Funny/Strange News Stories

Depends what country you're from. I'm from the USA. My first visit I was still living in The Bronx. My New York licence was enough.
Second visit I was living in Florida. Same thing.

When I finally moved here to Australia, all I had to do was fill out a driver's licence form and read the letters on the eye-sight screen.
I just have to ask Were the letters upside-down
He should've sensed there was trouble a-bruin.

Too bad it wasn't raining cats and dogs instead.
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Bear with me on this
All these repeated puns are depressing me and making me baloo.

From the sounds of things that hunter wasn't smarter than the average bear.
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Nearly a rare Darwin award for a living recipient there... imagine taking a toddler up an erupting volcano, let alone without a harness or something else to prevent them from running off. Glad the outcome was what it was, but otherwise you have to wonder what some people are thinking...

Nearly a rare Darwin award for a living recipient there... imagine taking a toddler up an erupting volcano, let alone without a harness or something else to prevent them from running off. Glad the outcome was what it was, but otherwise you have to wonder what some people are thinking...
Usually, how many Mai Tais shall I have, or have I already consumed?

There's a lot of parents who just ignore their kids in public.

Nearly a rare Darwin award for a living recipient there... imagine taking a toddler up an erupting volcano, let alone without a harness or something else to prevent them from running off. Glad the outcome was what it was, but otherwise you have to wonder what some people are thinking...
One has to scroll down the story a bit to find that the stupidity was not limited to a single family...

"The park said the incident happened on Christmas Day in a closed area of the park where families had gathered to watch the lava."
Yeh, that's bonkers!

I mean, as an adult, one might think 'I'm prepared to take the risk of entering a closed area right next to an erupting volcano', but taking your toddler with you too, and not attached by a tether of some description?? Pure craziness.
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Yesterday Sergei Prokofiev' Peter and the Wolf was on the radio at my mom's home. I reflected to my family how much I enjoyed, as a young boy, the music, story and picture book that came with my dad's record. I did not Google this item ever, but just now it showed up for me on YT, while YT only ever shows classical music that I have watched before. I still see it as a coincidence, but I am goggling my tinfoil. :D

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