Foreign Pick ups trucks

  • Thread starter DGB454
Who knows. People are just stupid. Blame society.
People wont spend the little bit more money to obtain a better peice of automobili.

As Americans, some feel they should support America and buy the $h!tty trucks. Others know American trucks have more horsepower and are cheaper. But it seems they forget that it will turn to a block of rust on rubber in a few years.

I am American, but damn...

or vehicles suck!
You sir are trippin'!
American trucks are the best trucks going for work purposes.
Toyota makes a great little truck, but, when all is said and done it is a LITTLE truck and it can still only carry 50-75% of what an American truck can. And that is before we get in to the F-350, and the Cummins diesel powered Dodge Ram. As for the Rust-bucket on rubber comment: If you get out to the south, and the midwestern states, you will find a lot of OLD American trucks out on the JOB. And I'm not talking about 5-8 year old trucks. I'm talking about trucks 15-40 years old.
If you won't open your mind, at least open your eyes.
Originally posted by Gil
You sir are trippin'!
American trucks are the best trucks going for work purposes.
Toyota makes a great little truck, but, when all is said and done it is a LITTLE truck and it can still only carry 50-75% of what an American truck can. And that is before we get in to the F-350, and the Cummins diesel powered Dodge Ram. As for the Rust-bucket on rubber comment: If you get out to the south, and the midwestern states, you will find a lot of OLD American trucks out on the JOB. And I'm not talking about 5-8 year old trucks. I'm talking about trucks 15-40 years old.
If you won't open your mind, at least open your eyes.
Spoken like Gil, thanks man.
I agree fully.
The U.S. has had pickups for decades and have become the workhorses of the American ppl.
They are established and the imported trucks are not.
Parts are another subject when it comes to the differences.
Import p/ups have twice the cost of American parts due to them being overseas or just having the foreign name attached.
Personally, they wont ever come close, at least not in most of our lifetimes.
Thanks Gil.
Support America buy buying American? Nice concept but it doesn't work anymore. A good portion of "American products" aren't made in America anymore. I wonder if it's because non Americans make them better?(not) Or maybe because they do it for 2 bucks an hour.

I think people buy American trucks because they hold up much better and have a much bigger payload. Not to mention they look better.

GT3bedbuddy, I think you need to get over your Anti American attitude. It's not healthy to hate that much.

By the way Gil. I like your posts. We think a lot alike.
Yeah Yeah.

When I think of "trucks" I think of off roading trucks.

A Toyota Tacoma with Chrome Roll Bars and Bumper/Bush Gaurds/Grille. Lift Kit, Large Profile Tires, Short Beds, etc.

I guess I forgot about there real purpose...hauling.
I just speak my mind, as plainly, and usually as civilly as possible.
Misnblu has my mindset pretty well pegged, as he has been a friend and supporter since I got here.

DGB454, I'm glad you're here. SR780 pegged you pretty correctly in his thread.:D

GT3Bedbuddy, You can diss American cars all day, and long into the night. It won't make them anywhere near as bad as you would like to believe (with the exception of Chrysler Mini-vans).
Because we (the USA) have the biggest, widest roads, we have the biggest, most powerful, most useful trucks. It is just a simple fact. Accept it and get on with your life.
I have to tell ya, a closed mind gathers no info. The US is catching up to quality of build of other countries. You don't have to like it, but it is true. Will I buy "American" on principle alone? I think not. If I am shopping, whoever's product does what I need, for the least amount of money, with the greatest amount of reliability will get the nod. Regardless, of country of manufacture.
As an aside:
This world gets smaller every day. If we are to ever achieve the abstract of "world peace", acceptance of our neighbors whether it be next door, two streets over, or across the ocean, will be the telling factor.
*gil steps gingerly off of the soapbox*
I think alot of it has to do with where u live cause when I lived in houston I saw more japanises car&trucks then I'v ever seen here in the mid west,why that is I have no idea, I guss southerns r more onen to change,and for all u ppl who think that just cause it's a U.S. truck it's made here,u are surely mastking. All of the small trucks or made in Japan and as for as the full sized trucks they r just put toghther here all of the parts or made over seas.
And just so nobody gets the wrong idea I'm not one of those ppl who think the U.S. vehicles r peaces of crap I just thank that all ppl should have an open mind.

