Picked up my copy.
Let me say this first: I haven't played GRAW, and the last GR I played was GR2 for Xbox.
I've only played this on Live, Team Elim, Sharpshooter.
I instantly switched to first person in options, after playing one round in 3rd person. I CANNOT STAND IT.
The controls are a little awkward and are going to take some major getting used to, TWO different zoom buttons seems like overkill.
The maps are HHHHHHUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE. Like, miles, they feel.
Host options seem way more flexible than Vegas, where you can restrict tons of things, turn off "kill cam" and whatnot.
What I don't get, is why I can be incredibly good at Vegas, and yet suck at GRAW2. I struggle to finish a round positive. And it's not because I can't aim, I can, it's just I get killed out of nowhere, constantly. I never see who kills me, it's always that I'll be walking around all nice and then poof I'm dead. In one shot. From a crappy AR, from nowhere.
It pissed me off a bit.
But I can say for sure alot more skill is involved in GRAW2 than Vegas. Vegas was all about running right up to people and unloading a full MP7 clip into someone's face.
This is more about sitting back and waiting for someone to walk by, hopefully not seeing you, and then firing a small number of rounds at their head.