Forza Horizon 3 Auction House Thread!

  • Thread starter willbsn13
Grabbed the seven HE cars I needed in an hour. 3.5 million spent on six of them, and won the final one through a bunch of stored wheel spins. Doing them ended up giving me 3 million credits, so I think it was a good day overall.
Grabbed the seven HE cars I needed in an hour. 3.5 million spent on six of them, and won the final one through a bunch of stored wheel spins. Doing them ended up giving me 3 million credits, so I think it was a good day overall.
Haha so I wasn't the only one making last-minute purchases, eh? :lol:
Even scored another S14 for an overly-priced $2.2 million. I could care less. 👍
Not bad for an early auction start... 👍

Looks like I picked an awful time to sell my HE cars. Either that or I have simply underestimated the demand for the cars now that they're no longer available through the wheelspin. Considering the fact that I sold one of my Ford GT HE for over a million just a few days ago, I'm disappointed. At least I got the achievement for selling 5 cars in the Auction House.


So I made it my mission to obtain the two HE cars (RS and BRZ) I really wanted but missed out on.

For the RS, I'm aware I got ripped off but I just wanted to guarantee having one in my garage. I probably made the seller's day! :P
AH Focus.png

As for the BRZ, I managed to obtain it for a more reasonable price.
AH BRZ.png
The new set of HE cars are starting off quite expensive. I'll have to start filling up my bank account again.

Bagged a BAC Mono Horizon Edition for 717k. :D Very nice car to drive. 👍

Either that or I have simply underestimated the demand for the cars now that they're no longer available through the wheelspin.
I think existing players that are into HE cars have most of the HE cars already, and you're not the only one with this idea, so supply is high and demand is low at this point. Better wait until they've been off the market for a while.
I think existing players that are into HE cars have most of the HE cars already, and you're not the only one with this idea, so supply is high and demand is low at this point. Better wait until they've been off the market for a while.

Everyone's fighting over the new batch right now, so many of the first-run HE cars are starting to slip through the cracks at bargain prices. I grabbed a spare GT-R HE for 300k just an hour ago, and while the Focus and BRZ are still hot movers I've seen the others starting to go unsold.
After a couple of weeks of trying, I finally got the Ford Falcon XR8 for a reasonable price. I also got two of the new batch of HE cars, the BAC Mono and the C6 'Vette. The prices are fairly average for them right now. I spent more on that 'Vette than any other car I've bought at auction. I recently won a duplicate Viper HE in the wheelspins, so I sold it last night. The surprise is it sold for only 596,000. The other Viper HE I have I won at auction for 900,000 about a week and a half ago. Kinda bummed about how cheap they're going for right now.
Someone just bought out my Silvia for 2,000,000.:eek:
Congratulations, I guess :lol:

I saw a buy out of over 2.2 million credits occurring just in front of my eyes while browsing the Auction House. That's absolutely insane considering the S14's original value is only 16.000.

Edit : I was bidding on a MG Metro HE yesterday and grabbed one for just 364K. Must've been very lucky as I pretty much only saw other ongoing auctions in the 600-700K+ range at the time.

I think existing players that are into HE cars have most of the HE cars already, and you're not the only one with this idea, so supply is high and demand is low at this point. Better wait until they've been off the market for a while.
Yeah, in hindsight I probably should've held off auctioning them until the next round of HE cars.
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Bumped off a duplicate E36 HE to auction and somebody bought it for 1,032,000.
Personally I wouldn't go beyond 1hr (the minimum) for auctioning cars. People only bid in the last minute anyway and go for the cheapest one. You can always relist a couple of times if it's not sold. Unless you have a car that's unique (which might tempt people to buy out if it's below the price in the auto show).
There are some great opportunities to flip cars, particularly if there is a Forzathon event running like now. I saw an S1 Caterham available for 45k and bought it instantly. Without making any changes, I listed it for 110k (Made the Auction 3 hours to make bidding less appealing) and it was gone in less than a minute! :eek:
Some of the second round HE cars are dropping in value pretty fast. I grabbed a Metro R64 HE for the starting 300K bid and haven't seen one go above 500k today.