forza 4 dissapointment thread

  • Thread starter ocalot2k5
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I doubt you even know what neutral means. In fact, every single idiotic post in this thread proves just that.

Either post something worthwhile or be reported. Again.

As if anything he's said in this thread was even remotely worth acknowledging in any other way except abrasive.

I'm holding out my other cheek and an olive branch LOL. I feel emotionally broke hohoho.
There's an edit button you know?

I'm going to stop responding now before I get myself in trouble. So, good day to you.
My exact quote is the generic cockpits are a variation of one interior. Alot of the cockpits on forza have a variation of the black shiny interiors with a a/c vent placed around the car randomly. This is especially noticable in forza 3. Textures inside the car are almost non existent unlike gt where you'd find for example a ferrari with a brown leather interior.

Acceptable Use Policy
You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

Provide some proof or GTFO.
His proof is the R8 5.2's interior from FM3.

A very, very pixelated image from FM3.
We are not talking opinions. We are talking facts.

Forza has generic dashes = fact claim
Forza has some generic looking dashes = opinion
We are not talking opinions. We are talking facts.

Forza has generic dashes = fact claim
Forza has some generic looking dashes = opinion

And now, since you have provided that hypothesis, will you go back and read my claim on forza. I said 50% of their cockpits are a variation and generic? Sure the 50% maybe an exageration but my point still stands. The textures are almost non existent in part of forza's catalogue and they are usually a variation of the black and shiny.
I did. And it was an opinion. Im sorry eric, but i wont GTO. Provide an opposing opinion and we might talk?

That's not how a debate works. You proposed the opposing claim (which opposes everybody in this thread). That means YOU support that claim.

I know if I had proof that I was the sole person who was right on a forum, I'd be getting my proof out to rub it in everyone elses face. I'm looking forward to being proven wrong.

And now, since you have provided that hypothesis, will you go back and read my claim on forza. I said 50% of their cockpits are a variation and generic? Sure the 50% maybe an exageration but my point still stands. The textures are almost non existent in part of forza's catalogue and they are usually a variation of the black and shiny.

If every car in my FM4 garage is red, does that makes them all variations of the same car? Because now you're arguing that because most interiors are dark colored (what do you want them to be, pink and fluffy?), they are just variations? Both my real life cars' interiors are accurately modeled.
The only dissapointment are engine swaps. They have less options. My plans for a 3-Rotor miata dragster is dead. :'(
...unlike gt where you'd find for example a ferrari with a brown leather interior.

Got it. Brown leather means authentic.

Go to pharmacist. Buy generic drugs and wrap in brown leather. Name brand drugs for generic price.
The only dissapointment are engine swaps. They have less options. My plans for a 3-Rotor miata dragster is dead. :'(

Yeah, that was surprising. The 78 Mustang can only have the 2000 Cobra R motor. The 70 GTO only gets a G8 GXP's LS3. I'm not seeing all the crazy big block swaps of before (all the realistic stuff), yet we can still make a lot of cars AWD when its probably not all that realistic.
Honestly i don't even understand half of this thread. Same cockpit for half the cars? What the hell are you on about? Or are you talking stricktly about materials? I expect is not the modelling or else i might have to think you're a bit on the insane side.
I posted in this thread thinking trolls would eventually go away and it seems a 'legit' thread about gripes and disappointments, which I think is a good idea to have, has gone to... well... the crapper.
This is a thread about Forza 4, what does GT5 bashing have to do with anything?

Person 1: "I miss this in Forza 4"

Person 2: "Yeah, but GT5 is bad!!!"

Could OP please fix the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in the thread title? It'd really help lend this topic more legitimacy. Thanks :)
I said 50% of their cockpits are a variation and generic?

You are clearly mixing two games up..

I've raced various cars old and new, been to a number of different tracks in different locations around the world. Damn it, it all smells the same! I could care less if it looks, sounds, or feels great. Where's the smell!
My only gripes are simulation steering and and money shortcuts, especial with car tokens and 100% parts discount manufacturer affiliations.I know some people may appreciate the money shortcuts, but I like to work for my cars; it adds more spunk! Also I am sure that car tokens were forced onto Turn10 by Microsoft.

