Funny Pic Thread (Episode IV: A New Hope)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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Wouldn't Australians be practically humans though, making humans the top spot? :boggled:
I find funny the fact he used the word "practically". And the fact that he even bothered to ask the question :lol:
Am I the only one who finds it funny that so many regular posters/readers here repost stuff from fairly recently?
Mine shouldn't be fairly recent... Are they? :scared:
But yeah, many people post fairly recent stuff.
It's because they save it, then when the go to post something they start form the top and if yours is sorted by 'date tampered' with the one you just found funny is at the top.
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If we have to tell everyone exactly what is acceptable to post before they post it, we may as well shunt everything through the Mod queue first.

The idea is for you to decide how suitable it is, using your discretion. Though if you get it wrong, you'll find out pretty quick.


EDIT: So, does that mean I can post a picture of some Suicide Girls here on GTP? It's art too.

Take a guess.

Seriously. How difficult can this be?
Suicide Girls = eww. Don't post them here. They have their own website.
Are suicide girls like normal pit girls except they parade down the grid during the race?
Porn is also frequently considered art, doesn't mean it's ok to post here.

It's really not hard to figure out what is suitable and not suitable, use common sense.

EDIT: That post is a good example of this.
What I find suitable, Famine, you might not find suitable.

I don't doubt it for a second. I'm a phenomenally sick individual. But the question isn't about what either of us finds suitable, but what is acceptable on GTPlanet.

Most people get it. Which is why most images aren't then removed by the staff and the individual sanctioned. But literally some people don't. They tend to be the ones who complain most.
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