Game Stock Car

  • Thread starter oqvist
I picked it up last night and put about 2 hours into it. It's fun so far, you can tell straight away it's based off the Rfactor engine (not sure of the proper name, Gmotor?). I like how easy it is to tell when you're on the limit and when the tires are going to break loose, there's no snapping like I experience in other sims and I applaud Reiza for this. So far I've driven the Mini, the V8 Stockcar, the Camaro, the F-Vee, and the F-Extreme. I'm not a fan of the F-Extreme at all, but the others are boat loads of fun. The AI are pretty good too, they put up a decent fight even if they do occasionally run into you. I like how sometimes they will try and defend their position, and even go as far as tricking you under braking, etc. I haven't had a chance to try out the online side yet, but it seemed like the servers weren't overtly populated. This being said, I'm not sure I agree with what some people are saying about the force feedback, etc. It's good, don't get me wrong but I don't believe it to be groundbreaking like some people are claiming it to be.. I won't make a full judgement of it yet, I'll put some more hours into it before I do.. I'm not trying to stir up any trouble, merely stating my opinion.
@Mac K, out of curiosity which sim do you think has been FFB? FFB in my opinion is very personal, and much of the feedback is not what you actually feel in a real car but feedback that is needed in a virtual sim to overcome the lack of seat-of-the-pants of real life.
BTW, off topic somewhat, I just returned from my trip to Las Vegas. I had that chance to race (kids Xmas gift) a Ferrari 458 Italia on the Exotic Racing road course. The experience was awesome, can't recommended enough!! Expensive but it was an item on my bucket list :D ($300K supercar, 9,000 RPM screamer). The wheel feedback was nothing like the FFB of the virtual version (Assetto Corsa, Forza 5, etc.).
To me the FFB in GSCE is one my favorites, I don't have any other sim that I can say does a better job. My $.02
I'm mainly on iRacing, it's probably because I'm so accustomed to iRacing.. I've messed around with it a bit more and it's much better, really enjoying it. That being said, are there any good touring car mods? I've found a few but question their legitimacy...

Empty box review.

An excellent balanced review. I happen to agree with pretty much everything he says. I do currently spend more time on my consoles so if PS4 Project Cars can eventually be even only 80% as good as the physics, sound, force feedback and AI of this game I will be very happy indeed. Good luck to Reiza on Steam too. I hope they get plenty of sales. The package is such good value.
I was gonna get this on Dec 25 when I had Steam money but wasn't on Steam Store. So I got the Simbin games instead

@mister dog That Empty Box? Looks like the thumbnail he would use. Haven't seen video yet
One of the guys i used to race on GT with asked me what GSCE was as he'd never heard of it.
I began typing and before i knew it i had this.
Thought i might as well post it here too:

Sory i wasn't expectng this to be so long but there alot to explain. lol :)

So the game i was talking about is 'Game Stock Car Extreme', recently changed to 'Stock Car Extreme' with it's Steam release. In my opinion, all around, the best sim racing game available. Nevermind the stupid name though, think it's to do with sponsors, also the fact that they're only licenced content is the Breazillian Stock Car Series. But there's so much more than that. It's built on the rFactor 1 engine by ex-modders come game developers. The communities best modders came together to make thier own studio, and have advanced the engine beyond what rFactor was. They are an incredible group who love to provide content updates for free and even started their own thead on their forum asking the community for suggestion on futue content and feature updates. I'd say GTP would go wild if PD did that..
The fact it runs on an older engine is a good thing too, at least for the moment. I know you got a new laptop but for other guys who don't all they need is an old pc and spend $30-50 on a second hand graphics cars and they're set. Even if someone had no PC they could get a pc and card on ebay that could play it for less than $100. And the game only costs £20

I'll start with the bad. On an old PC the graphics wouldn't be as good as GT6, but on a half decent pc they're actually better, and with a far better frame rate(100fps+).
The other bad point is that there are less people racing online than GT6 and alot who are, are in locked club or leauge rooms. However, i've joined a few clubs/leagues and now have organised races available most days. Also, if a few more people were to move over from PS3 we could just start our own club and it would be no different to GT. This is also changing anyway as there are afr more people online in the last weak since being released on steam. The Developers are also planning an offical club with forums, leagus, and full community features with access to beta content to help exspand the online community.

