Funny things in GT5

  • Thread starter dylansan
How about having a the good 'ol short bus for B-Spec Bob complete with wheelchair lift, giant seatbelts, and spit-proof glass!:dopey:
Hm...How about, In one of the end credit movies, we hook up with NAMCO and have the Prince of All Cosmos try and roll up one of every car in the game using a Katamari before time runs out. Start with Keis, and end up with SUVs and the Tank Car...

That'd be rather entertaining, better than watching credits roll by.

EDIT: What It might look like.

How about a streaker who trys to destroy everyones race by jumping in front of the cars, making them steer out of the way. Then when one of the cars pull in to the pitlane he jumps on to the windscreen of the car and stays there for the rest of the race, so the driver cannot see a thing. Then the a couple of laps before the end the streaker wets himself all over the windscreen. Then the driver turns on the wipers and they keep wacking the streaker in the balls. And you him going YEOWWWWW!
How about a streaker who trys to destroy everyones race by jumping in front of the cars, making them steer out of the way. Then when one of the cars pull in to the pitlane he jumps on to the windscreen of the car and stays there for the rest of the race, so the driver cannot see a thing. Then the a couple of laps before the end the streaker wets himself all over the windscreen. Then the driver turns on the wipers and they keep wacking the streaker in the balls. And you him going YEOWWWWW!

You are sick! :scared:

BTW have you heard the swedish fart-joke? (Saw your sign)
How about a streaker who trys to destroy everyones race by jumping in front of the cars, making them steer out of the way. Then when one of the cars pull in to the pitlane he jumps on to the windscreen of the car and stays there for the rest of the race, so the driver cannot see a thing. Then the a couple of laps before the end the streaker wets himself all over the windscreen. Then the driver turns on the wipers and they keep wacking the streaker in the balls. And you him going YEOWWWWW!

hmm, that doesn't sound funny, it sounds deranged, and furthermore, instead of putting your windscreen wipers on, couldn't you just slam on the brakes, and he would go flying...
Ok, I'm sorry about that one. I admit it, I WENT TO FAR!

Edit: I have something that is funny, well I think anyway, and is not rude. It can happen to any of the drivers, even the AI's. You are driving along, when suddenly a light comes up with numbers that are counting down the seconds, and a voice with it that says, ''This car will self-destruct in 5, 4...''. So the driver presses an ejecter seat button, which blows him and the seat out of the car, (dont worry, he is firmly secured to the seat). Then there is a screen which shows the comentators box, and as they are saying ''Oh no, it looks like he is out of the race'' he and the seat comes smashing threw the roof. The seat then lands the right way up and plants it self into the floor. Then the commentator says ''Oh look who's very kindly came in to talk about his race, and he even has a seat that looks like the one from his car with the saftey harness and everything, WOW''! Then the driver will reply ''IT IS''! Followed by the commentator ''WTF''! Then just it has seemed to have ended, a steering wheel flys through the comentry box window and lands on the floor! Commentator says ''Your steering wheel I believe'', Then the driver says '' No, thats yours'', And commentator reply's, ''OH GOD MY WIFE IS GONNA KILL ME''!
How about if at a random time in each all hell breaks loose and a giant rinosarus aimlessly wanders round the track while his friend blocks the pit lane.
Island of Sodor Grand Prix

TRACK: Sodor Railway Mainline
DURATION: from Maithwaite Station, up Gordon's Hill, Through Henry's Tunnel, to Brendam Docks

1. Thomas the Tank Engine
2. Edward the Blue Engine
3. Henry the Green Engine
4. Gordon the Express Engine
5. James the Red Engine
6. Percy the Small Engine
7. Toby the Tram Engine
8. Duck the Great Western Engine
9. Donald the Scottish Twin
10. Douglas the Scottish Twin
11. Oliver the Great Western Engine
12. Emily the 4-2-2
I think it would be pretty funny to have driver emotions in the game. Let me explain! When you are racing against the AI and you cut them off or you bump into them, the game should include the reactions of the drivers. Windows rolled down and them flipping the bird at us or waving their arms and pounding the wheel in frustration! We should be able to wave bye bye to the people we're passing as a way to taunt them or be a little cocky while we race.

Who's with me, come on, who's with me???:lol:

Edit: Whao, sorry I didn't notice this thread was over a month old. It was linked to on another thread by a moderator so you can't really blame me.
i say, go nuts.give a car the ability to change from a rear wheel drive, to a front wheel drive, to a 4wheel drive, have the ability to import engines from any car,make duplicates of that engine, and make a twin engine! or a quad engine! or as many flippin' engines that is phisicaly possible to fit onto the car! with 1,000,000 hp! Burnout! Haroooo!!!!
Funny things for GT5:
When racing at night, old Alfa Romeos only have one working headlight.

