Gamers/Streamers Swatting Megathread

  • Thread starter FoRiZon
I'm with Greyfox and Blitz... 5 years is too light a sentence. I'm honestly shocked that nobody's gotten killed from this swatting nonsense yet. It's only a matter of time before footage from a swatting ends up on Best Gore.

Aaaaaand it's happened:

Honestly, I'm kinda surprised it took this long.

What really makes my blood boil is that the poor guy who got killed was completely uninvolved in the events leading up to his swatting, he didn't stream or even play videogames apparently. Some other idiot online just gave out a nearby address instead of his own to "call" a swatter's "bluff" during a heated argument over a CoD match that had a $1.50 bet riding on it... bunch of :censored:ing despicable cowards, really hope they make an example out of these scumbags.

And the cop isn't off the hook either, it sounds like their handling of the situation was less than ideal... though frankly I hope the swatter gets a worse fate than whatever the cop might face. I at least trust the cop to feel remorse over the incident.
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Good grief...

I really don't understand anyone being compelled to do something like this, and I fear others being in a similar state of befuddlement will lead to perpetrators getting punished to a degree far less than what is warranted. "It was a joke," "it's been done many times already and no one has been killed," "I didn't think it would lead to that"...and that's assuming they admit any sort of culpability, but the nature of sociopaths is they do not.
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I saw this story this morning. Just awful.

Our discussion turned to who deserves the harshest sentence; the fake-adress-giver, the person wanting to swat them, or the person that orchestrated it. Then I realized it didn't matter: I'd be completely fine with all three getting 25 years. Of course, then the problem is that they're a drain on society for that much longer.
This is nuts. When you think of this stuff, in context with what happened to Daniel Shaver in's beyond scary.

For anyone who isn't aware, look up the Daniel Shaver shooting on's one of the most disgusting and disturbing things I've ever seen.
This is nuts. When you think of this stuff, in context with what happened to Daniel Shaver in's beyond scary.

For anyone who isn't aware, look up the Daniel Shaver shooting on's one of the most disgusting and disturbing things I've ever seen.

I saw that Daniel Shaver shooting on 4chan just yesterday. Like you said, disgusting and disturbing: the cops were extremely hostile to Daniel, and all it took was a single, slow arm movement towards his waist for one of them to draw fire on him as if he was about to blow up a nuclear bomb or something. It's even more disgusting once you notice they drew fire AFTER he showed he had nothing in his hand, as opposed to shooting right at the moment his hand was on his waist. When trained cops can't even control their own guns, how do they expect a DRUNK dude who is scared to death to control his actions? When the cop tells Shaver to crawl towards him he doesn't wait until the Daniel's hands even reached the floor before he shouts at him "CRAWL TOWARDS ME!!", Jesus Christ...

On this topic: I have no doubt the swatter deserves the harshest penalty, followed by the cop. Regarding the guy that gave out the fake address, I haven't got enough info to make a determination. But truth is, it is absolutely the swatter's fault: it was his decision to swat the other person, and the cops only responded to that call (whether they carried out their task poorly is entirely another thing).
I saw that Daniel Shaver shooting on 4chan just yesterday. Like you said, disgusting and disturbing: the cops were extremely hostile to Daniel, and all it took was a single, slow arm movement towards his waist for one of them to draw fire on him as if he was about to blow up a nuclear bomb or something. It's even more disgusting once you notice they drew fire AFTER he showed he had nothing in his hand, as opposed to shooting right at the moment his hand was on his waist. When trained cops can't even control their own guns, how do they expect a DRUNK dude who is scared to death to control his actions? When the cop tells Shaver to crawl towards him he doesn't wait until the Daniel's hands even reached the floor before he shouts at him "CRAWL TOWARDS ME!!", Jesus Christ...

On this topic: I have no doubt the swatter deserves the harshest penalty, followed by the cop. Regarding the guy that gave out the fake address, I haven't got enough info to make a determination. But truth is, it is absolutely the swatter's fault: it was his decision to swat the other person, and the cops only responded to that call (whether they carried out their task poorly is entirely another thing).
In the video you watched, did it mentioned the fact that the the shooter had "You're :censored:ed" enscribed on the barrel of his rifle.
In the video you watched, did it mentioned the fact that the the shooter had "You're :censored:ed" enscribed on the barrel of his rifle.

I recall reading that in 4chan. It goes to show that the forces have a lot of people who don't join with the intention to "protect and serve", which is downright disturbing. I've witnessed something similar here in Argentina: I was riding the train and this one guy was walking back and forth between the passenger cars. One policeman and one policewoman got aggressive on him and wanted to force him off the train. When the guy said his stuff was on the back of the train, they wanted to force him down anyways, and only minutes later (after making a scene that would have only been more noticeable had it not been midnight) did they escort him to the back of the train, keeping a significant distance from him and warning him to never turn around.

I can't say I blame the lower classes for their signifcant hatred of cops. Instead of doing their job, they behave like bullies.
I think that a change in topic title would be appropriate given the circumstances.

I hope that all three of them burn for this, and that is all that I should say about it to stay on the right side of the AUP.
"Excessive Force Demonstrated By Law Enforcement"? Oh wait, this thread is about SWATting...
Don't know what it should be called. All that I know is that this is a separate incident being discussed in this thread, and thus a change in title is appropriate.
Everyone involved should face harsh punishment. The orchestrator, the address giver, and the person who commissioned the Swatting. Also, as a SWAT officer, you should be better trained than your average street cop and have better discipline. I know from friends who've been involved in that world of law enforcement, they drill into you to use your weapon as an absolute last resort and should use non-lethal methods to subdue a suspect. I mean unless the suspects are flaunting armor-piercing weapons, then the body armor SWAT officers wear should be able to withstand small arms fire.

