Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
I've never really played the lottery other than scratch offs, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a law that says you can't win it again or something?
Mrs. Butterworth's Krusteaz panty stuffers. Yeah, think I'll skip that one.

They got the Kotex right, at least.
I've never really played the lottery other than scratch offs, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a law that says you can't win it again or something?

Nah, not really. Some time ago a women with a PhD in maths from Britain found the algorithm of printing and won the lottery/scratchies a few time in succession (not sure about the actual number)

Only if there is a law like that in the US
No law against winning multiple jackpots, and no law against buying all the combinations. Say a jackpot is over 400 million dollars but 173 million would buy every ticket. Shazam!

Two problems. It would take YEARS for a sales machine to print your tickets, and you have to submit them on those fill-in-the-dots forms. So first you have to print truckloads of those forms and have your huge staff take them to as many retailers as you can, and tie them up for days. Then you have to hope there's not another actual random winner that takes half the jackpot, leaving you millions in the hole.

It was attempted early on in Florida's Lotto game when the jackpot reached some number bigger than the odds. The person attempting was unable to buy all the tickets in time, but I think they did end up with a winning ticket. I don't remember if they were the only winner.... it was YEARS ago.

Sorry, no funny picture. I'll go home now.....