FYI you can turn off individual songs from the menu

  • Thread starter Magog
ohhhhh nice ! I turned off the music completely because some were very annoying but if I can blacklist them...

PD just need to stop changing song each time we move from one spot to another, that would be great, I don't plan to remain on the map and not move if comes a song I enjoy
Yeah. Odd choice to not let us manage the menu music too. Maybe in an update...
oh ! shoot ! I already disabled music during races, as the only music I want is my engine

I was hoping it could allow me to bring back music in the menu by disabling some obnoxious ones (particularily the classicals with weird arrangements like in cheap elevators)
Yeah. Odd choice to not let us manage the menu music too. Maybe in an update...
I hope they do. I knew about this option and was initially thrilled when I stumbled across it only to be sadly disappointed when I realized the menu music list was not editable.

I don't have race music on, only menu music. Like @turismoslayer, I liked the GT5/6 menu music but some of the stuff they chose for GT7 is just annoying to be honest like the electronic versions of classic works, the choice of some, etc.
The menu music changing with every screen is obnoxious currently
Yeah, especially when bouncing in and out of menus when I forget something, have to grab something from the tuning shop for a race, etc. On the PS5 that really fast and only amplifies the problem with the music switching with each new screen.
I hope they do. I knew about this option and was initially thrilled when I stumbled across it only to be sadly disappointed when I realized the menu music list was not editable.

I don't have race music on, only menu music. Like @turismoslayer, I liked the GT5/6 menu music but some of the stuff they chose for GT7 is just annoying to be honest like the electronic versions of classic works, the choice of some, etc.

Yeah, especially when bouncing in and out of menus when I forget something, have to grab something from the tuning shop for a race, etc. On the PS5 that really fast and only amplifies the problem with the music switching with each new screen.
Exactly, a classic piece with a 808 drum kit under it is not better than just the classic piece like it was intended.
Exactly, a classic piece with a 808 drum kit under it is not better than just the classic piece like it was intended.
yes ! times 1.000.000

But @Lomic, the cheap elevator music is part of the Gran Turismo charm.
I don't mind the GT style elevator music, I just can't stand the way they butchered some classical pieces that never asked for such treatment
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@Kean_1, I agree with you on the GT7 music. It seems like they were a little lazy this time around and possibly the reason GT5 and 6 music are present.

But @Lomic, the cheap elevator music is part of the Gran Turismo charm.
I would have prefered that they just went with GT5/6 menu music and be done with it vs. what they gave us.

....and I wouldn't say "cheap" elevator Muzac" but rather lounge music. ....which doesn't mean it needs to be cheap and I actually like in the right setting which makes it great for the ambiance when thumbing through menus IMO.
Yeah but only for the songs in-race. We can't turn off some annoying songs from the menus
Yeah. Odd choice to not let us manage the menu music too. Maybe in an update...
I've noticed that only certain songs will play in each menu. New cars, used cars, world circuits, missions, GT Auto, and Legends off the top of my head. They all have unique rotations of songs which means if we could turn any off we may end up without music in certain menus. This could obviously be fixed by getting rid of menu-specific music which would be fine with me...I loved GTS's constant rotation and variation so much that I would leave the game running just for relaxing background music while I worked.

It just so happens that GT Auto's music pisses me off and I'm not going to spend hours in livery editor listening to that crap so I'll have to switch to Spotify for that section.

@Terronium-12 I think we're on the same page in terms of enjoying the music.
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Why hasn't PD partnered with SiriusXM?
My bigger concern is why their 25th anniversary celebration is almost all recycled music. If the old Daiki Kasho, Masahiro Andoh, and whatever else throwbacks are meant to check that box, well they couldn't even bother to include the entire series catalog of original compositions. Where as I could load up GT5 and import absolutely everything from a USB AND be able to assign them to menu or race.
I switched off GT7's BGM for the menus and races as soon as I loaded up the game on release day.

I listen to my own playlists while playing the game, through the PlayStation Spotify app and couldn't be happier. The type of tunes PD offers is not my cup of tea.
I switched off GT7's BGM for the menus and races as soon as I loaded up the game on release day.

I listen to my own playlists while playing the game, through the PlayStation Spotify app and couldn't be happier. The type of tunes PD offers is not my cup of tea.
I'm going to try that! I'll incorporate the songs I like from GT7 into a playlist if they're on spotify.
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Everything on the menus are brilliant. I actually hope they add more and more music in updates, I know you can play Spotify or whatever, but PF really do procure perfect music for their menus.

I have to be honest, I intensely dislike most of the race music though. About half of the songs are by that Daiki Kasho guy.
They need to let songs play regardless of us changing menus, also I'd like to assign race music to the menus, I believe that was possible in Sport.

This is my favorite right now:

One thing PD never misses is the song choices.
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Menu music needs to be editable ASAP. Listening to those appalling "remixes" of classical songs are like taking a cheese grater to your ears. The fact that seemingly the worst bunch of songs plays in GT Auto of all places (being that visual tuning is a very creativity-intensive feature) is infuriating - specially knowing that the actually GOOD songs are in the game, they just play on the main screen instead.
Agreed, but in Sport I could happily spend many an hour in the livery editor with the music on.
Now I just put on my own music instead, but it does seem odd the music is turned down for it
Doesn't look like you can control the menu BGM selections, so I guess it gets turned off. I'd like to hear more than the same 5 songs, and I'd REALLY like to kill off the awful electronic Blue Danube Waltz. With brilliant renditions by some great conductors, why force the NES version on us? Mazel? Von Karajan? I know, licensing.
If they let us turn off individual tracks doe menu music that'd be cool. But I ended up turning it all off because I don't ever want to hear that circus music ever again. No disrespect to Lenny, but that track is awful.