Funny/Strange News Stories

Was going to post this in the Britain thread, but the phrase "You drink like you are from Moldova" cracks me up every time....

So, our government in the UK issued new advice on drinking, in short, we should do it less.

On the BBC website there's a fun calculator for you to enter how much you've had to drink over the past week.... which then throws up some interesting stats:

For Me (it's been a tough week!):

If you drank like this every week, in a year you would consume:


glasses of wine


Based on these proportions and quantities:

You drink like you're from Moldova, which is the second heaviest-drinking country in the world.

The average resident of the United Kingdom drinks a total of about 11.6 litres of pure alcohol a year, making it the joint 24th heaviest-drinking country.

You are on course to drink about 33.3 litres of pure alcohol over the year, which is 102% more than the average for men in the United Kingdom, and 382% more than the average for women.

New years resolution.... Drink like a Belarusian!
The funniest part is that everyone seems to have their panties in a bunch over nothing.:odd:

I quite agree, the description of someone "shaking their fist" is very Daily Mirror in what they'd like you to believe... just looks like a load of drunk yobbos on a plane to me. Welcome to RyanAir :D
I remember doing an epidemiology tutorial in one of my classes at uni where we had to look up a bunch of stuff on the World Health Organisation website, except that they had been hacked and replaced by a porn site. Quite amusing when you have a class full of computers all sitting on a porn site. (Un)fortunately, we could still do our work by going to<page> and navigate from there.

This is absolutely crazy. How would you describe someone who decided to flee the scene of a crime? By their clothing only? It reminds me of when the Police here phased out IC codes because it was said that categorising in that was offensive etc etc. I am pretty sure officers still use IC codes and ignore the whole 'political correctness' because it is a working system
While it's the cold truth, there's no need for the Mirror make a big flap out of something really minor.

(What exactly is The Mirror reflecting, and why hasn't it been smashed by now?)
I just thought it was funny, I didn't even read the article nor even notice where it was from, I just saw the video.