Funny Pic Thread. (Episode VI: Return of the Laugh)

  • Thread starter bergauk
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Only one way to improve that...


I'd # that.
It's from the belly of the pig, whereas the style you're used to is from the back of the pig. I believe it's called Streaky Bacon, and has less fat then back bacon.

Read up: :P

Streaky bacon has less fat than back bacon?

No, back bacon is a lot leaner. It's why we mostly sell Back bacon in the UK as opposed to Streaky bacon. Streaky has more flavour (as it has more fat, but depends on the quality of life the animal has had, etc), but is sold as a very cheap cut in the UK, because it doesn't look healthy.

Pork Belly joints are packed full of flavour, it's an embarrassment that most of the UK don't know about it though.

Can we END this silly chain of people using keyboard keys for amusement.
What kind of half-assed keyboard do I have that I don't have a start button?

Oh, right. PJ, there's no Start button on a keyboard.
What kind of half-assed keyboard do I have that I don't have a start button?

Oh, right. PJ, there's no Start button on a keyboard.

Maybe on a Mac keyboard, but my MS keyboard has a start button
Okay, looks like we need an ALT way to stop this, with more funny pics:


Let's END this before Jordan ENTERs and sends us all HOME. (I'm terrible at it I know.)

EDIT: No more hostility, carry on!



Hey I got a pretty good idea for this thread...

....if your going to talk about something off-topic, you can! But you must show atleast one funny picture along with the post.

Just the fact you can get that many people on the same page amazes me to no end. rofl!
Apparently you've never seen the 4Chan thread where everyone managed to sing Bohemian Rhapsody, one line at a time, with appropriate pictures pertaining to the line. Talk about epic thread.

You don't ask people if they saw what you did there. Bad form bad!

I try to be lame....its part of who I am ;)

Excellent idea :)👍

See above!

Yeah, except the fact that I posted mine waaay before that was said. Unlike Famine, I can't see into the furture - besides, I am not the main culprit.

Not the one to argue, I (apparently) owe everyone something. That facebook exchange above reminded me a little of an exchange between me and a friend. Its a bit nerdy, and lame - but the HSC comes up this week and I've been busy studying, so its all I got. It wasn't staged.
'And lo, the Lord came unto Stig, and revealed the secrets of his deep friend Pepsi, and it was good.'

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