I found the Lola to be the better car out of the available cars for this series.I generally`rent`all the cars one by one that are allowed in a series and try them out before spending my credits.I found the mclaren T163 to be fast as but a bit unstable for me,the Mantra and Nissan more stable but I wasnt able to string a decent lap with them.
I put sports tyres onto the Lola and I felt happy with it,seemed to stop ok but cornering a little iffy.
I play on XSX with controller.
To add,I went back and replayed this tour using the Mantra.Not quite as fast as the Lola but so much nicer to drive,doesnt excel at anything but does everything it should,if that makes sense.Still a poor finish on Mapel valley,ive never got on with that track since it appeared in the FM series.