Funny Pic Thread (Episode IV: A New Hope)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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There's a dealer about a mile away from me back at home. Pissin' me off. Although my dad does keep teasing my mom with telling her that'll be her next car. :lol:

Darn, so close too. Well. Not really, but the gesture was sort of the same right?
I can see the similarities. And the apparent generation gap. :lol:
O.o vvvhhhaaaaattt iz dees?


About the last two posts with pictures in them. What am I missing.... Both seem terribly unfunny. Neither made me smile.

It's actually from a soft-core porn site that features tarted-up women with their cars stuck in the mud. Believe it or don't, but remember - it's teh intranets.

I found out about it from a link on a car forum, thankyouverymuch.
I googled stuck in the mud, found that same shot. Check it out its belly laugh funny stuff.:dunce:
It's actually from a soft-core porn site that features tarted-up women with their cars stuck in the mud. Believe it or don't, but remember - it's teh intranets.

When I first read this I was thinking to myself - wow, the interwebs is a crazy place. People get off on the strangest things.

...but... after a bit of thought.... I kinda see the angle they're working. I'm not about to go sign up, but it's not completely random.
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