Had two more crashes this morning while trying to select a car from the garage.
Had two last night while racing where my whole system went down.
Not quite sure what happened there, could be the PSU overheated.
When I build the system I put a Gold 750 PSU in it but after a few days it was restarting a lot. after checking everything determined it was the PSU. I had an older 600 PSU from one of my other systems that I used in it and seemed fine. The last two evenings though I have gotten 3 restarts while racing. The first showed a blue screen event in the log, the other two show no indication as to what happened which is usually the case if the PSU drops out. It was also slow to restart but the light never went out on the MB so it was getting at least partial power so not sure at this point if it was game related or PSU.
I did play pretty much all day both days and this happened both times later in the evening like 10pm or so, it does tend to get warmer in here in the evening when playing all day due to heat from the LCDS and PCs so not sure it that is the case or not. If it happens again I will open it up and make sure there is no dust obstructing the PSU vents and/or swap out the PSU and see if that fixes it.
The whole missing textures thing is a bit annoying, more so because when I look at the official forums the only mention of this says to lower your graphics settings and of course that does absolutely nothing to curb the issue. It happens at the exact same point if I am on high, med or low settings not to mention my card is the one they recommend and my CPU is better than the recommended cpu so I would expect to be able to play in 4k with med/high settings or better. Yet even at 1080p with low/med settings it still does this. I also see it is happening to people with better GPUs and more vram and less vram as well as some who use ATI cards and happens on both Intel and AMD cpus so either it is the game or Windows that is the issue.
I have tried disabling game mode, game dvr, game bar, closing other programs, none of it seemed to make any noticeable difference at all. So on this issue I can;t think of anything else to try on my end. Well i guess I could yell at T10