Seems like the SWAT team should have probably broken a window and tear gassed the house or used flash bangs to disorient the SWAT-ee. It would have been an awful experience for the guy, but at least he wouldn't be dead. Seems like the officer should probably face manslaughter charges, but since cops get a free pass I'm guessing he'll get a month leave with pay.
Seems like the SWAT team should have probably broken a window and tear gassed the house or used flash bangs to disorient the SWAT-ee.

Or just tased him. Even in the UK there are circumstances where it's authorised for an instant arrest. Extremely unpleasant for an innocent recipient but better than the alternative.
Knowing how triggerhappy the US cops can be, I wonder if this can be seen a contract killing.

For some in the general public...yes.

For those in internal affairs doing the investigation? Probably not. Chances are they'll conclude the officer feared for his life because the man in his house was probably holding a TV remote or phone that they mistook for a gun.
Because one can smell a prank through a phone.
Investigation works, also there are many ways they could have handled it better than rushing in and shooting an innocent man through no fault of his own.

Accepting this sort of police action is absurd and it's one of the reasons I have never and most likely will never call the police.
A coworker of mine came up with a punishment for crimes resulting in death that are not murder after his Brother in Law was killed by a drunk driver a couple months ago.

5 year minimum 10 year maximum
(driving related cases) you will never hold a driving license again
Minimum 50% of every penny you make goes to the family of the victim.

It's disgusting that anyone could think placing a real sounding call for a SWAT team is prank material. I can hardly imagine answering my door to a regular officer let alone a SWAT team who think I'm killing my family.
Investigation works, also there are many ways they could have handled it better than rushing in and shooting an innocent man through no fault of his own.

Accepting this sort of police action is absurd and it's one of the reasons I have never and most likely will never call the police.

If every minute counts, which usually is the case in something like a hostage situation, you don't have time to investigate. The cop should have been less trigger happy, but it seems that that slips through the cracks way too often, at least in the US.

For the man being swatted, those who were part of it should be tried for first or second degree murder.
you don't have time to investigate.
Yes you do, I'm not talking about csi here just some common sense steps I'm sure are protocol. The fact people are willing to accept and even defend the police action here is alarming.
Yes you do, I'm not talking about csi here just some common sense steps I'm sure are protocol. The fact people are willing to accept and even defend the police action here is alarming.

Who is defending the police action?
If every minute counts, which usually is the case in something like a hostage situation, you don't have time to investigate. The cop should have been less trigger happy, but it seems that that slips through the cracks way too often, at least in the US.

For the man being swatted, those who were part of it should be tried for first or second degree murder.

After hearing an actual lawyer talk about this here is what should happen to the three who started this:

The swatter should be executed on a capital murder charge.

The person who hired the swatter should also be executed on a capital murder charge (Murder 2 at minimum)

The person who was the intended target should be facing Murder 2 if not endangerment.
The fact people are willing to accept and even defend the police action here is alarming.
The fact that you're so focused on the response that you seem to be ignoring what incited it is alarming.
Who is defending the police action?
Here as in, over this particular incident and not here as in at gtp. Sorry if I didn't write that out so well.

The answer has been eluded to here(in this thread), holding the police accountable is a great first step.

@TexRex, I didn't think I needed to but here you go. These trouble makers should be charged with capital murder.
Yes you do, I'm not talking about csi here just some common sense steps I'm sure are protocol. The fact people are willing to accept and even defend the police action here is alarming.

Example scenario: Say I'm having an afternoon neighbourhood party at my house and I pull out a gun and shoot a guest dead and hold everyone else hostage. There are 15 people at my house who've seen someone die and no one knows who or when the next person will die because I finally lost it. Someone calls in saying at my address someone was killed and many others are hostage inside. How do you investigate whether I'm really having this party without wasting time to verify that the caller is serious about their claim? What are these common sense steps? It's daylight out and everyone would have walked because they live right next to me so no cars sitting out front.
Example scenario: Say I'm having an afternoon neighbourhood party at my house and I pull out a gun and shoot a guest dead and hold everyone else hostage. There are 15 people at my house who've seen someone die and no one knows who or when the next person will die because I finally lost it. Someone calls in saying at my address someone was killed and many others are hostage inside. How do you investigate whether I'm really having this party without wasting time to verify that the caller is serious about their claim? What are these common sense steps? It's daylight out and everyone would have walked because they live right next to me so no cars sitting out front.
Physical observation would go a long way, or I could just knock on your door and shoot you lol.

The police in the United States are way too trigger happy and murder around 1000 people every year. It's not very easy to find the information on a case by case basis and of course the majority are justified but still. This is a serious problem.

Since you like hypotheticals, lets just pretend this guy that was just killed by police was a man of stature in society. Do you think he would be dead today?
What's terrifying is to know SWAT teams can be puppeteered like this. God forbids someone "prank" calls the SWAT on their Muslim neighbor claiming they saw explosive devices on his house...
The police in the United States are way too trigger happy and murder around 1000 people every year. It's not very easy to find the information on a case by case basis and of course the majority are justified but still.
You're all over the road like a hacked autonomous vehicle.

Where are you getting that number? If it's not easy to get information on a case by case basis, how is that number generated? If a shooting is justified, how is it murder?

What does any of this have to do with making a dangerous prank call over a 🤬 game?

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