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our government is using the so called ecology-tax on petrol to keep the welfare state working. of course it also has an effect on how much is used and therefore helps a little bit but its not used to save the environment at all.Max_DCYes but these taxes are partly used for the protection of environment and they teach people not toab use the resources of the world... and it pushes alternative energies and new technologies... You destroy the world with this waste... ... nobody can deny that... What do you think what happens if the gulf stream dies ? Then you can invade Mexico in order to survive... I don't want to start flaming here, but the major problem seems to be your actual president, I don't really think that the Iraq war was a bad idea, but your president doesn't want to take responsibility for the world ( Kyoto agreement ) and that is his greatest disadvantage... I'm no enviromental angel flying around the planet, I drive a Sti... but hey I pay a lot for that and the gas price prevents a wasting behavior in general ... I don't complain, because it is right and I know, that I have to pay hard if I want to destroy the earth more than needed in order to come from A to B...
in addition, you should know the reason why our government likes the kyoto protocol so much. guess what, we just don't have to do anything to meet the kyoto protocol. after the german unification, huge amounts of the former GDR's industry was destroyed, thus reducing the amount of emmisions dramatically. so germany can push the kyoto protocol forwards without actually doing much.
besides, the german policy regarding the environment is, thanks to the green party in charge, highly idealistic and ineffective. the abandonment of nuclear energy makes the tree huggers happy, but effectively creates moe emmissions. nuclear energy is at the moment the cleanest and safest (yes indeed, safest) we have and german companys had top technology. but instead of evolving we are at the moment going backwards to coal burning powerplants.
don't get me wrong however, i am no fan of the opposition either and i think we have to do something to reduce pollution and save the environment. i have actually voted green in the last election, but i have to admit that i am not very satisfied at the moment.
the OPEC nations are not that stupid. they know they cannot rely their wealth on oil in the future. at the moment they are using all their money to buy the world...they will never go back to sand castles, they are going to buy major companys and real estate.pupikPersonally, I've always thought we're really saving the reserves in Alaska for when the rest of the world runs dry in about 50-100 years. This way, we're in charge of the oil supply to other nations, and OPEC can go back to making castles out of sand.
they are also in a good situation to produce alternative fuels. they just don't want to start too early, because then nobody would buy their oil anymore.