Funny Pic Thread (Episode II: Attack of the Reposts)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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They look like cast-iron bollards, concreted into the ground. They also look like they're there to prevent illegal parking (note the strategic positioning, including the lamp-post, which would prevent a vehicle getting in there).
It kinda looks like they could make it between the posts and the bottom of the pic.

That's a trick of perspective. Assuming the tiles are regular throughout, look at the front of the van - it is just about 4 tiles wide. There are three complete tiles between the posts and one-third of a tile each side - making the van 4-tiles-wide and the gap 3.67-tiles-wide.
Maybe they'll need to take apart the Van and put it together outside of the posts.
You mean the van picture isn't a sidewalk chalk thing?
hmmm... my post count just went down by like five.-

These ads are pretty funny, but you can only appreciate them in full size, hence, click on the thumbnail... this time from Germany

Can someone tell me what it says at the end of the last two pictures that diego posted. For some reason they crash firefox for me.
Just in case the others have the same effect,

the first one says:

"It was her first date with Jean Claude, so Linda decided it wouldn't hurt to show a little skin... [cut to] Jean Claude was very careful as he handled the leather. This was going to be his masterpiece"

Second one:

"One pleasant summer afternoon, Jack took Miriam down to that romantic hidden lake...[cut to] The ranger's dog picked up a scent from under the ice-- probably another dead duck"

Third one:

"A boy scout selling cookies was at the door. Mrs. Hanson smiled and invited him in... [cut to] The meat tasted a little bit different than usual, but Mr. Hanson seemed to like it"
Yuck for the last 13th street
kinda reminds me a chinese slaughter film I watched long time ago
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