Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Sry but i play this game every week for sometimes 5 sometimes10 hours and do not have to struggle with any broken things. Or maybe i do not notice them because its about some minor details or i need to progress further ? Idk but the game works fine on pc for me. If i notice some accolades not working tbh i do not care much. Minor details. If this game would have some major issues that would make it sometimes unplayable or just interrupt my gameplay sessions you can be sure i would know about them and be mad about it but thats not the case at all. Never was.
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Some things not working correctly but not being enough to affect most players doesn't change the fact some things don't work correctly. Just because you don't notice them or don't have problems doesn't mean other players can't have problems.

As has been explained before, there is no shame in enjoying a game with objective flaws. That doesn't make you bad or the game necessarily bad, but it does mean there's a problem on the development or publishing side of things.

AutumnalGlow described the menus being noticeably slower since a few series ago - I also experience that. Many others here have noticed it too. As someone who also plays every week for at least five or six hours, I also personally experience occasional, unexplainable freezes that aren't related to my hardware (I can sustain a steady 72 fps at 1080p on a mixture of high or ultra settings) that don't cut audio but briefly freeze the visual action. When this happens in an online race, I end up teleported a few dozen feet forward and it takes some quick reflexes to avoid going off course. I don't know if I am the only one to experience that but I severely doubt it.

The long and short of it is a matter of priority - what is going on, on the other side? And what are they aware of and working to actually fix? This is not a new game anymore, we're right to be worried whether these bugs will remain until new content support ends.
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Lots of things being broken isn't opinion, you can't really disagree on that. Unless you just want to ignore objective reality? Things have improved sure, but did you ever try using the multiplayer open world when the game was new? It didn't work. Even now it's mostly empty outside of small groupings in popular areas (the mountain, the festival, etc) and the occasional car you might pass on the road. I haven't played in a few months but I doubt Horizon Arcade has improved either, you still end up doing it alone most of the time. Accolades, the core progression system, still has broken accolades to this day. The Hot Wheels expansion released with a guaranteed crash on PC: if your environment texture quality was High or better, a certain area of the map would crash the game every time. This was part of the introduction to the expansion. Personally I lost all excitement for the expansion around the third or fourth time I had to watch the intro cutscene trying to get it to even work. Unless something changed recently, the PC version still has heavy memory leak issues that deteriorate performance until eventually leading to corrupted textures, where the only fix is to relaunch the game. Many had/are having issues with the menus being slow since the Series 14 update.

For more, see:

Or if you want to feel insulted, see:

Note that there are some "by design" things listed in the latter, which i think most can understand. However, many are genuine issues that Playground have simply declared they will not fix. For example, "Graphics - Vegetation shows low detail on higher spec devices.(Date Updated:02.18.22)" or "Wheelspins - Player may not get both cars when two are shown in wheelspins. (Date Updated: 05.05.22)". Things that certainly should be fixed, but simply will not be, because they have decided against it.

Give me a Microsoft budget, a creative director position, and a good dev team. Then maybe I can do better. Or not. It doesn't matter. "You do it better" is the weakest argument, especially when targeted at one person who is criticizing a large many-person project.
Except the things mentioned in InCloud's quoted post he disagreed with was mostly opinions. It wasn't about things being broken for the most part. Saying the map is designed poorly isn't a fact, it's an opinion. Some people love the map. The map being empty in certain areas isn't a design flaw, people are going to go to where other people are and the past few times I've played I've usually encountered at least one or two other people, even in the outskirts of the map.

I will say systems not working as intended is broken, but who's to say that they aren't working as intended. Yes, I know there are some that are just plain broken, but without context it's hard to say whether this one is opinion or fact.

Economy is non-existent, yes and no.

Developers don't want to do anything about it? This is also untrue. That is exactly why the shut the auction house down for a bit to try and fix things. Granted, it mostly worked, but there's still the issue of the '08 M3. Keep in mind that they audio glitch that occurred in the upgrade menus with the engine sounds has also been fixed.

There are definitely things that are broken, like what you mentioned, but it had nothing to with AK was saying.
Main problem of late Horizon is bad design. Systems doesn't work as intended, map designed poorly for what it should do, economy is non existent. And developers don't want to do anything about it. Series need good game designer who could fine-tune all its systems.
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True multiplayer was broken at release but thats basically standard for every game released with a multiplayer and was fixed very fast. Nowadays multiplayer works fine for me and i even drive the weekly race series in Coop because its more fun than just 1 human against 11 AI that drive all over the place :D I play everything i can with other players to be exact.

Yea and of course AI. Thats an issue since many many Forza Horizon and Motorsport games and gets even worse if you also drive race simulations and know how awesome racing with AI can be but it's so long "broken" or just lets say its not "fun" in Forza i just dont care anymore. But i have a bit hope that with the new FM they will finally be able to do better in that regard.
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FH5 stream this Thursday (2:30 PM GMT)
Is it safe to expect a Torben Tuesday tomorrow?
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Interesting comments on FH5 being broken....

