Funny Pic Thread (Episode II: Attack of the Reposts)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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Our dogs and cats did the same thing years ago; of course, the cat stopped using the bed because he sleeps like an old drunk bum...anywhere he damn well pleases!

Electric Bulb Bulb

Amuse friends and confuse toddlers with this bizarre Lamp/Lamp design. Cool if you plug it in "correctly", potentially dangerous if you plug it in "incorrectly".

On a similar note, we'd like to see someone mod a Toyota Camry and flip everything around, putting the steering column in the back right seat so it looks like you're driving in reverse. – Jason Chen - Source

I'd buy one.

I have more of these, but most of them are either not as cool, or they are just plain inappropriate.

I couldn't find a smaller one so:

EDIT: I just found a smaller one, and that is the one you are looking at right now
Made me laugh:


Real? Fake? Who the hell cares, they're funny:


NOTE: I've actually seen the first ad on Jay Leno.
I actiually felt bed after seeing this picture on the collegehumor website, but I literally burst out laughing when reading some of the comments people left

"How come no one ever told me turtles are full of ice cream?"

"Dead squirrels, funny. Dead deer, funny. Dead turtles, not cool."
in reply:
"Yeah. Squirrels and deer die. Turtles break."

Damn, poor turtle. He had a lot to live for. Or, is that his tail?
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