Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2022Formula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
I'm not quite sure what everyone was playing around at with the crawling, but this is... wow. Just wow.

Translation isn't entirely necessary - the video says it all - but it says "I don't understand what Max tried with his steering wheel when Lewis overtook him?? Eyes glued to the mirrors the whole time" (or something similar).

Edit: Heh, Musk is moderating, it seems. The video showed Verstappen and Hamilton onboard at a crawl ahead of the final corner (there's another car in front doing the same; everyone was doing it), with Verstappen constantly looking in his offside mirror with little steering input. Then Hamilton goes past to the offside and Verstappen yanks his steering wheel to the offside - both late and, given his road speed, pointlessly. His engineer comes on the radio and says "let him go, let him play".
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The Max fans will find some sort of excuse to make it OK and blame Hamilton/Mercedes and the FIA I'm sure.

This whole slow final sector to get ready for a lap thing needs to get in the bin. Drivers keep trying to respect this gentleman's agreement thing by not passing while they get ready but stopping on track is just asking for an accident. Especially when people see also on hotlaps. I can't however, see what the FIA can do about it short of changing format or implementing a minimum speed in S3 of the circuit.
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Honestly at this point F1 would be better without Max in it. He's a cancer to the sport. This kind of attitude is how people get seriously hurt.
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The Max fans will find some sort of excuse to make it OK and blame Hamilton/Mercedes and the FIA I'm sure.

This whole slow final sector to get ready for a lap thing needs to get in the bin. Drivers keep trying to respect this gentleman's agreement thing by not passing while they get ready but stopping on track is just asking for an accident. Especially when people see also on hotlaps. I can't however, see what the FIA can do about it short of changing format or implementing a minimum speed in S3 of the circuit.
Almost everything about Nikita Mazepin was awful but there is one thing he did actually prove in his first race, the "gentleman's agreement" is nonsense. HAM was not the only car to pass VER last night and it happens constantly.

As for what the FIA could do surely the simplest thing is stipulating that all S3 times must be within 10% of your fastest lap to that point, be it an earlier quali lap or best FP lap. So in Abu Dhabi for example VER's best S3 times were around 30.5, so he'd have to do 33.5 on all laps (except inlaps).
Minimum time for S3 would just shift the whole thing to S2.
Shouldn't do because it wouldn't benefit them very much if they had to go hard in S3 just before starting the lap.

But if they did, just extend it to all sectors. You'd have to do it per sector because if you just give them a minimum laptime for the whole thing they'll obviously go fast in S1 and S2 then slow in S3.
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Everyone pretty much always does two runs in Q3, so is this the time to regulate the order?

For Q3, have two runs where everyone goes out of the pits in 20s intervals in reverse order for their position at the end of Q2. Everyone has the track to themselves and anyone who starts their lap more than 30s after the previous driver gets a penalty. That way everyone has to leave space and can't slow down and block the following car too.
Everyone pretty much always does two runs in Q3, so is this the time to regulate the order?

For Q3, have two runs where everyone goes out of the pits in 20s intervals in reverse order for their position at the end of Q2. Everyone has the track to themselves and anyone who starts their lap more than 30s after the previous driver gets a penalty. That way everyone has to leave space and can't slow down and block the following car too.
I was a huge fan of one shot qualifying. Perhaps Q3 should take this sort of 1-shot format. A blending of your idea and the original 1 car hotlap idea from 2003-2005.

Wouldn't solve much in Q1 or Q2 though.
Hamilton dinged for exceeding pit lane speed limit on his way out to the grid...

Full House 90S Tv GIF

84.5km/h in an 80 zone. Mercedes (somehow) fined €500.

Edit: This whole "decide if you need to give up the place and if you get it wrong we'll penalise you" thing is dumb.
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Why is it a two part investigation?

edit: At least they didn't finish the investigation after the race.
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Why is it a two part investigation?
Sainz under investigation for forcing Hamilton off. Conclusion was that it was fine, so then Hamilton under investigation for gaining an advantage by going off and overtaking.

Are the FIA being inconsistent again, telling Hamilton to give the spot back? I'm sure they've given five seconds to people previously...
Are the FIA being inconsistent again, telling Hamilton to give the spot back? I'm sure they've given five seconds to people previously...
Their inconsistency gets worse every race this year, and I think you're right. I think they need to clear this up for next year and either penalize them every time someone gains an advantage or don't.
Ferrari: [Gives Carlos status]
Sainz: "I don't agree"
I wouldn't trust them either, Carlos.
Leclerc closing on Perez, Max checking out.

Hamilton saying he's down on power, maybe he just isn't used to a team mate driving away from him.

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