me of those futuristic fighter jet concepts you get in Ace Combat - not real, but would and do look awesome as a plastic model kit.

(in fact, why aren't Hasegawa or Tamiya all over that idea??)
The title was deliberately provocative however if McLaren feel like they make money on a real Ultimate VGT then all power to them.

The AMG-One is about here and wasnt RBR and AML about to come up with some multimillion car as well?

These cars are into the performance envelope of the Ultimate.
For me the main thing that makes vgt seem out of place is the whole "THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR" tagline, simply because its seems like they themselves want this sense of seriousness.

To be honest with you, i think we can agree that this tagline never meant much to the games in the series, since the are simulators out there that gets driving physics much better this game...If I can crash into a wall while doing 360km/h or even over that and keep racing like nothing happened, or if the game doesn't even try to simulate the effects of tire, surface and air temperatures on the vehicles handling, then it isn't a simulator to me.

I'd say they should have dropped the tagline a long time ago, but it's kind of late for that.