Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
I am not sure how good Panic Button is at ports, especially one so hugely optimised as Forza. And PS5 controller support will be interesting - will they embrace the controller or leave triggers unsupported?

Either way, I'm pleased for PS5 users that they get to embrace one of the best car games ever made.
Panic Button handled next-gen port work for FH4, and was also responsible for the Switch ports of the modern Bethesda FPS games. I think they'll do at least a decent job at this point.
..............Why? I'm sure some can break it down how this is a good idea but I just don't see it. Forza has always been for xbox
The long and short of it is that Microsoft hasn't been doing too well with its own exclusive strategy and wants to go third-party. Part of that is porting its old exclusives to PS5--the success of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle there seems to have influenced ports elsewhere.
Then can we see Gran Turismo on xbox too? Please? Pretty please?
There have been GT on PC rumours for years, after some other Playstation exclusives made their way over. But if MS is putting 1st party exclusives on the playstation they are basically admitting that their hardware is not selling well enough. There may not be a next gen Xbox at this rate...
There have been GT on PC rumours for years, after some other Playstation exclusives made their way over. But if MS is putting 1st party exclusives on the playstation they are basically admitting that their hardware is not selling well enough. There may not be a next gen Xbox at this rate...
It's either going to be a portable PC-type device, your twice-upgraded PC or a Sony PS6!
They are many bugs/glitches waiting to be fixed - that said, they are not quite accurate. To name a few:
1. LaFerrari active rear diffuser (was functional in FH3);
2. SF90 Stradale active rear 'spoiler' thingy (they said 'not gonna fix');
3. FXX-K Evo active rear wing (weird enough, is functional on FXX-K);
4. 720S Coupe airbrake (is functional on 720S Spider).

BTW, is it possible to make Rear Wheel Steering functional when having an upgraded suspension?
Nope, you have to use the stock suspension as far as I'm aware.

The wing on SF90 and FXX-K Evo probably needs more rework, that's why they didn't bother to fix it for years now. Looking at the files for both of those cars. The animation for the wing doesn't exist. So its not like they forget to enable it. The FXX-K Evo doesn't even have the wing animation on Forza Motorsport.
People say the competition 'pushes innovation and encourages one another to be the best they can' but really, its only necessary these days to keep the others in check. Without Xbox, Sony would be the only premium console maker around, meaning they have free reign to do / charge whatever they want for their console, services, games and more. Sony did try this with the PS3 and it absolutely blew up in their faces, but it has been nearly 20 years since that whole debacle and the gaming landscape if far different to what it once was.

Agree with you, but and if one party is not able to sustain the blow, then this is where we are.... Just have to wait and see if and how Microsoft can recover to be a better competitor...

Its the same as with Airbus and Boeing...
Boeing is now hurt really bad on so many fronts, it will take years for them to recover, it is impacting Airbus because now all the customers wants an Airbus.... But it is a problem as they cannot satisfy a market that is based on two OEMs, while the other OEM is out of the office....

Customers may and will have to pay more going forward, before Boeing gets back on its feet.

..............Why? I'm sure some can break it down how this is a good idea but I just don't see it. Forza has always been for xbox

I fail to see why you would fail to see what is so clear and flagrant: all the benefits Microsoft can gain by no longer making this exclusive.... Xbox is hurting bad compared to PS, at least Forza vs GT... (From a return of investment perspective)

Standing your own ground when you are not getting any more customers is not going to make things better...

Then can we see Gran Turismo on xbox too? Please? Pretty please?

No. No soup for you. You can get yourself a PlayStation first... Says Sony.

Not gonna lie, I feel a bit weirded out that Forza Horizon 5 is coming to PlayStation 5, given that Forza was Microsoft exclusive for a long time.

I'm also at the same time happy that PlayStation fans can now enjoy Forza.
Why feel weird ?
Forza is a great game, but not great enough to dethrone GT.
Forza lost the battle and war against GT.
There are still much more benefits and financial gain if Microsoft admit it, which they are now, by allowing more people to buy Forza, than to stand their ground and force people like myself to buy an Xbox, something that I will never do, because it is against my religion ☯️ ;)

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Agree with you, but and if one party is not able to sustain the blow, then this is where we are.... Just have to wait and see if and how Microsoft can recover to be a better competitor...

Its the same as with Airbus and Boeing...
Boeing is now hurt really bad on so many fronts, it will take years for them to recover, it is impacting Airbus because now all the customers wants an Airbus.... But it is a problem as they cannot satisfy a market that is based on two OEM, but one OEM is out of the office....

Customers may and will have to pay more going forward, before Boeing gets back on its feet.

I fail to see why you would fail to see what is so clear and flagrant: all the benefits for Microsoft to make this no longer exclusive.... Xbox is hurting bad compared to PS, at least Forza vs GT...

Standing your own grown when you are not getting any more customers is not going to make things better...

No. No soup for you. You can get yourself a PlayStation first... Says Sony.

Why feel weird ?
Forza is a great game, but not great enough to dethrone GT.
Forza lost the battle and war against GT.
There are still much more benefits and financial gain if Microsoft admit it, which they are now, by allowing more people to buy Forza, than to stand their ground and force people like myself to buy an Xbox, something that I will never do, because it is against my religion ☯️ ;)

at least Xbox release more games on PS5 than Sony itself lmao.
I mean I guess it's just the times that I have to get used to. In video game eras I'm still stuck in the pre-2012 days, back when the big 3 systems had several exclusives and xbox main ones were Fable, Forza, Halo, and Gears. But I wonder what that means for FH6, and will this shake up the franchise as a whole being that T10 is not doing so great with FM?
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Never thought this would ever happen, but glad to see it happen! Hoping I can transfer my PC/Xbox data over to PS5 but if not I hope we can atleast crossplay with PS5 and PC/Xbox.
at least Xbox release more games on PS5 than Sony itself lmao.

