Forza Motorsport 5 Pictures Thread

  • Thread starter King1982
Good lord. That's wheels removed, body upgrades removed, cars (I'm supposed to believe new cars like the Hudson or XK120 weren't future-proofed when introduced to FM4?) and who knows what else.

I'm losing interest by the day and the glaring annoyances are still just as prevalent as ever. Alas, this isn't the proper thread for this.
I wouldn't like to be in Turn10's shoes if FM6 ships with a similarly truncated feature list.
You have to go access it through the test drive menu or through the tag hopper. The only way to get the photos is in test drive, though.

Hey, thanks Minty. Found it tonight and had fun in an F10 M5. Would be great to get more open spaces like that in expansion packs.
It would be nice to see more, but at the moment I'm just happy to have something so much better than the dull test track from 4.

Also, surprised it took me to get one of these considering it's the closest thing to my actual car in-game(Until it's added through DLC? *crosses fingers*):

The shadow detail in this game never stops impressing me.

Functional turbo guages continue to make me wonder why there isn't a guage built into the UI...

Spent loads of time tuning it for grip on the most demanding track I could think of. Loads of fun to drive.

Seriously, these shadows...

Good lord. That's wheels removed, body upgrades removed, cars (I'm supposed to believe new cars like the Hudson or XK120 weren't future-proofed when introduced to FM4?) and who knows what else.

I'm losing interest by the day and the glaring annoyances are still just as prevalent as ever. Alas, this isn't the proper thread for this.

Did this reply honestly need to be left in a thread like this?

We've been over the lack of content many times and you'd think someone in a pictures thread in the game would notice that most of these car models and tracks have been redone from scratch so expecting straight ports of content from a previous title on last-gen is pretty silly.
I really hope we get new aftermarket whels as DLC, because we've had this selection since FM2 and they frankly don't match up with these modern cars.
Christmas holiday Shots :D








