Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Perhaps read about why Canary's were used in coal mines at one time and then you'll get the joke. At this point you both have ruined a good joke and are quickly filling the quota for buzzkills...Oh look I've gone and filled it by trying to explain it.
Or you could have explained it in a single sentence instead of dragging it out like this, for no apparent reason.
But a race car driver would not use the simulator while he is at a race track.
Doing laps takes money and occupies space, so they can't have all drivers practicing on the track all the time. Some drivers play sims to get the motions down, and some just play the track over and over again in their head.
Agreed. But think of the safety side of things. If that car wasn't so weak it could have done much more damage to the guy.

Sorry for off topic, just pointing out that it could well be a safety feature.
What did you accomplish by posting that? Besides a report?
You're not going to last very long.
mods, block this guy
Posted the same image on the Would You Rather thread.
Twenty plus posts over the course of a few minutes; it doesn't take much to figure out it's a spambot. Responding to something that OBVIOUSLY won't respond back to you only leads to more work for me. Please don't.
Or you could have explained it in a single sentence instead of dragging it out like this, for no apparent reason.

How did I drag it out. I explained it they said they still didn't get it so I explained it in further you have an issue or are you always this passive aggressive?
How did I drag it out.

The completely necessary "buzzkill quota" comment?

I explained it they said they still didn't get it so I explained it in further detail...

You told them to go and read up on it as opposed to putting any effort into giving a brief explanation. Something that took @RocZX less than 5 minutes to do.

do you have an issue or are you always this passive aggressive?

I get the impression that you're the one taking issue with many of the responses you choose to point your needlessly aggressive disposition towards. Something I'm certainly noticing a lot more in recent weeks, and you're fast becoming one of the more unpleasant members on the forum because of it. Maybe pare back the acidic retorts to anybody whose words happens to clash with your own. That'd be grand. 👍

Apologies for steering this thread off-course. Have this French pulp novel as compensation.


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