Funny Pic Thread (Episode II: Attack of the Reposts)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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Didn't Danny post that one last week?
well the term without the -er on the end is used mostly in the black community to talk about another person. whether there of a different race usually doesn't matter.

The term with the -er was used as a racial slur not to just offend people of the black race. The black people who were used as slaves were not taught anything, therefore were quite ignorant, and thats why they were called that.

Thats why i don't see why it should be edited out. Its being used in a comical way and hopefully not offending anybody. If that picture is offending to you, get a sense of humor.

The word has its roots in slavery, which may well offend people.

I actually laughed at it...
Get a sense of humor plzkthbylolwtf.

Hey Diego,

you like Heinekens? Well I've just had...3 mini barrels, you know, the ones that are made out of aluminum, and like, they look like barrels.

Well's all good. One day I'll visit spain and drink with my friend diego, who's a very funny guy.

O yeah and to not get off the topic here's this

enjoy, and go drink some milk please.
[edit] You people are just NOT GETTING IT regarding the racist pictures, are you? IT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, and disciplinary action is going to be taken. Clear enough, now?

sweep. sweep. dust. clean-up done.

Not quite. Some of you people don't seem to be getting it. Racist 'humour' is NOT FUNNY and will not be tolerated. Further racist images will be deleted immediately upon discovery, and the posting users WILL receive infractions.
Not quite. Some of you people don't seem to be getting it. Racist 'humour' is NOT FUNNY and will not be tolerated. Further racist images will be deleted immediately upon discovery, and the posting users WILL receive infractions.

Woopsie daisy, didn't thought it was that bad, let alone racist. Ah, well.
They've been doing some building work around my college, and so these fences were erected around the work area. Except this fence ment people leaving the building would have nowhere to go in an emergency, sooo.

well the term without the -er on the end is used mostly in the black community to talk about another person. whether there of a different race usually doesn't matter.

The term with the -er was used as a racial slur not to just offend people of the black race. The black people who were used as slaves were not taught anything, therefore were quite ignorant, and thats why they were called that.

Thats why i don't see why it should be edited out. Its being used in a comical way and hopefully not offending anybody. If that picture is offending to you, get a sense of humor.

Did you edit that part or did i really say that. I don't know because somebody edited out the whole conversation, but i don't think i said it like that. Im pretty sure i said something along the lines of "...wasn't used to just offend.."

I really don't see how that is racist though, but theres no use in arguing with a moderator because it will get me nowhere.

The last pictures were a little funny. Like duck said, it's nothing that is lol, but still a little interesting.
They've been doing some building work around my college, and so these fences were erected around the work area. Except this fence ment people leaving the building would have nowhere to go in an emergency, sooo.

You're all going to die! Lol!
Did you edit that part or did i really say that. I don't know because somebody edited out the whole conversation, but i don't think i said it like that. Im pretty sure i said something along the lines of "...wasn't used to just offend.."
That is a direct quote of your post, so that's exactly what you said. Posts were deleted, not edited.
I don't get it. I've spent approximately 2 hours playing Mario in my life.
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