free roaming?( drive to the races in cars)

  • Thread starter el flexo
el flexo
would it actually work? what do you think?:drool:

No, chances are if you are racing at the track in 99% of these cars you would trailer them to the track. So basically you would be driving your truck with trailer to the races. Sounds boring to me. Plus the free roam is over rated. It was great for GTA and an interesting idea for the NFS games but other then that it has no use in the GT world. It's not like you are going to be racing people at stoplights for slips or anything and street racing is for teenagers and 20 somethings that still live at home. The GT series is WAY to grown up for that garbage.
Also would it be fun driving for hours to get from one track in your country to the next, let's include an airport too so you have to fly to other countries when the next race is somewhere else. Woudn't work at all. Not even driving to the tune shop would work because racing teams don't pop down to their local Deemontweaks to buy new brakes for their attempt at building a WRC car. All making youdrive from one place o another would do is make it longer to get things done.
I think some kind of free roam would actually would be kind of fun. BUT not for another few GT's lets get the physics, and everythign elese fixed before we expaned to somthing like this. So we'll be looking at maybe GT9 for PS5.
a very cool idea, but it would risk the GT series turning into a NFS: Most Wanted sort of thing. however, maybe if it was done right, (no stoplight races, no pink slip races) and just blasting around new york, that could be sweet:tup:
This has been long discussed. No free roaming. I don't like the idea, plain and simple. Why put in extra unecessary elements when the focal point is on racing? I'm sorry. I usually go the other way everytime I see this mentioned. Just like "IMADreamer" mentioned, it isn't Gran Turismo. What? You want to drive a car to a track just to see a McDonalds or a Ferrari dealer? You want to risk damaging your car because of bad drivers (or bad driving) when (or if) you get to the track? This idea is about as stupid as the "I'm not buying GT5 or a PS3 if the (manufacturer) (model) isn't in GT5." I don't feel like driving a car to a track. This idea seemingly favors an RPG-style world, and Gran Turismo is no RPG nor is it in an RPG-style world. I know the PS2 may well be a powerplant for the PS3. I don't want to see power wasted and space used over something not a lot of people are going to enjoy. If a lot of you think that no car damage is stupid, well... THIS is stupid. Everyone loved Forza, so did Forza Motorsport have free roaming? Did GTR have free roaming? Is the upcoming Tourist Trophy going to have free roaming? So why would you want it for GT5?

Ditch the free roaming. Don't even make it optional. You have races to run, so why focus on something other than that? It's a silly idea. Lock it in a safe and throw it into the Atlantic Ocean. Let it sleep with the fishes like the Titanic and that damn Celine Dion song I can't stand from that movie. You dig? Now go ahead and jump on my back for me not saying "yes, it would work."
the idea of free roaming isnt that bad, but i would say only with street cars, and if you speed or if you have accident, your racing license will be gone, like in real life.

but only free roaming with street cars, none racing one, and you can go with them to the races, but not race with em.

i think that would be cool...but for sure not with a Minolta cruising at 55 mph!!! :)
I would like to drive some country roads though, the roads you see in car programms, not to race but just to drive them a little. An american desert wuld be very cool too, you know, driving your Dodge Viper on a long long straight road with desert all around you, seeing the heat coming from the sand and tarmac in the distance. A HUUUUGGEEEEE Test course, one thats 3 times as big as the current one, but with more detail besides the road, I recently saw a clip on TV from the Nardo circuit to test a car's top speed. That track was awsome.

Maybe some english country roads too, I dont know. Would be cool:)
Kinda like a driving park, except larger scale. Just an area of the game, where you have roads that diverge and what not and then come back togethre, that would NOT be timed by default, would be kind of fun.

Basically, a place to screw around in at your leisure, where you can pick which turns you take and stuff...
I think some kind of free roam would actually would be kind of fun. BUT not for another few GT's lets get the physics, and everythign elese fixed before we expaned to somthing like this. So we'll be looking at maybe GT9 for PS5.

Agreed !

If by then it's still called The Real Driving Simulator and not The Real Racing Simulator, I think it could/should be fun.

Having a free roaming city, ie public streets would not be good for a few reasons, firstly many cars in GT4 are not road legal so you couldn't use them, secondly you'd have to stop at lights, indicate at turns and keep below the speed limits. Not sticking to thoes things turns GT into a NFS:MW competitior straight away and would cause absolute havok in trying to license many cars, even entire companies could pull out like Nissan who as an example almost definitely would. Then you have the problems of modelling a city in that much detail for a feature that's not going to be a focus point of the game in the first palce. The idea of somewhere you could cghoose your turns ect sounds great, have a proper driving park with a series of connected tracks much like what we had in ToCA 2 back on the PS. There was a skid pan, a backed oval, a dirt track and a series of short and long road tracks all interwined with eachother and connected.

el flexo, don't worry I don't think anyones yelling at you ;).
No, chances are if you are racing at the track in 99% of these cars you would trailer them to the track. So basically you would be driving your truck with trailer to the races. Sounds boring to me. Plus the free roam is over rated. It was great for GTA and an interesting idea for the NFS games but other then that it has no use in the GT world. It's not like you are going to be racing people at stoplights for slips or anything and street racing is for teenagers and 20 somethings that still live at home. The GT series is WAY to grown up for that garbage.

Amen:) 👍
Having a free roaming city, ie public streets would not be good for a few reasons, firstly many cars in GT4 are not road legal so you couldn't use them, secondly you'd have to stop at lights, indicate at turns and keep below the speed limits. Not sticking to thoes things turns GT into a NFS:MW competitior straight away and would cause absolute havok in trying to license many cars, even entire companies could pull out like Nissan who as an example almost definitely would. Then you have the problems of modelling a city in that much detail for a feature that's not going to be a focus point of the game in the first palce. The idea of somewhere you could cghoose your turns ect sounds great, have a proper driving park with a series of connected tracks much like what we had in ToCA 2 back on the PS. There was a skid pan, a backed oval, a dirt track and a series of short and long road tracks all interwined with eachother and connected.

el flexo, don't worry I don't think anyones yelling at you ;).

Well I think it's not gonna be The Real Simulator, I'm happy if the cars handle like real life, and for the free roam stuff, just dont include traffic lights, just make one long long route 66 (That never ends, that buffers random stuff, never the same, in desert style). That would be cool! Plus a little map with english country roads on wich I can make some cool photographs:cool:
Then that's not free roam, that's a random track generator where your driving along one long road that's being generated as you drive. Yeah that'd be cool, but it's not free roam and I'd still need the game to feature test tracks, you couldn't test your cars that well on a randomly generated circuit like that.
It's not like you are going to be racing people at stoplights for slips or anything and street racing is for teenagers and 20 somethings that still live at home. The GT series is WAY to grown up for that garbage.

lol that is funny and true. I think one of the reasons people want free roaming is because right now the GT4 World interface is rather boring. It's just a plain white map with little icons to take you to a race. They need to improve on that. Maybe have a cutscene of your trailer unloading your car when you get to a track or something. Add things like that and I doubt people will want freeroaming.
Kinda like a driving park, except larger scale. Just an area of the game, where you have roads that diverge and what not and then come back togethre, that would NOT be timed by default, would be kind of fun.

Basically, a place to screw around in at your leisure, where you can pick which turns you take and stuff...
I like this idea, but where different conditions happen on different roads.

Be a great chance to test your cars' abilities in certain conditions. I'd rather have something like this replace Test Track.

But no, no cities and what not. Though I DO like driving through cities in games and acting like a normal citizen, I'll wait for Test Drive to do that instead of GT.
The ultimate free roam would be
"When I get 100 million credits in GT5 I want to be able buy a 747 jet transport, go to my paint shop, paint it in my team colours and free roam the worlds air space looking for new tracks to drive."
"GT5 and the PS3 will be so powerful that every road in the world will be modelled by real time satellite download with real time weather that I can free roam at will in any city in the world."
Both statements are made to show how unsutable free roam would be for GT5.

I like the idea of a video clip of your car being unloaded from a transporter before each race. It would make a nice visual feature while the race loads up.
Uncle Harry
The ultimate free roam would be
"When I get 100 million credits in GT5 I want to be able buy a 747 jet transport, go to my paint shop, paint it in my team colours and free roam the worlds air space looking for new tracks to drive."
"GT5 and the PS3 will be so powerful that every road in the world will be modelled by real time satellite download with real time weather that I can free roam at will in any city in the world."
Both statements are made to show how unsutable free roam would be for GT5.

I like the idea of a video clip of your car being unloaded from a transporter before each race. It would make a nice visual feature while the race loads up.
Something like part of the intro to GT1?

Anyways, though Test Drive did model every Oahu road, you can still see the difference between the 2.
I don't like freeroaming too much, but I like the long and winding road idea. (Kinda reminds my of an old Beatles hit.)
I would also beg of Polyphony to add a bit more pre-race footage. Maybe something like the new Nascar games, where your looking over the track and stuff while you adjust your car and stuff. Something like that would offer more of a diversion from the cold world of going back and forth between little computer type icons and scrolling down menus.
But no full on freeroaming.
Uncle Harry
I like the idea of a video clip of your car being unloaded from a transporter before each race. It would make a nice visual feature while the race loads up.

that sounds amazing. i like the "pan" over the track, maybe during a practice. great ideas.

freeroam, not in those terms. i like the "test road" with a long winding road, sounds like a great idea. but no freeroam...ruins the game completely...

great input all
Uncle Harry
I like the idea of a video clip of your car being unloaded from a transporter before each race. It would make a nice visual feature while the race loads up.

