Forza 7!?

  • Thread starter rex1825
I tough this was a simcade game with better bots then any other game out there, at least this is what people (now I see those are Forza fans) were talking all the time.

My opinion on the game after 2 days since I bought it, is really really bad...

Graphic wise, Gran Turismo Sport (yes I said it) has better graphics by high margin (except shadows here and there). Car models are (history repeats it self) really like models from few years ago in 90% of the time. Did FM7 look at GT5/GT6 on how to put many cars in game?
Audio is overrated, too much. Car sound so unnatural.
Gameplay, it is fun when bots are not suicidal (really rarely), and other people are normal (even more rare).
Physics... well, even GTA has better physics then this. Wondering what were devs thinking when making this game. If you compare Assetto Corsa, Gran Turismo Sport, pCARS2 and FM7, it would be like AC - 100% sim, pCARS - 80% sim, GTS - 75% sim, FM7 - 100% arcade.
AI in game is terrible, people complaining about AC and GTS AI all the time, those AI are way ahead in AI then it is the case here. At least in GTS and AC AI won't push me out of the track for no reason, or try to spin me, and there are many other scenarios, but this... OMG is this bad.

Am I bashing FM7 too much, maybe, but this is how I feel after 2 days keeping to play it, even though it repels me. I really hope they will fix things at least in next game.

I am not sad giving money for it, since I got FM7 Ultimate for around 10$, thanks to many reviews and people saying it is the best. Please, stop rising a game that is really really bad in almost every aspect, please...
IIf you compare Assetto Corsa, Gran Turismo Sport, pCARS2 and FM7, it would be like AC - 100% sim, pCARS - 80% sim, GTS - 75% sim, FM7 - 100% arcade.

What settings are you using? Because GT and Forza are pretty much in the same ballpark physics wise.
Talking of physics, did the GT guys ever get torque steer sorted out? Because as I understand it there were a few problems with their tyre model in GT6 which precluded this.

Oh well, back to Ridge Racer with worse graphics - I mean FM7. I'm being sarcastic of course, but these random driveby diss threads from people who think better lighting = more realism might be better off relegated to the GT forum where there are plenty of hardcore fans to support your arguments, in my opinion.
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Talking of physics, did the GT guys ever get torque steer sorted out? Because as I understand it there were a few problems with their tyre model in GT6 which precluded this.

Oh well, back to Ridge Racer with worse graphics - I mean FM7. I'm being sarcastic of course, but these random driveby diss threads from people who think better lighting = more realism might be better off relegated to the GT forum where there are plenty of hardcore fans to support your arguments, in my opinion.
Nah, fwd cars are still a joke.
I’m not denying that FM7 has issues, but your criticism is laughable. GTA has better physics? Is this really what we’re resorting to?
Forza 7 Ultimate for 10$ where ? I think you got the wrong game mate, maybe it was this

I swear to God, you people saying "Forza is arcade" need to get a good look at what "arcade" means.

And also be taken to a dark room and shaken up a bit. A big believer in giving idiots the right to voice their "opinion", I am not. "GTA has better physics than this", un-frigging-believable.
I was ready to buy Forza on PC but the demo was atrocious.

It looked fantastic but Porsche's that handle like canal boats yet racing trucks that turn on a sixpence put me right off.
All this confirms how narrow all you are looking at things, all I wrote was ironically and sad thing is that it is true...
If you like drifting wobbly game with plastic graphics, go ahead, play it. I said what I meant... and will stay by that. Game is not worth even those 10$ that I payed...
All this confirms how narrow all you are looking at things, all I wrote was ironically and sad thing is that it is true...
If you like drifting wobbly game with plastic graphics, go ahead, play it. I said what I meant... and will stay by that. Game is not worth even those 10$ that I payed...

The problem you are having from everyone is stemming from your lack of elaboration. You started a post, made a bunch of blanket statements and that’s it. Those types of posts never result in much conversation and it doesn’t make you look good either.

I would also like to know how you managed to only pay $10 for it.
All this confirms how narrow all you are looking at things, all I wrote was ironically and sad thing is that it is true...
If you like drifting wobbly game with plastic graphics, go ahead, play it. I said what I meant... and will stay by that. Game is not worth even those 10$ that I payed...
On what merit is what you said objectively true?
I tough this was a simcade game with better bots then any other game out there, at least this is what people (now I see those are Forza fans) were talking all the time.

My opinion on the game after 2 days since I bought it, is really really bad...

Graphic wise, Gran Turismo Sport (yes I said it) has better graphics by high margin (except shadows here and there). Car models are (history repeats it self) really like models from few years ago in 90% of the time. Did FM7 look at GT5/GT6 on how to put many cars in game?
Audio is overrated, too much. Car sound so unnatural.
Gameplay, it is fun when bots are not suicidal (really rarely), and other people are normal (even more rare).
Physics... well, even GTA has better physics then this. Wondering what were devs thinking when making this game. If you compare Assetto Corsa, Gran Turismo Sport, pCARS2 and FM7, it would be like AC - 100% sim, pCARS - 80% sim, GTS - 75% sim, FM7 - 100% arcade.
AI in game is terrible, people complaining about AC and GTS AI all the time, those AI are way ahead in AI then it is the case here. At least in GTS and AC AI won't push me out of the track for no reason, or try to spin me, and there are many other scenarios, but this... OMG is this bad.