Overall, the game is one hell of a game. No game is perfect, but Forza 4 comes really damn close!👍
FM4 has a whole lot of camera views available in replays. The problem is, MOST of them are pretty crappy. Turn10, if you are reading this, take your replay camera ideas from iRacing. Their's are fantastic and give the user so much control. I know it's on a PC and that makes it easier, but still. What about a nice blimp cam view, or a real helicopter view that feels like you are flying in a helicopter chasing your car, instead of being "glued" to it? And a follow view that has zoom in/out, and floats rather than being attached to your car.

The TV replays need some work. Many times, the car will go past a track camera and I know the cars are quick, but it feels like the "cameraman" is lazy and doesn't try hard to keep up with the car and it goes out of frame. Also, I'd remove some of the dolly cams that follow cars on long straights and put track side cameras in their place, so it's more like a real TV replay.

I'm knit-picking... these are just some ideas. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE the game! Just want it to be even better. :-D

My only gripes are simulation steering

If you don't like simulation steering without the assists, don't use it.

especial with car tokens

If you don't like car tokens, don't use them.

but I like to work for my cars

We all do, which is what we are doing. Car tokens are optional.

Also I am sure that car tokens were forced onto Turn10 by Microsoft.

Nothing is forced, as car tokens are optional.
My disappointments with the game;

- The cars are still not 100% accurate in appearance/dimensions (mind you, its probably so they don't spend six months making one car like PD).
I've seen many, many R32 GT-R's in person before, even driven some, and it still doesn't look right in Forza 4. I can't quite put my finger on why, but it seems it sits too high, the front lights are too tall, the guards aren't flared quite right and the rims look horrible and so on.

- Different exhausts don't change the sound on all/some cars like they used to (R32 Skyline sounds the same with each one).

- Less choices for engine swaps now (some cars that had three or four choices in FM3 now only have one or two).

- Tyre smoke has improved, but still could be better

- Race restrictions seem tougher, so less places to race fully modded cars other than perhaps Arcade mode (that i've noticed so far). I suppose this is to stop cheaters though, but i liked seeing the power difference between 100hp cars and a 900hp car.

- Like Gran Turismo, with each subsequent game it seems peak power outputs for some cars is getting reduced each time. Are they that blind to not notice the hundreds/thousands of 1000hp+ Skylines, Supras, Mustangs etc in real life? One of my gripes in GT as well.

- Handling still arcadey feeling compared to GT, but i kinda like that really so this isn't really a disappointment.

- Track elevations have been changed on some tracks, sometimes for the worst. Like that track at Almalfi or wherever. Used to be a big drop at the final corner before the start/finish line on one variation, now its flat and has been significantly widened.

- The stupid 'super stopping power' sand traps/grass verges etc are still there, making the game more arcadey. Time penalties work much better, or perhaps some other type of penalty should be used instead - like if you make up time/positions by cutting a corner then you'd need to pretty much get back to close where you were in the race order to still be able to win the race.

- Still not matte paint options.

- Some cars have been removed (Mine's Skylines etc)

- Heaps of Nissan JGTC's, but only one Honda and Toyota one?

- Still no bloody replays in two player mode!!

Thats about all i can think of now.

Although i really love GT games i also really like Forza as well. I do like FM4 and the graphics look pretty nice on some tracks (especially the new mountain track, the mountainy track from FM3 (looks so much better now - really impressive background) and the Fujimi hillclimb track.

Some cool new cars in the game, and the car sounds are usually more 'in your face' than GT's quiet sounding ones.

I really like how the trees and grass sway in the wind.

And yadda yadda.
FM4 utilizes the Doppler Effect, doesn't it?


*Goes to refresh memory on what the Doppler Effect is*

EDIT: Yeah. It most certainly does unless I'm confusing it with something else. I'm by no means an audiophile.

It does have a little, but they didn't make it realistic. Also, they mix the car sound sample in the middle of the car instead of putting it separate in the exhaust and engine bay.

To make it simple, you're not supposed to hear the exhaust sound of the car if it's going towards you. You'll only hear it when it pass by.
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To make it simple, you're not supposed to hear the exhaust sound of the car if it's going towards you. You'll only hear it when it pass by.

interesting, what sound do you hear then?
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