At 240,All you will need is small adjustments to steer. F1 style. Better react quick,no sneezing.If I set the wheel to 240. Will I then run off track, if I sneeze or if I get hiccups. Exaggerating maybe a little, but does it become difficult to make small adjustments to the steering?
They knew someone would work it out,people sit and do combo's for hours trying to find hidden features,etc. Probably just money saving on printing!lolThere must be a reason Logitech didn't make this info public. For the life of me though, I cant figure out what that reason may be. Still though it seems to be a great find, to bad I don't use my g27 anymore.
thanks for this
however im pressing the buttons and nothing happens
There really doesn't seem to be a spot to put this, but does anyone know of a way to make the shifter stiffer, have a stronger push?
I notice it too.I have the old and new version's of the G27 wheel. I never tried the new version till today. The steering feel's so much lighter. Does anyone own both or have tried both ?? ... Does the new G27 feel lighter ??
Is it possible to update DF GT firmware? If not i'm gonna sell it and buy a new one.
Thanks for advice. Is it possible to change degrees of rotacion in Thrusmaster on GT6?
But at least he has done it in a new way, also giving some little advise as to what would be best used for etc, as for drifting. Now, I can't drift, and i hardly get any control of my g27.. I been asking around for advise all i get is nothing, as in im having a chat with some-one to find out they got a wheel second i ask they are silent..
Sorry that's news to me a friend told me in an online lobby Just thought I'd share the knowledge ;O)
Found three undocumented settings from G27,one of them removes deadzone from center, is this "we know it already" stuff and no need for topic at all?
Personally haven't know it before.
Instructions later if people think at this is something what they want to know.
[1+2] + O = ~670°
[1+2] + S = ~450°
[1+2] + X = 900° Resets to default
[1+2] + T = ~240°
1 and 2 buttons goes down almost same time, I have used order 1-2 and then selection without any specific delay, then releasing selection key and also 1 and 2 buttons.
*After many tests can say at just hold 1+2 down and then select TSOX-mode which you want to use.
Have done it everywhere, on track, on menus, so doesn't matter where, only doing it after wheel calibration, 'coz calibration resets these modes.
If you keep small tension on wheel when switchingto 0deadzonemode you feel small *klak* and movement of wheel.
After successful mode change you feel it when turning wheel toward lock, there will be a FFB-engine powered lock what you feel on chosen radius.
I have figured this out yesterday so not much testing yet, hopefully somebody have time to test this also on PC, 100% sure at it will have effect on PS3.
Hardware coded feature, works on PS3 and PC.
G25 confirmed also to work same as G27
Works also on DFGT (1=start 2=select) (some works, some not..weird)
If you like it please tell me it also, and if understanding better some of those modes please tell here it also and we'll update this post.
(c)OdeFinn (lol)