I play it every week on both PC and Series X, and right now I can only think of the following:
  1. Garage thumbnails lose all glass when you recreate them (funnily this hits me only on Series X, not on PC). This is literally the only bug I actually care about.
  2. Road textures go strange after a while on PC. I've had this once since launch (on my RTX 3070 with 8GB video RAM). And it was barely noticeable.
  3. Load times are slower on PC than on Series X. Yup, got that. Those extra ~15 seconds are indeed somewhat strange, but I put it down to DirectStorage 2.0 support not being in Windows 10 and leave it at that.
  4. The "economy". This one is just silly - the game throws credits at you and you can reach 100% garage completion just by playing the game normally. What economy? Why would credits matter? I get the impression that heavy players want some kind of Auction House mini game, but on behalf of all casual players I'm going to say "no thanks, this is fine as it is".
  5. Roads sometimes empty of traffic (especially in Online mode) - can be a bit irritating sometimes, but not a huge deal.
  6. Occasional little things with weekly playlists: There were so unimportant that I've already forgotten what...

Yeah, I can't see any brokenness here. You can argue with opinions on whether FH5's game systems are in need of overhaul. But that's not them being broken, that's just game design choices and the clear focus on millions of casual GamePass users, rather than a small vocal play-all-the-time player base.

To be honest right now I'd argue that FH4 is more broken. It stopped giving me any more Backstage passes, so I have 20+ cars that I would like to claim from the backstage list but no way to get them and my garage collection % is pretty much stuck at 715 cars as a result. That's far more annoying than everything in FH5 combined.
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[*]The "economy". This one is just silly - the game throws credits at you and you can reach 100% garage completion just by playing the game normally. What economy? Why would credits matter? I get the impression that heavy players want some kind of Auction House mini game, but on behalf of all casual players I'm going to say "no thanks, this is fine as it is".

...if you're playing since Series 1 without skipping a single week, maybe. If you joined late? Or have other things to do than hop on every week? Whoops, you now have to hope for the content on the AH and be fast enough to snag it. And have the credits to buy them. Suddenly, credits matter a lot. I have been there, I've played that annoying game on FH4. It's not exactly what I call engaging gameplay to wait for days to snag the cars I want and hope the slow-on-purpose AH responds when I need it to.

You can be a casual player and lament the fact you will never have access to 100% of the cars for the crime of not being here every week. And please - don't speak for all casual players. You aren't their ambassador.

EDIT: I'd like to point out that's what the Backstage Pass was for in FH4.

Yeah, I can't see any brokenness here. You can argue with opinions on whether FH5's game systems are in need of overhaul. But that's not them being broken, that's just game design choices and the clear focus on millions of casual GamePass users, rather than a small vocal play-all-time-time player base.

See my earlier comment. Please don't be the "I don't see it, therefore it doesn't exist" person.
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...if you're playing since Series 1 without skipping a single week, maybe. If you joined late? Or have other things to do than hop on every week? Whoops, you now have to hope for the content on the AH and be fast enough to snag it. And have the credits to buy them. Suddenly, credits matter a lot. I have been there, I've played that annoying game on FH4. It's not exactly what I call engaging gameplay to wait for days to snag the cars I want and hope the slow-on-purpose AH responds when I need it to.

You can be a casual player and lament the fact you will never have access to 100% of the cars for the crime of not being here every week. And please - don't speak for all casual players. You aren't their ambassador.

EDIT: I'd like to point out that's what the Backstage Pass was for in FH4.

See my earlier comment. Please don't be the "I don't see it, therefore it doesn't exist" person.
I missed a couple of years of FH4 and accepted that catching up to garage completion is going to rely on mechanisms such as the seasonal playlist and backstage pass.

So far FH5 has given us a second chance to get pretty much every single playlist-locked car. I'm sure this will continue for players who missed out and want to complete. It doesn't equal a broken game, though.

I'd argue that the AH is definitely NOT the mechanism to catch up on garage completion because nobody could obtain more than 2 copies of any of these cars so most duplicates are sold off as soon as they are obtained. So the AH is just something where you might get really really lucky on a few cars which happen to be being sold, but definitely not the mechanism to finish your garage completion - same as with FH4. So it's a difference of opinion there.
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Garage thumbnails lose all glass when you recreate them (funnily this hits me only on Series X, not on PC). This is literally the only bug I actually care about.
This is somethin' I have as well. This can happen even when you're changing a car's color.
To be clear, I am not thinking that Horizon 5 is broken. Its full of bad gamedesign. 4 games in a row Playground adding new mechanics to formula and in Horizon 5 all of them not working as intended. Only good things in Horizon 5 are driving, visuals and carlist. And nothing of it was done by Horizon 5 dev team during Horizon 5 development. Its legacy of previous games.
And nothing of it was done by Horizon 5 dev team during Horizon 5 development. Its legacy of previous games.

...what? You do realize that this is still mostly the same Playground as previous games, correct?
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Is that a new parking garage?

Doesn't look like a current FH5 asset and out of the realm of possibility from an event lab. Bring on Thursday!
Maybe its a new city map? or maybe some new props to event labs.
This could be it, the series teaser screen does mention new event lab props. Though it would have to be a crazy amount of props to recreate something like that in the event lab, unless it's a prefab building.
Just fired up the game and we've all been gifted the '65 Hoonigan Mustang (Silver varient) and the Ken Block helmet and race suit. There's a load more Ken Block stuff coming next series as well including the return of the Focus 9.

Really looking forward to the next series.
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