Do you have a mic: Yes
Do you use your mic: Yes, whenever in drift lobbys
Can you drift: Yes, improved drifting dramatically over 4/5 drift nights, rarely crash more than once over 3/4 laps.
Can you tune: A bit, experimenting with different cars and how to set them up.
Can you use Photoshop: Yes
Can you use video editing software (sony vegas for example): Yes but do not own
Can you take good pictures: Yes, taking photography A-level
What is your real name: Chris Godfrey
How old are you: 16
What do you do in real life (school, work, college ect): College
What time zone you in: GMT +0.00
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Tesco Morrisons or ASDA (UK only): Tesco
What is your favourite movie: Inception
Do you drift RWD: Yes
Rate your drifting 1- 10: 7.5
Rate your tandeming abilities 1 10: 6
Better at following or leading: Following
Favourite track: Autumn Ring Mini - reverse
Do you use controller or wheel: Wheel - DF:EX
How often are you on the PS3 in a day: 4-5 Hours on Weekdays - + on weekends
How often are you on GT5 in a day: 4-5 Hours on Weekdays - + on weekends
How often are you on the GTPlanet forums in a day: Most of the time i am on PS3
Do you own a Xbox 360: No
Do you play COD: No, it's god damn awfull
Why G-Force: I have seen you and peolple in your private lobbys drifting and it's soo good to see people drifting properly and having fun.
Apart from PS3 what do you like to do in your spare time: Mountain biking, Photography.
Describe your personality: Good sense of humour, relaxed and friendly.
Do you have a capture card: No
What question would you have liked us to ask you:
What is the answer to that question: