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👍Back in business!
Internet was reconnected today, after moving house.
Thanks to all who ran my bobs while i was down, now running on reciprocate.
Dude that is cool if you want to leave, but let me suggest something. You can put everyone in reciprocate and add some of your friends who you still want to grind in there too. I have a few friends who arent in the club that I still wanted to pay back and this is what I did. I haven't had any problems using this method. If you must leave though, good luck to you.
Its cool. thx Matt. I really don't need the grind tho- I have 1200 or so cars and just messing around to get different paint or tunes nowadays. Lots of friends are racing me all the time so no big deal. I thought I'd let the club guys do their thing and I'll just run the widget with my friends list.
PSN: gearloos
BTW guys, how often do you run into the issue not having a full 16 race grid? I seem to get this daily, I wish there was a fix for it.![]()
Man, I'm running into "Temporary Server Issue" left and right. Anyone running into this? Remoting is quite annoying today lol.![]()
06/20/11 21:25:32.215: Resetting state. Waiting for 1 minute(s). Will not reauthenticate.
06/20/11 21:26:37.624: Server sent bad data. Retrying. (Attempt 1)
06/20/11 21:26:42.853: Server sent bad data. Retrying. (Attempt 2)
06/20/11 21:26:48.027: Server sent bad data. Retrying. (Attempt 3)
06/20/11 21:26:48.032: Could not successfully retrieve data! Will try reconnecting in 1 minute.
06/20/11 21:26:48.077: Resetting state. Waiting for 1 minute(s). Will not reauthenticate.
06/20/11 21:27:53.534: Server sent bad data. Retrying. (Attempt 1)
06/20/11 21:27:54.900: Yay! The re-request worked!
06/20/11 21:27:55.028: RAW STATUS: Racing.
I'm having less than full grids plus gran-turismo.com and the widget both say I have 7 drivers.
Man, I'm running into "Temporary Server Issue" left and right. Anyone running into this? Remoting is quite annoying today lol.![]()
I'm still having full grids. Have you tried what I recommended in the post here https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=5473615#post5473615 ?
I run the widget whenever i am not infront of the tv so it can be running all day if i am out.
Proove yourself and use my b specs and i give you my word i will have you in my random used race people. Only one person is on the "always use" bracket
I run the widget whenever i am not infront of the tv so it can be running all day if i am out.
Proove yourself and use my b specs and i give you my word i will have you in my random used race people. Only one person is on the "always use" bracket
After a few days...
Should we remove a5ayaka?
He is running only Laguna Seca and only 0-8 bobs of the club/race.
firestartarThis is The Frequent BSpec Grinders Club 2! We don't need to prove anything..
What you need to do is state your interest nicely and maybe when a member drops out, you will be considered.
Full grids : i get maybe two races every hour that are not full, maybe 14 or 15 drivers. But if i lower threads and increase delay, then it becomes worse.. almost every race will start with less than 10 drivers. So i just leave it at defaults 4 threads/0 delay. Its been like that for me ever since the widget supported threads/delay.