Frequent B-spec Grinders Club 2

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As far as a5ayaka goes he is running races and I see his post here and the reply but unless he does a 180 here I say we move forward with someone new in his spot. Checking 12 races (last 24 or so hours) for a total of 192 driver slots only 18 of those are club members.

I don't want to be an ass or something, but that's not enough,.. So I'd say we wait another day for any response and when there is nothing we remove him.

I'd say the club brings about ~3M credits / per day.

Welcome back blacktalon2001.
Welcome DiviousOne.
Welcome gearloos.
New members, please send FR to everyone in the club you don't have as PSN friends yet.
I don't want to be an ass or something, but that's not enough,.. So I'd say we wait another day for any response and when there is nothing we remove him.

I'd say the club brings about ~3M credits / per day.

Welcome back blacktalon2001.
Welcome DiviousOne.
Welcome gearloos.

I know blacktalon and Divious but who is gearloos? And why not geordie139 (or is that gearloos)? Everybody seems to have a couple accounts. :)

Is anyone else having problems with the widget in the context that my widget is saying "connecting to ps3" but my ps3 is logged in and on server mode waiting. It seems to do it randomly and brings grinding to a halt even when it was working the previous race and I didn't touch anything.

I think I'm describing the problem badly. I went and looked at the tv and it was stuck on the black screen after a race is over and it goes back to the server standby mode. I quit the game and came back and looked at the log. The race ended 45 minutes earlier and GT5 never even made it back to the standby mode. Wow. It aggrevates me how long it takes to navigate the menus in gt5, but if it fails to even return to a menu/standby, then that is just terrible.
Is anyone else having problems with the widget in the context that my widget is saying "connecting to ps3" but my ps3 is logged in and on server mode waiting. It seems to do it randomly and brings grinding to a halt even when it was working the previous race and I didn't touch anything.

It's not the widgets fault, it's PSN hiccups if it happens.

Saw your update, yes, that has happened me a few times since 1.10 update. Not often though, but it can happen. Same with neverending loading of La Sarthe. :(
I know blacktalon and Divious but who is gearloos? And why not geordie139 (or is that gearloos)? Everybody seems to have a couple accounts. :)


Just one account here.
PSN: geordie139
Cheers bud,i'll have a clean up of my friends list and get the requests sent out tomorrow.
LOL my second X1! What color did you get? I got the matte black one.

Welcome new members!

I picked the orange I wanted to Chrome paint it but didn't let me the carp thing is it's got less power then the one u get at level 35 oh well just gotta win the other one then I have all 3 of the x1 s
Ty for adding me to the list, sent out all invites right now. again TY

Welcome to the club sir. I just joined recently and have found the benefits tremendous (2mil+ a day) and just to let all the new members know, I run mon-fri for about 10 hrs a day.

So if you are wondering why I am not on during weekends, I give the ps3 a rest and it is movie nights most of the time then. If I can squeeze some remoting in on weekends, I will always try, but I am always guaranteed during the week.:)
Woke up this morning and PS3 was again frozen at loading La Sarthe so I lost one hour of grinding. :D

Back in business now. :)
Wonder if its
a issue with the debug feature

The widget has nothing and absolutely nothing to do with what the PS3 does.

There is no connection between the widget and the PS3.
The widget only use to run B-spec. The same thing you can do manually through the site.
Qoncip - twist my arm lol.

As far as a5ayaka goes he is running races and I see his post here and the reply but unless he does a 180 here I say we move forward with someone new in his spot. Checking 12 races (last 24 or so hours) for a total of 192 driver slots only 18 of those are club members.

At least he runs your drivers and a few others sometimes now on Laguna Seca. :D

Last 5 races, 6 club members used if I checked correctly.

Woke up this morning and PS3 was again frozen at loading La Sarthe so I lost one hour of grinding. :D

Back in business now. :)

Same, but mine stopped at 2 am, so I lost 5 hours. This seems to happen to me every day, doesn't want to persist more than 3-4 hours at a time, then something hiccups and I lose time and grinding. I feel guilty recently because I'm getting far less grinding in than I did before 1.10, but its not cuz i'm not trying. I don't know if its my ps3, internet connection or the servers. Either way I blame 1.10 patch, I could go forever before.
Same, but mine stopped at 2 am, so I lost 5 hours. This seems to happen to me every day, doesn't want to persist more than 3-4 hours at a time, then something hiccups and I lose time and grinding. I feel guilty recently because I'm getting far less grinding in than I did before 1.10, but its not cuz i'm not trying. I don't know if its my ps3, internet connection or the servers. Either way I blame 1.10 patch, I could go forever before.

Agree, I blame 1.10 as well on this.
I'm back from my trip. Happy Father's Day to you fathers out there and thank you so much for those of you who raced me while I was gone. I am going to turn on my PS3 now and will be putting widget on recipro.
Hey guys - remove me from the club roster. I'm having plenty of fun running the widget, its on 24/7, and I have lots of people in my friends list.
I like to turn it on and watch the races sometimes and don't really like just watching La Sarth. I also like to set everyone to reciprocate to be fair and don't want to feel guilty for not adding everyone in the club roster as always use, thereby cutting out people who have been grinding me.
PSN: gearloos
Hey guys - remove me from the club roster. I'm having plenty of fun running the widget, its on 24/7, and I have lots of people in my friends list.
I like to turn it on and watch the races sometimes and don't really like just watching La Sarth. I also like to set everyone to reciprocate to be fair and don't want to feel guilty for not adding everyone in the club roster as always use, thereby cutting out people who have been grinding me.
PSN: gearloos

Dude that is cool if you want to leave, but let me suggest something. You can put everyone in reciprocate and add some of your friends who you still want to grind in there too. I have a few friends who arent in the club that I still wanted to pay back and this is what I did. I haven't had any problems using this method. If you must leave though, good luck to you.
Yesterday and today I've spent quite a while trying to further my own GT5 career so I did some A-Spec and a few B-Spec events (currently running 1000km of Suzuka), such as the entire Formula GT championship, but I still ran friends's bobs for a couple of hours.

It's been difficult to get Invalid76 as his guys have been almost always taken, was only able to run 4 or 5 of them once! I have run a few guys that added me but never ran back but they've been on hold since yesterday so I can be sure to reciprocate the running that I've been given especially since I got about 10 or so friend requests in 2 days!
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