:USA: Besides we are still the strongest nation on the whole planet :USA:
You might be right about where you live will depend on what you buy. I live in Mich and for the most part US trucks are the dominant vehicle on the road. Probably because this is where the auto industry started and with the snow we get it's easier to get around wiyh a truck. Very rarely do you see any foreign trucks on the road here.
In fact I can't even think of one foreign truck dealer near me.
Still, How do the numbers compare around the country for trucks sold in the US. Foreign vs. US. I will have to do a little research as time permits.
Well I better go and start up my Dodge Ram 4x4 and get it warmed up. It's freezing outside.

Later guys.
The Americans buy American pick up trucks because they don't want small European/Japanese trucks.
Europeans and the Japanese buy European/Japanese trucks because don't want huge American trucks.
The Japanese make something worthy of the name "pick-up truck?" I wasn't aware!

I think my attitude is the same as many! American pickups have set a standard, and the only Japenese Auto even trying to meet those standards is Toyota. Even they haven't quite it down yet.

There are three basics required to make a sucessful truck:
and Features (such as comfort, and interior toys)

its is also good to have some type of record of the past preformance. Toyota has nothing to show right now, they are just getting started.

My :2cents:

By the way, I have a 1993 Chevy, that isn't rusted, and runs prefect, has 230,000 miles on it, and if that isn't proof that Americans can build a good truck I don't know what is!
Since when do foreign trucks not sell well?

The Toyota Tacoma outsells the Chevy S-10/GMC Sonoma. The Mazda B-series doesn't sell well, but there's a reason for that. ;) Same with the Nissan Frontier. The biggest problem is actually the people who buy trucks -- anyone in the market for a large hauler to carry some crops around or drive a horse trailer isn't about to get a Toyota - most likely, his daddy and granddaddy drove what he's driving.
exactly some 1 has TOO much american pride (dgb454)
im american too but i aint to proud of the cars they have here... i consider Europe to be #1 in cars: power, luxury, racing, style etc...
Japanese and US are tied at #2
and austrailia is #3 :)
oh yea the ecks-bocks is american made.... :lol:
over obsessive is more like it

we all agree nobody makes the best cars... everyone has a bad spot..
cept maybe ferrari?
SR780 pegged you pretty correctly in his thread

Your damn right!

Anyway I looked at the Toyota Tacoma and I really didn't care for it. I also have drivin my aunt's Fronteria and I thought it was ok. But still I enjoy my American trucks. And you can tell me all you want that they aren't made in America, so support Canada!

Any way I just think that American Trucks are true trucks, they have been around longer and are built yo last. I love american trucks.
Over obsessive? Lets talk about how obsessive you guys about bashing American products.

As I stated in other threads. I have owned foreign cars. I will buy them in the future. I prefer American cars because I personally think they are just as good as their European and Japanese counterparts. Unfortunatly all the European cars that are decent are way over priced for what you get so it's unlikely I will buy the ones I like. In my opinion Japanese cars are not built that well. Again(my opinion). And yes I have owned them.

And last but not least. Yes I take pride in being American and I do take pride in driving an American automobile. I happen to believe in America and am not ashamed of it.

If you like foreign cars then by all means buy them. Feel free to talk about how great you think they are. You are entitled to your opinion.
I just wouldn't come up to me face to face and say anything bad about American products built by Americans. I take that very personaly.
So should you.
Have a good night guys.
Originally posted by 1mic

we all agree nobody makes the best cars... everyone has a bad spot..
cept maybe ferrari?
If you read some of the history of Enzo's greatest cars, you will find that they were fast as hell, and would bite the hand that fed them at the first opportunity.
Ferraris are fast. They are also, in some of the GT models of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, truly untamed beasts.
I believe a Ferrari that backed up a guy-wire on a utility pole, back in 1959, ended Carroll Shelby's racing career as a driver.
If you can find early issues/reissues of Road and Track, read some of Stirling Moss's and Phil Hill's accounts on the "behavior" of Ferrari motorcars.
One driver actually outright accuses the Car (a Ferrari) of trying to kill him with "malice aforethought".
Originally posted by streetracer780

Anyway I looked at the Toyota Tacoma and I really didn't care for it. I also have drivin my aunt's Fronteria and I thought it was ok. But still I enjoy my American trucks. And you can tell me all you want that they aren't made in America, so support Canada!

Chevy and Ford make 'em in Mexico.
Originally posted by DGB454
Actually GM has a truck plant in Flint MI still. Who knows for how long though. I believe it's slated to be closed soon.

Yep - GM does make some trucks in Michigan, but as you said the plant is to be closed; GM makes the Tahoe and Suburban in Mexico, so I assume that's where the Silverado and Sierra are headed too.
Canada, Mexico, who cares. They are just like the little brothers of the USA anyways.