Really though, none of that matters. Everthing else about the game is miles ahead of GT7.
The standard carlist isn't as extensive as GT's, but there are more cars we'd actually use. As standard you get Karts, Shifter, Kart, Fomula Vee, modern F3, 70's F1, 80's turbo F1, 90's v12 F1, 2010 DRS F1, 2014 DRS+ERS F1. a Prototypy racer, Brazillian Stock Cars(like Aussie v8 S-cars), and a few others. And once you include mods there's a bigger and wider selection than GT, all of which are fun to drive unlike GT where you're limited to a handfull of cars which are actually fun. Full grids of cars for most seasons of f1 are availble including historic, and for most series in exsistance in general including full Endurance Series and Le Mans Grids. HEre's a link to SOME car mods:

The standard tracks are mostly brazilian but are all really fun and it's nice to have a selection of new track to learn and race. There's few others too like Red Bull Ring, Montreal 88, South Africa '75 GP. But again, once you include mods almost any track you can think of becomes available, inlcuding some GT Original tracks. And some cool ones like Isle of Man or Targa florio(72km loop on sicily). SOME track mods:
The track suraface is more detaile in terms off feel too with more realistic bumps to be felt. And also variable grip levels off main line.

The sounds are on another level too as you'll see in the vids of the cars i link at the end.

The biggest difference though is the feel and physics. THe physics are so much more detailed and acurate than GT's to the point that it makes GT feel like an 'arcade game'. At first the cars seem hard yet so much more natural. Once you get used to them though they are so much more manupulateable with driving inputs and so much easier to slide due to the FFB, which i'll get back to.
It just seems like there's so many more levels to the physics Which bring an incredible realism to them. A testement to this is the fact that Rubens Barrichello actually races in laegues online in this. Also the Physics developer does the physics for real race teams in-house simulators like Horners 'Arder international'
This carries over to the setup too, which although is more complex than GT's, it's also more intuitive as everything does what it should and affects what it should. Every little change makes a noticible differnce and the cars are so much more adjustable due to this. No querks like no camber or explotable holes in the physics. And inludes basics like inside, middle ans outer tyre temps, tyre preasures, brake temps and steerin lock.
Engine temps and wear are also a fector and failures are possible. Also with damage on, cars can lose body parts, wings, or even wheels and all of which affect handling.
The tyre model is massive difference too with the correct tire or tires provided for each car.
This PDF should give you an idea of the depth of the physics and setup:

Like the physics, the FFB is in another league and the best of any Game avilable in my opinon, bar rFactor 2, but that has many othe problems, and i'v tried all but iRacing. GT, ProjectCars or even Assetto Corsa have nothing on the feedback in this. It has by far the most raw, realistic, and natural feeling. This is probably the biggest reason why myself vector a ferrarifan cant play GT anymore, no matter how much we miss racing with you guys. Honestly, after feeling and especially getting used to this FFB, GT just feels wrong, way wrong. Not natural AT ALL and honestly no fun in comparison. Both Vector a Ferrari agreed after 5 minutes playing that the differnce is incomparible and that the feeling is on another planet compared to GT. It's like going from an OLD black and white TV to a new LED HD TV. lol
They both stop my regularly to thank me for showing them the game and they both agree ther's no going back.

The game is way more functional and adjutable in terms of features with all sorts of thing being possible like driver swaps for team racing, live timing steams, full race weekends with muti practice, qualifying and race, self driving in pits, detailed timing and sectors, massivly detaile data analysis(puts GT's to shame and is usable with tyre wear!), detailed pit options, safety car and formation laps, detaile and adjustable HUD, a voice controlled spotter and pit boss, blck only or full flag rules any probably more i cn't think of now.
There are also more new featues to come also, some soon, like flatspoting and blistering tyres, Body and wing flex, Dynamic track, and eventually weather. Real, noticable fetures that improve the game, not gimick like GT and their USB lap tracker thing.

The AI is another area the game shines with them being ajustable in aggresion, and speed to the point that they're actually too fast. They also defend, make passed and make mistakes. It's possible to have very fun and competetive races with the AI. I suppose thats why it's widely know as being the best sim for offline racing.

Basically eveything about the game is more or better or both. I know all the guys will love it and thats why i went to the effort of typing this.
Right now, you guys are missing out and are devoting time to a sub par game and for your own sakes and enjoyment your time could be better spent on a better game.
A league run on this with all the guys would be incredible, Imagine your current mixed car league with an f-vee, F3, 70's, 80's, 90's, '10, '14 F1 all run on their appropriate tracks from the correct years..
Send this to others if you want, i'll do it at some point but for now, my hands hurt.. lol

Some of the cars being driven by the Genius physics dev Niels:

'80's TurboF1

'10 F1

'90's F V12


A review of the game:

A testament to its relism:
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One of the guys i used to race on GT with asked me what GSCE was as he'd never heard of it.
I began typing and before i knew it i had this.
Thought i might as well post it here too:

Sory i wasn't expectng this to be so long but there alot to explain. lol :)