Triumph Spitfire leaves a trail of oil behind it... for about half distance, then, a few minutes later, the engine expires in a cloud of steam.

All '80s Italian cars develop rusty looking holes once you've had them for about a week. Over time the holes gradually get bigger, and the car's mass gradually gets smaller.

RE: B-spec bob as a tank gunner?!? Are you crazy? The only vehicle he'd manage to hit would be the one he's in!
Now that's some quality posting right there :-)

Besides, I fully agree... Each time your go into your garage, your italian classics are slowly rapidly turned into buckets of rust...
2 words=MISSLE TRUCK!!!

even better would be if you were driving the Tank car and the trusses on the side were knocked off, so out of nowhere your car twists itself in half! XD
Natural Disasters - Every now and again random things will happen such as a Twister ripping the track up, PD could even make mini-games! Like you have to outrun the Twister, if you don't you get sucked up and spat out in the same state as the infamous Suzuki Escudo glitch in GT3

Sci-Fi Attacks - Sometimes a large creature (Like a giant moth or something) comes, sits down by the start line and attacks passing cars with laser beams that come out of his eyes... KA-BLAMMO!

Hunter - On the 'Ring, you have a Dodge Ram and there is a Subaru 360 3/4s of the way down the track, you have to stop him before he reaches the line. Alternatively, you can swap roles and be hunted...

Drink Driving - You are put on the New York track in a '70 Dodge Charger and the scrren is in a constant blurrrrrr, you have to get back to the start without getting a citation
A mini mayhem game where you're an International CXT and there's like 20 other 1886 cars on the track with you and no time limit. :D

Natural Disasters - Every now and again random things will happen such as a Twister ripping the track up, PD could even make mini-games! Like you have to outrun the Twister, if you don't you get sucked up and spat out in the same state as the infamous Suzuki Escudo glitch in GT3

Sci-Fi Attacks - Sometimes a large creature (Like a giant moth or something) comes, sits down by the start line and attacks passing cars with laser beams that come out of his eyes... KA-BLAMMO!

Hunter - On the 'Ring, you have a Dodge Ram and there is a Subaru 360 3/4s of the way down the track, you have to stop him before he reaches the line. Alternatively, you can swap roles and be hunted...

Drink Driving - You are put on the New York track in a '70 Dodge Charger and the scrren is in a constant blurrrrrr, you have to get back to the start without getting a citation

Classic! The Hunter/hunted one would be great for a driving mission. Or the Super Lisence coffee break. Ha, good times! :lol:
Here's one.

You go into your garage and you look at the car you just raced. When all the sudden you realise the driver is still inside the car and he starts shouting. '' Hello, Hello, I'm trapped in here''. ''Hello, the doors locked''. Then a pause comes. ''Hello, come on, be a pal and unlock the door, please''. ''Please, I'm getting real dissy in here''. ''Oh man, this is so unfair, what did I do to you''. ''Come on, please let me out''. ''If you let me out I'll do the washing up for a month, please''!
Here's one.

You go into your garage and you look at the car you just raced. When all the sudden you realise the driver is still inside the car and he starts shouting. '' Hello, Hello, I'm trapped in here''. ''Hello, the doors locked''. Then a pause comes. ''Hello, come on, be a pal and unlock the door, please''. ''Please, I'm getting real dissy in here''. ''Oh man, this is so unfair, what did I do to you''. ''Come, please let me out''. ''If you let me out I'll do the washing up for a month, please''!

:lol: I'd wait until he said he'd wash for a month and then let him out.:sly:

this has prolly been said but i want to see some super hero cars, like the mach 5, bat mobile, that black van from the cheesy 80's show that had MR.T.

also they could do up some cars with faces on them like the disney cars movie.
this has prolly been said but i want to see some super hero cars, like the mach 5, bat mobile, that black van from the cheesy 80's show that had MR.T.
I assume your refering to "The A Team"
Yes. And I doubt they will have an old GMC van in GT5, however, I believe it will make an appearence in Mercenaries 2, not exactly a driving game, but you can freely drive vehicles around a huge area.

BTW you can probably put faces on your cars if they include that livery editer in GT5.
They should have TV and movie cars though, that way you can have fun mission hall challenges!
"Get them Duke Boys to city hall before the sheriff catches em!"
"Chase after the Riddler before he escapes Gothem City!"
"Get Eleanor to the docks before the cops catch you!"
"Get the A-Team to the bank before the bad guys blow it up!"
You actually have to drive to each circuit in real time, no matter what country it's in.

That'd be cool. And for multi-continental tourneys, you'd be on a massive ship racing on micro-oval/figure 8 tracks until you arrive at the desired destination.