#Forzathon: August 2017

  • Thread starter PJTierney
I think the achievement for the 914 is broken because I finished 11th in the co-op race I did last night (which was an absolute wreck fest, I thought the FM6 lobbies were terrible) and still won it and the 928 at the same time. The 928 is a fantastic cruiser, speaking of which. It's really, really well suited to the long sweeping turns around the coast from Byron to Surfers and it sounds glorious as well.
So you got your Porsches?

Eventually after about 3 hours. Kept getting either kicked out or it would tell me "joining session, synchronising drivatars, synchronising traffic" and then "xgbsupergun" or whoever is leading the race and I'm sitting there like a lemon thinking "wtf, there are no drivatars around" and no GPS marker to tell me where to go. I very nearly gave up and then a couple of French guys I think started this muscle coop and I seemed to recall the 351F was a VIP car. Even sent one of them a message thanking them!! Lmfao. That's it I made up my mind. No Gold membership for me- complete pain in the arse!!
I wish I could win a second 928. There aren't many in the auction house if any when I checked a few times; they're really expensive too.


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The prizes doesn't seem to be working for me. I tried some races, solo and coop with the Aventador SV, and... nothing.
Ridiculous. Wasted an hour trying to find a room. And they are like 20mill at the auction house.

It pisses me off when I see people online just driving around without really doing anything. No life much.

Now I'm done with gaming for today unfortunately. Got work and other adulting things to do.
Ridiculous. Wasted an hour trying to find a room. And they are like 20mill at the auction house.

It pisses me off when I see people online just driving around without really doing anything. No life much.

Now I'm done with gaming for today unfortunately. Got work and other adulting things to do.
I'll be online in about 12-13 hours (0600 Pacific time). My screen name is my gamertag. Look me up. Someone tried to join me about an hour ago and I was in the middle of taking a picture. I couldn't return to the main screen in time to accept their request. I didn't recognize the gamer tag. Hope it wasn't you.
Scored the 914 in the Auction House for a measly CR 135,000. There were two at this price, and the rest were CR 20,000,000.

Now to find a cheap 928!
At this point I'm thinking I'll just have to wait for FM7 to get into a 928.

Edit: Several hours into it - FINALLY I have the 914 & 928. What a pain.
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Okay, I'm on right now. Anyone who still wants a 928 or 914, hit me up. My screenname is my gamertag. I'll be on for the next 11 hours or so. I'm at work, though, so I won't always be able to race. I can start races. I just won't be able to race them. You run the race, you win the cars.
I hate to complain but this is why I wish some of the Forzathon cars would go to showroom and be sold so players wouldn't have to spend 20 million CR on a car that's not worth it. Just my opinion though.
Any folks online up for a quick co-op sesh for the 928 and 914? Hit me up at my GT of Quattro Saltire and I'll try and invite you.

Update: Nevermind, found a random session eventually and got both cars.
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It's annoying but you can get the 928 on your own as well. Pop into the VIP A-class Aussi Ford (I forgot what type it is), go to coop mode and find a group. If you end up in a group where noone is racing then leave and restart the proces. If you see people racing just wait and normally they should start a new race after theirs is finished. Being in that Ford already they probably know why you are there and will help out.

Took me 2 tries that way though, the first party I joined they kicked me and another fellow out for no reason...

But I agree it's a bit of a pain, we're so spoiled to be able to do the Forzathons all by ourselves it's not as fun requiring someone to coop with IMO. Not that it's not possible, it just feels more of a hassle instead of fun, especially if you are like me and barely played any coop. At this late stage of the FH3 life cycle it's certainly not the most fun type of multiplayer either.

But it's worth it! I don't know the 928 that well myself, thought it would be similar to the 944 Turbo but I like the 928 more. :)
I'm only frustrated because it is a huge waste of time. Been trying to do it today too, but either I get kicked, or they set a stunt or drift event. Scoring three starts doesn't give you the car. I give up for today. Not a single 928 at the auction house either. And I don't have time to grind for 20mil.

Thanks for the help anyway. Will try tomorrow.
I'll be on for a little while if anyone wants to Co-op for the 928. GT is xXSurturRising.
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I'll be on for a little while if anyone wants to Co-op for the 928. GT is xXSurturRising.

I'm out of options... I really would appreciate the help.

EDIT: I haven't lost faith in humanity. Some dude started a race for me. I just wanted the 928 but got both cars even though I lost (never drive a Koeggnisessggg Reggera with clutch). Thanks again Lead Palm, whoever you are and wherever you are :cheers:

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GT: CAB64 Will be Co-Oping through 6:30-8:30PM Pacific Standard Time for today. I am willing to help anyone on August 27 through 12-8PM PST.
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I love how it's the manual version. I can use the clutch! I was afraid it would be the automatic one. Funny how the interior is even modeled as an auto viewed from the chase camera.

And man, does it sound nice!! Very throaty V8 in cockpit. Beautiful car indeed. Exceeded my expectations.

It was very frustrating to get though. #ForzathonNeverAgain
Im pretty sure I helped three people get their 928s last night. With about two hours to go before the Forzathon ended, a name I didn't recognized asked to join my campaign. I clicked yes and three people showed up. I started a race, they all chose VIP cars. When the race was over, all three quit the campaign.
So I'm pretty angry at this.

Could get the 914 but couldn't start a coop with my friends in any way. Lots of network errors. My two friends also tried and no success.

I wanted the 928 so much. :( Damn!
So tomorrow I get a 2nd chance to win the Sesto Elemento..

I was annoyed with myself for missing it first time around >.<.. I hope it's doesn't involve playing online.

People have said "Oh just pick one up in the Auction".. Have you seen the prices they go for on there?.. I'm not Scrooge Mcduck and I don't own a Pit of Money I can just dive into for fun (Which is highly not recommended in real life :P)

I lost interest in Horizon 3 awhile ago but will play it again just to try and get this :)
Might give tomorrow's Forzathon a miss. I already have the Sesto, but the XP and wheelspins, maybe. Don't normally do Adventures since I join halfway in it and don't have a lot of time to wait to do a full one.
Huh. Clubs, Rivals and Marketplace are all greyed out on my pause screen, and the Forzathon is locked.
Edit: The Clubs, Rivals and Marketplace tabs are all active again, but the Forzathon is still locked. I ran a championship anyway and got the achievement and the Sesto Elemento, so I guess it's working.
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