So the game i was talking about is 'Game Stock Car Extreme', recently changed to 'Stock Car Extreme' with it's Steam release. In my opinion, all around, the best sim racing game available. Nevermind the stupid name though, think it's to do with sponsors, also the fact that they're only licenced content is the Breazillian Stock Car Series. But there's so much more than that. It's built on the rFactor 1 engine by ex-modders come game developers. The communities best modders came together to make thier own studio, and have advanced the engine beyond what rFactor was. They are an incredible group who love to provide content updates for free and even started their own thead on their forum asking the community for suggestion on futue content and feature updates. I'd say GTP would go wild if PD did that..
The fact it runs on an older engine is a good thing too, at least for the moment. I know you got a new laptop but for other guys who don't all they need is an old pc and spend $30-50 on a second hand graphics cars and they're set. Even if someone had no PC they could get a pc and card on ebay that could play it for less than $100. And the game only costs £20

I'll start with the bad. On an old PC the graphics wouldn't be as good as GT6, but on a half decent pc they're actually better, and with a far better frame rate(100fps+).
The other bad point is that there are less people racing online than GT6 and alot who are, are in locked club or leauge rooms. However, i've joined a few clubs/leagues and now have organised races available most days. Also, if a few more people were to move over from PS3 we could just start our own club and it would be no different to GT. This is also changing anyway as there are afr more people online in the last weak since being released on steam. The Developers are also planning an offical club with forums, leagus, and full community features with access to beta content to help exspand the online community.

Really though, none of that matters. Everthing else about the game is miles ahead of GT7.
The car standard carlist isn't as extensive as GT's, but there are more cars we'd actually use. As standard you get Karts, Shifter, Kart, Fomula Vee, modern F3, 70's F1, 80's turbo F1, 90's v12 F1, 2010 DRS F1, 2014 DRS+ERS F1. a Prototypy racer, Brazillian Stock Cars(like Aussie v8 S-cars), and a few others. And once you include mods there's a bigger and wider selection than GT, all of which are fun to drive unlike GT where you're limited to a handfull of cars which are actually fun. Full grids of cars for most seasons of f1 are availble including historic, and for most series in exsistance in general including full Endurance Series and Le Mans Grids. HEre's a link to SOME car mods:

The standard tracks are mostly brazilian but are all really fun and it's nice to have a selection of new track to learn and race. There's few others too like Red Bull Ring, Montreal 88, South Africa '75 GP. But again, once you include mods almost any track you can think of becomes available, inlcuding some GT Original tracks. And some cool ones like Isle of Man or Targa florio(72km loop on sicily). SOME track mods:
The track suraface is more detaile in terms off feel too with more realistic bumps to be felt. And also variable grip levels off main line.

The sounds are on another level too as you'll see in the vids of the cars i link at the end.

The biggest difference though is the feel and physics. THe physics are so much more detailed and acurate than GT's to the point that it makes GT feel like an 'arcade game'. At first the cars seem hard yet so much more natural. Once you get used to them though they are so much more manupulateable with driving inputs and so much easier to slide due to the FFB, which i'll get back to.
It just seems like there's so many more levels to the physics Which bring an incredible realism to them. A testement to this is the fact that Rubens Barrichello actually races in laegues online in this. Also the Physics developer does the physics for real race teams in-house simulators like Horners 'Arder international'
This carries over to the setup too, which although is more complex than GT's, it's also more intuitive as everything does what it should and affects what it should. Every little change makes a noticible differnce and the cars are so much more adjustable due to this. No querks like no camber or explotable holes in the physics. And inludes basics like inside, middle ans outer tyre temps, tyre preasures, brake temps and steerin lock.
Engine temps and wear are also a fector and failures are possible. Also with damage on, cars can lose body parts, wings, or even wheels and all of which affect handling.
The tyre model is massive difference too with the correct tire or tires provided for each car.
This PDF should give you an idea of the depth of the physics and setup:

Like the physics, the FFB is in another league and the best of any Game avilable in my opinon, bar rFactor 2, but that has many othe problems, and i'v tried all but iRacing. GT, ProjectCars or even Assetto Corsa have nothing on the feedback in this. It has by far the most raw, realistic, and natural feeling. This is probably the biggest reason why myself vector a ferrarifan cant play GT anymore, no matter how much we miss racing with you guys. Honestly, after feeling and especially getting used to this FFB, GT just feels wrong, way wrong. Not natural AT ALL and honestly no fun in comparison. Both Vector a Ferrari agreed after 5 minutes playing that the differnce is incomparible and that the feeling is on another planet compared to GT. It's like going from an OLD black and white TV to a new LED HD TV. lol
They both stop my regularly to thank me for showing them the game and they bothe gree ther's no going back.

The game is way more functional and adjutable in terms of features with all sorts of thing being possible like driver swaps for team racing, live timing steams, full race weekends with muti practice, qualifying and race, self driving in pits, detailed timing and sectors, massivly detaile data analysis(puts GT's to shame and is usable with tyre wear!), detailed pit options, safety car and formation laps, detaile and adjustable HUD, a voice controlled spotter and pit boss, blck only or full flag rules any probably more i cn't think of now.
There are also more new featues to come also, some soon, like flatspoting and blistering tyres, Body and wing flex, Dynamic track, and eventually weather. Real, noticable fetures that improve the game, not gimick like GT and their USB lap tracker thing.

