FS: rare sales!

  • Thread starter exigeracer
Wait, What!? Are you really going to buy a Miura? If you can afford that, than surely you can afford to fly me out to Berkeley to see Arcade Fire with you!:D I'll pay for dinner one night. $15 limit for you and the wife! :P
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Sadly not.
In the next 30 years it takes me to pay off the house I bought that cost a little more than the middle Miura, I'm unlikely to save enough for the purchase of any of them. :-(
I've tried to persuade Mrs. S. that they're really, really, comfy to sleep in but she's having none of it!
On the other hand if you can make it out to Berkeley for the Arcade Fire gig we'll happily put you up in our non-Miura spare room, which has played host to no less than 4 :gtplanet: members (Touring Mars, SimRaceDriver, Kylehnat, & Jump_Ace) so far, and we're yet to have complaints, although I suspect that may become an issue if we have to invite guests to sleep in a Miura engine bay!!! :lol:
Shame, you would have the most expensive car on GTPlanet by far!!

And appreciate the offer for the spare room. But I could not see myself being able to fly out to see the concert, as much as I would like to. I'm still hoping that there is a Spring tour in the works with a Houston date on it. Fingers crossed! But, that's for another thread.

I'll get back on topic.

One of my many dream cars: The Ferrari F50! For sale from Exclusive Motorcars out of LA, CA.

And about ten minutes from my house is a dealer called Driver Source. There they have another one of my many dream cars: The Bugatti EB110SS, one of only thirty-one ever made! They also have I think everyone's dream car: The E30 BMW M3.
Oh it definitely has to be a supra MK4


Been my dreamcar since I was 8, and I still want to ever buy one in my life. With the career I'm currently studying for, who knows...

Supras look so good in white on black rims, although if I'd ever own one, I'd go with the Titan Motorsport Supra look:

This thread will be used for people to share interesting things they found on eBay or Craigslist. I've seen other forums that have one of these, so it should be right at home here on a car related website. As this thread is in the "Cars in General" section, please try and limit your findings to Cars and/or Automotive related items. (Parts, memorabilia, etc)

Only requirements being a posted link and a photo if available. 👍

I'll start by posting something I found earlier. (again) Makes me wish I had the money, because this car is a once in a lifetime find. I hate red interior but if given the chance to own it, I wouldn't care.

1982 Mazda RX-7 GSL 5sp - Leather - 1 Family 25,000 miles Mint Survivor

If I had the money I would buy it. I wish I could afford to find all these gems and snatch them up. Late last year I went crazy when I drove a 1999 Miata with only 10,000 miles, and I wanted it so bad. Maybe I should have toughed it out and went without any money to pay for it!
I'm thinking about picking another one up shortly. Much smaller budget than that though, and going to target my search on 1985 GSL-SE models. Hopefully I can find something in decent condition to build upon.
Lol surely that doesnt leave in the 'too young to own' catagory? :sly: hint hint...


Look what I found:

An Alfa Romeo 8C Competizone.


In Black.


I also found out how YOU can go "Back to the Future"!

I remember reading a Car and Driver article the profiled a company who specialized on converting DeLoreans to movie-spec. Actually, it was part of a larger 'Comparison Test' of movie cars - it was really good and funny reading!

It's amazing the stuff that pops up on ebay.:cool:
Does a beautifully cared for/restored 914 with 86,000mi sound good? (click picture for auction)

Or, if that's not your thing, you can buy a 70,000mi '73 Corvette with a twist!

Last one: Maybe you're looking for something you can take your family in, but you haven't found anything tasteless enough. Worry no more, because this 40,500mi indescribable abomination (which may have been a Hummer at one point) has you covered!