Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
I just realised that the "Let's Go Arctic" website isn't a part of the official Shell webpage. Take a look at this:

"Let's go Arctic":

Shell Webpage:

It seems to be a shell wanna be marketing tool gone sour.:lol: Take a look at the contacts

Love this sentence:
Everyone can appreciate how oil—the dinosaurs' parting gift to Man—can be used to help build a better future for everyone.
You know, major corporations tend to have more than one web address, especially for promotions...It isn't 1995 anymore.
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You know, major corporations tend to have more than one web address, especially for promotions...It isn't 1995 anymore.

True, but the site has some odd "redirects" that are almost always a sign of a fake.
The whois is registered in a way I have never seen a "real" ad campaign. Looks just like a fake.

And for a final LOL ,I can't believe that shell would host its site for drilling up the Arctic on an activist sever (

I think the "News" around the sites is saying it is the work of Greenpeace.
Gee, finding out it's Greenpeace kind of ruins the gag. Seeing MayFirst (May Day/mayday?) on the WHOIS raised my eyebrow...

Oh well, still fooled me, especially when the ad-creator was "taken down". :dunce:
You know, major corporations tend to have more than one web address, especially for promotions...It isn't 1995 anymore.

It's registered by and not by shell, I'm willing to bet that this was not done by shell.

Edit: Tee'd.