The AI is another area the game shines with them being ajustable in aggresion, and speed to the point that they're actually too fast. They also defend, make passed and make mistakes. It's possible to have very fun and competetive races with the AI. I suppose thats why it's widely know as being the best sim for offline racing.

Basically eveything about the game is more or better or both. I know all the guys will love it and thats why i went to the effort of typing this.
Right now, you guys are missing out and are devoting time to a sub par game and for your own sakes and enjoyment your time could be better spent on a better game.
A league run on this with all the guys would be incredible, Imagine your current mixed car league with an f-vee, F3, 70's, 80's, 90's, '10, '14 F1 all run on their appropriate tracks from the correct years..
Send this to others if you want, i'll do it at some point but for now, my hands hurt.. lol

Some of the cars being driven by the Genius physics dev Niels:

'80's TurboF1

'10 F1

'90's F V12


A review of the game:

A testament to its relism:

Yes, I agree with pretty much everything you say.

One question. How do I enable the pit spotter/boss voice?
Didn't wanna quote that really long post, but I'd be up to running in a gsce league if there was enough people. It is a very good sim.
Didn't wanna quote that really long post, but I'd be up to running in a gsce league if there was enough people. It is a very good sim.

I've been looking for some online racing for this sim.. but most of what's available is during my workday. If someone gets
a league or just a certain time after 6PM EST or on a weekend, I'd be interested.
Stupid question, but if I were to get GSC on Steam, is modding more of a 'hassle' ?. I'd probably end up adding some classic/historic tracks at some point, and I'm just curious if it'd be easier for me to go the normal game directory-installs or if I'd want to try messing around with Steam's structure.
As far as i know there is no issue with modding when using steam. The only disadvantage is not being able to use multiple installs for different mods,
I havn't moved to steam yet, but if i was buying, i'd buy on steam. Reiza are no longer offering steam codes for new direct puchases.

So, this might be a dumb question, but do I need a wheel to play this? It doesn't seem like any other controller would work after watching those youtube vids.

Maybe in the far future, I might get the latest version of this series, plus all the equipment needed to play. I believe everything you're saying about how much better this game is than GT6 and even GT7. The F1 looks amazing. I would completely abandon GT for that game. But for now, I'm still a broke college student! lol

We should still keep in touch though
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Have you tried looking at the Controller sub-section of the Options menu?

So, this might be a dumb question, but do I need a wheel to play this? It doesn't seem like any other controller would work after watching those youtube vids.

Maybe in the far future, I might get the latest version of this series, plus all the equipment needed to play. I believe everything you're saying about how much better this game is than GT6 and even GT7. The F1 looks amazing. I would completely abandon GT for that game. But for now, I'm still a broke college student! lol

We should still keep in touch though

It can be played with a gamepad or even a pc keyboard if you wanted to. All functions can be mapped to any button however you like.
Anyone else having problems with SimVibe with GSCE? I don't know what changed in my setup but SimVibe use to work great in GSCE. It may have stopped working for me in v1.27 and still doesn't work with v1.30. I even uninstalled then reinstalled Sim Commander 4. SimVibe works great for me in AC, pCARS, rFactor2, and R3E (and others) but not in GSCE. Any ideas?

So, CARTfactor, a full-conversion mod from rFactor, has been 'brought-into' GSCE as CART Extreme, and I'm quite interested, however I'm curious about something with it and my Steam-install.

When I originally tried CARTfactor on rFactor, it was a full-conversion mod, removing a lot of the stock-content and re-doing pretty much the whole game.
Does anyone know if the same applies to CART Extreme ? - i.e. "Will I lose the Reiza Studio's content with a install of CART Extreme on my Steam-install ?"

I'm planning to enjoy the stock-content of the game before doing anything, but would like to try CART Extreme as well if it won't mess with stock-content.

So, CARTfactor, a full-conversion mod from rFactor, has been 'brought-into' GSCE as CART Extreme, and I'm quite interested, however I'm curious about something with it and my Steam-install.

When I originally tried CARTfactor on rFactor, it was a full-conversion mod, removing a lot of the stock-content and re-doing pretty much the whole game.
Does anyone know if the same applies to CART Extreme ? - i.e. "Will I lose the Reiza Studio's content with a install of CART Extreme on my Steam-install ?"

I'm planning to enjoy the stock-content of the game before doing anything, but would like to try CART Extreme as well if it won't mess with stock-content.

You lose nothing. CART Extreme runs as an add-on without affecting the original content. I have it added to both of my installs Steam and stand-alone.