Was that some sort of dig or gotcha moment from you?

This is a well known strategy already, you are not providing anything new.

Since it cost so much for anyone to develop, produce, sell and make a profit with a console and all associated hardware, both Microsoft and Sony have been losing money with each console sale.

thus Microsoft have decided to pull themselves out of that console war, save money and invest in the clouds infrastructure in replacement of ditching the console

They are setting themselves up to be like Netflix but for video games, getting people to pay monthly, and sell games as you point out, to Sony since Microsoft has been acquiring game developers left and right ...

A different strategy to get money.

The question is how long Sony will push for console sales... Will there ever be a PS6?

Whenever the PS5 comes out, it will be use in until 2040...
Never thought this would ever happen, but glad to see it happen! Hoping I can transfer my PC/Xbox data over to PS5 but if not I hope we can atleast crossplay with PS5 and PC/Xbox.
Cross play is confirmed. Cross save isn't happening according to PG themselves. On PC even saves on Steam and Xbox are separated.
Would be super cool if this would lead to some kind of remastered collection of the previous titles 1-4 so PlayStation players could experience these too. I know there’s the problem with licensing, but I would imagine some kind of light versions of the previous titles with cars which are licensed right now and fit the individual title, and go trough one single campaign that stretches over all these 4 titles with races in different classes, Show events, some dangersigns, speedtraps etc. using iconic cars from theses titles, but still with free roam and some activities sure.

And maybe to celebrate this they could implement some car of a PlayStation IP, maybe from Twisted Metal or something
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I've had 53 skill points refunded.

I've had them refunded from my 2 Peel P50's. The Devs have reset the skill trees due to an exploit you could do to get Super Wheel Spins. Overkill I think, but hey ho.

So, FH5 is coming to PlayStation then. I can't say I'm not surprised. Microsoft (MS) has since the Activision buy out slowly moved to publishing on multi-platform.

Whilst I'm not fully against console exclusivity; I believe a console manufacturer has the right to produce for their console only however 3rd party publishers should supply all machines, this move does make me worry for the future of Xbox.

Following on from my statement in the above paragraph, if the console developer starts producing/supplying games for it's major rival what is going on? My business acumen you fit on a postage stamp so the board at MS are far more qualified than I am. Are they:

1, Relying on software sales to support the console manufacturing arm? Their current game sales are impressive enough across platforms.

2, Trying to lure potential buyers across with look what you can have earlier on Xbox? FH5 is after 3 years old, and other games going across aren't Day 1.

3, Or some other business strategy way above my head. Suggestions are welcome.

I just really hope this doesn't lead to MS eventually leaving the console manufacturing business and becoming a Sega. On a personal note I've invested a lot of money in the franchise and in this generation I have built up a sizable digital content which I don't want to loose. On a larger scale the Video Game business I believe needs MS, Sony and Nintendo at least to survive. MS and Sony need each other for competition and development, and we as consumers need them to be competing so no monopoly develops and we loose out.

Nintendo I believe would be blown out the water by either MS or Sony if they were the only competition. I love Nintendo, they're creative geniuses that the business as a whole needs. I believe that's why they flourish so well, that and Mario with the casual gamer. However, as a company in a straight up console war head to head against MS or Sony they just couldn't compete financially.

So in short, yes I am worried about the future of Xbox and this move doesn't help. I do though still hold some faith in the MS board.

Edit: On a minor plus point I've just had a thought. With PS5 players joining us in Mexico, hopefully the roads will be busier 🤞
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Surely there will still be some monthly content updates now it's on a new platform? Otherwise, PS5 players will be getting a shadow of the experience we have enjoyed.
The Devs have hinted in this month's content release article that we'll still get some sporadic updates.
Specifically, I believe they're referring to this in the article about the PS5 port, a new Series update containing (at least I presume) cycling fan-favorite Evolving World set pieces called Horizon Realms. My guess is, the cycling ice rink and Winter Wonderland update from Holidays Mixup was a dry run for this update in the future. For now, assume this is our final content update.


It's also worth noting that this is probably why they added Playlist voting this Series. This way, the PS5 players get to choose their own adventure in terms of what cars they want next--otherwise I bet PG would've done an FH4 and just curated some fan-favorite Series to run through on repeat until it delists. :P
That's definitely how I'm reading it too - the playlist voting lets all of the new players experience the previous content, and combined with Backstage Pass helps them dip into all of the cars of the last few years. I suspect Realms is another choose-your-own-repeat too, as is the title screen selector I suppose. Better than all of the hard work that went into the last three years never being seen again.
That's definitely how I'm reading it too - the playlist voting lets all of the new players experience the previous content, and combined with Backstage Pass helps them dip into all of the cars of the last few years. I suspect Realms is another choose-your-own-repeat too, as is the title screen selector I suppose. Better than all of the hard work that went into the last three years never being seen again.
I think that'd be a bit untenable; being able to choose your own Evolving World set piece would kinda complicate the way Horizon Life works. Imagine someone who, for example, prefers an empty stadium looking up and seeing a fellow player just... Hanging out in empty space because they chose to have the Stunt Arena as their permanent Evolving World piece. It'll probably just cycle weekly through the fan favorites and then it'll vanish as soon as it's over.