Were did my 4 types of wives picture go?
Then... But... How could you possibly make that conclusion? Even 70's bush wasn't thick enough to be mistaken for clothes.isnt bush cosidered a garment
Then... But... How could you possibly make that conclusion? Even 70's bush wasn't thick enough to be mistaken for clothes.
Also, what difference does it make if it's a cartoon or not? I thought the staff had made it abundantly clear on numerous occasions that images like that won't fly. Continued posts of this nature will see this thread locked permanently as it's simply not worth the time to police it if people won't think for themselves if something is appropriate or not.
One last time.
The rules laid out are quite simple:
No swearing.
No sex.
No complaining.
Bush = undergarment - Nuff said
No, Obviously not, Still doesnt change my view that Bush = clothing
No, Obviously not, Still doesnt change my view that Bush = clothing
Guys arent those trool dads becoming a bit old by now?!
A bush is not clothing man! Come on! Can you send me the pic?
LOL, Cant remember where i pulled it from, it was a crappy toon anyway's
I see! Why did you post it then?! Besides beeing in the limit (or over) of the AUP...
Your a nice guy and all, but come on man, i know your smarter than that! You already know how things work around here👍!
all good bro
LOL, Cant remember where i pulled it from, it was a crappy toon anyway's
I see! Why did you post it then?! Besides beeing in the limit (or over) of the AUP...
Your a nice guy and all, but come on man, i know your smarter than that! You already know how things work around here👍!
When Horde tells you you're doing it wrong you know you've been stupid!