Am I bashing FM7 too much, maybe, but this is how I feel after 2 days keeping to play it, even though it repels me. I really hope they will fix things at least in next game.

I am not sad giving money for it, since I got FM7 Ultimate for around 10$, thanks to many reviews and people saying it is the best. Please, stop rising a game that is really really bad in almost every aspect, please...

I suggest you buy a Nintendo 64 and a copy of Lamborghini Automobili
I lost plenty of quarters playing Forza7 last night...

Said on one ever.



On Daytona, what sort of time bonuses are you getting? Are you playing on hard with M/T? You know that car can reach 210mph while the Automatic on Easy only hits 195.

Oh, and drifting in Forza is not just for points. You got to drift in order to get a speed boost. I got like 9,999,995 on Daytona. My initials were posted for, like a whole week. Then Dave&Busters had to reset it, because they moved the FM7 machine from the stage, to make room for GTA Racing.
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All this confirms how narrow all you are looking at things, all I wrote was ironically and sad thing is that it is true...
If you like drifting wobbly game with plastic graphics, go ahead, play it. I said what I meant... and will stay by that. Game is not worth even those 10$ that I payed...

No, what’s been confirmed is how poor your analysis of the game was. You write a post just trashing it, make outrageous claims like GTA having better physics and that’s it’s 100% arcade, and don’t provide details or examples to support your points. And you end it off by telling people to stop praising the game.

You can dislike FM7 for any silly reason you want. But don’t post nonsense and not expect to be called out on it.
Graphic wise, Gran Turismo Sport (yes I said it)
This isn't a propoganda state, it's a videogame forum. Nobody's going to punish you for mentioning Gran Turismo Sport.

Car models are (history repeats it self) really like models from few years ago in 90% of the time.
Many models are carryovers from previous titles, yes. Fortunately the majority of them were already of a good enough standard to still look well when ported over.

Did FM7 look at GT5/GT6 on how to put many cars in game?
No, they looked at what they had + what new licenses they could acquire.

Audio is overrated, too much. Car sound so unnatural.
Fair enough. It's not top-of-class but still does a serviceable job.

Gameplay, it is fun when bots are not suicidal (really rarely), and other people are normal (even more rare).
Drivatars are aggressive, yes.

Multiplayer is fundamentally flawed in its design philosophy and doesn't encourage or adequately reward sportsmanlike play. If you want a more positive experience stick with Gran Turismo Sport.

Physics... well, even GTA has better physics then this. Wondering what were devs thinking when making this game. If you compare Assetto Corsa, Gran Turismo Sport, pCARS2 and FM7, it would be like AC - 100% sim, pCARS - 80% sim, GTS - 75% sim, FM7 - 100% arcade.
Please elaborate on what exactly Forza Motorsport 7 is doing wrong and what other games are doing wright. "It sucks" is not an effective way to start a discussion.
All this confirms how narrow all you are looking at things, all I wrote was ironically and sad thing is that it is true...
If you like drifting wobbly game with plastic graphics, go ahead, play it. I said what I meant... and will stay by that. Game is not worth even those 10$ that I payed...

Oh wait, you're serious?

:lol: :lol:

The only thing narrow here was your short-sited view, and your obviously way-off-base remarks that hold little actual fact about the game. Is that how you feel about it? Yeah I'm sure it is, however, that doesn't change how off it actually is.

The game is actually easy on the inputs and very interchangeable between other lower-end sim games on the market like GT. It always funny seeing someone come in to blame the physics because they can't seem to wrap their head around how the car drives. What's happening in game is relatable enough to the real world that the cars handle how you'd expect them to handle, albeit with a bit more oversteer. A bit, mind you. If all you got was pure arcade from the feel then I'm guessing you don't know what to even look for or how to describe it regarding physics, because even if it isn't a full on simulation like AC, it's still easy to pinpoint exactly whats happening in relation to the real world. On top of that, GT and Forza aren't even far from each other in how they simulate the real world as they're both entry level simulators with a general ease of difficulty all around.
I was ready to buy Forza on PC but the demo was atrocious.

It looked fantastic but Porsche's that handle like canal boats yet racing trucks that turn on a sixpence put me right off.

The demo's handling was quite off, the finished product received some corrections. Also, please bear in mind that the trucks are turning on a sixpence at 180 kph, where the GT2 RS featured in the demo (which is, sadly, somewhat wonky in its final implementation, too) is the top-of-the-line model of the 911 range, and as such, reaches that kind of speed in the blink of an eye.

All this confirms how narrow all you are looking at things, all I wrote was ironically and sad thing is that it is true...
If you like drifting wobbly game with plastic graphics, go ahead, play it. I said what I meant... and will stay by that. Game is not worth even those 10$ that I payed...

"Oh, you don't believe me when I say lizard people dressed up as FBI agents have come to steal my babies? YOU ARE ALL LIZARD PEOPLE, THEN".

If your opinion is shared by absolutely no one in the world, it may be a sign that, y'know, you are objectively wrong.
The moment I saw this thread, I knew to not take it seriously. I mean, GTA V has better physics? Have you actually played that game to make that bold claim? Because Forza 7 is nowhere near to that level of physics, and I played both. Just another driveby thread with your typical "Forza sucks" post. Even if you don't say it is, you still insinuate it is regardless...

Can this blind hate for Forza end already...