That would be a nice loading screen. Maybe they could do several pre race loading screens so you don't see the same ones over and over again. Maybe they could do the trailer thing, and a view of the paddock where you would see your team going over the last minute checks of your car before the race starts up or they could show you climbing into the car and strapping in. It would be a nice change from regular loading screens.
i have mentioned this before. free roaming used as a means of game navigation is imo, a horible idea. free roaming for the sake of stoplight draging with other cars has no place in gt. free roaming for the sake of searching out and driving obscure vacant roads could be cool, but is still ilegal. so i dont see it. the only way i see free roaming being a good idea is if it were emplimented as a part of the online interface (if included) a sort of online city (generic or otherwise) to cruise around in could be a cool way for players to interact online. not for the sake of racing in, but picture yourself cruzing around in your car of choice and you see a cool car turn into an adjacent street (driven by annother player of course) you of course catch up to them if only to inspect there car. perhaps even look at it's specs and maby buy an example of it if the owner would allow it. of course if you do chose to race them. you would have the option to at any of gt's many venues. agreed upon mutualy of course. i think this could work. complicated yes, but it could work.
i have mentioned this before. free roaming used as a means of game navigation is imo, a horible idea. free roaming for the sake of stoplight draging with other cars has no place in gt. free roaming for the sake of searching out and driving obscure vacant roads could be cool, but is still ilegal. so i dont see it. the only way i see free roaming being a good idea is if it were emplimented as a part of the online interface (if included) a sort of online city (generic or otherwise) to cruise around in could be a cool way for players to interact online. not for the sake of racing in, but picture yourself cruzing around in your car of choice and you see a cool car turn into an adjacent street (driven by annother player of course) you of course catch up to them if only to inspect there car. perhaps even look at it's specs and maby by an example of it if the owner would allow it. of course if you do chose to race them. you would have the option to at any of gt's many venues. agreed upon mutualy of course. i think this could work. complicated yes, but it could work.

i REALLY like that idea...amazing visual :)
Some good ideas here. I really think that PD should incorporate free roaming, but in a different way then ya'll have described. We need to eliminate invisible walls!!! Not so much, that you can go drive on other streets, but let's take Grand Canyon for example. You should be able to fly off the edge if you mess up!! Not, bounce off some non exisitant wall!! It would bring way more realism to the game I think.
No, chances are if you are racing at the track in 99% of these cars you would trailer them to the track. So basically you would be driving your truck with trailer to the races. Sounds boring to me. Plus the free roam is over rated. It was great for GTA and an interesting idea for the NFS games but other then that it has no use in the GT world. It's not like you are going to be racing people at stoplights for slips or anything and street racing is for teenagers and 20 somethings that still live at home. The GT series is WAY to grown up for that garbage.

Make your words, mine. Also JohnBM01's.
While I don't think I would like being *forced* to free roam, I do think it would be an fantastic addition to the game. I would love to be able to take a classic european sports car (or a modern one) and drive about the countryside. Something like Google Earth but from the cockpit of a Alpine 1600s or maybe a Lotus Elise :-) I'm not even talking about racing these areas, just being to go out and drive virtual portions of the earth.

Essentially, I would love to do what these three guys do:

P.S. What show is that? I want to see more of these three guys, they are a riot.
Uncle Harry
The ultimate free roam would be
"When I get 100 million credits in GT5 I want to be able buy a 747 jet transport, go to my paint shop, paint it in my team colours and free roam the worlds air space looking for new tracks to drive."
"GT5 and the PS3 will be so powerful that every road in the world will be modelled by real time satellite download with real time weather that I can free roam at will in any city in the world."
Both statements are made to show how unsutable free roam would be for GT5.

I like the idea of a video clip of your car being unloaded from a transporter before each race. It would make a nice visual feature while the race loads up.

thats an awsome idea . more cinimatics would make it alot better ..the graphics would get shown off even more
The free roam thing is coming, just not in Gran Turismo.

It's Test Drive Unlimited for X360 that you're looking for.
But the online racing is where Test Drive Unlimited really comes into its own, as the system Atari have designed is so brilliant and yet so simple you have to wonder why no-one has thought of it before. The system for setting up a race is dead easy. All you have to do is cruise the streets looking for other players and when you come across one you reckon you can take, you give them a flash of your lights. Over on your opponent’s screen a challenge message will flash up and if they accept you both drop to the map where you both place your bets. Whoever is challenged gets to pick the start and finish points and then the game drops back to let you both get on with the race.

Now this is the clever bit. The online Oahu is really just one great big interactive lobby, so when you go into a race, you drop out of the multiplayer world so that just you and your opponent can get on and race. There’ll still be AI traffic to negotiate and other than the fact there’s no other human drivers around, you won’t notice any difference. But what this does do is make sure the race is as fair as possible as neither of you will have to contend with unpredictable human driver careening around or perhaps even mates of your foe trying to sabotage your efforts.

So you have the big city in the game in online mode as well and you can cruise around, and you can find somebody to "challenge" you flash your lights to them, (and if they accept I presume), then it takes to your own private version of the city and you select to race from a point to another point in the big city, and you have to dodge traffic and all that.

It's brilliant.

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