Jail would not be sufficient enough for me, in prison life is safe and predictable. You get free shelter, gym, and even HBO sounds more like a reward than most of us living out here in fear of an unpredictable future that lies ahead. Death as an avengence is a merit I would pursue for the offender.
Have you lost your ever lovin' mind?!?!?!
I ocassionally work in the Kansas State Penitenary in Lansing. (7 miles south of the Federal Pen at Leavenworth).
I have, in my limited experience on the inside, come to the inescapable conclusion that
no one in the pen at Lansing wants to be there.
All the stuff you hear, or see portrayed about violence, rape, sodomy, and killing another inmate cause he didn't pay up on a gambling debt doesn't come close to what really happens in the prison.
Your schedule may prove to be somewhat predictable. But if you think you'd be "safe" you're fooling yourself.
Yeah, there is the possiblity for sexual release. But with either "Rosy" or another inmate as the only viable "partner" I think I'll take my chance in the society living on the outside of the prison walls.
I have seen the race barrier broken down in the Lansing pen. I have seen men that have finally found God in the pen.
I have also watched three inmates die (usually from cancer) in a prison infirmary bed surrounded by other inmates, rather that in the company of their families.
While two of these three men had positively touched the lives of the men who attended them while they died, I think it's sad for a person to die outside the safety and loving of their family.