General Discussion

  • Thread starter daan
2 days not a one single post.... That hasn't happened for a long time...
What, are we having inspirational brake or everybody is driving something long...???

I'm 6 hours in Nurb24 with Amuse S2000 R1... This car is just too damn briliant... IMO one of the best cars in the game...
18h left till the final goal...
2 days not a one single post.... That hasn't happened for a long time...
What, are we having inspirational brake or everybody is driving something long...???

hmm, yes it is surprisingly quiet but then most of us are probably close to maxxing out whatever they can achieve with their personal max.
Getting to 106/108K is already quite hard. To get to 111K is even harder.

Work has kept me away from the PS2 for just over 2 weeks now.
We are offshoring a couple of departments to Poland (300 jobs). That's a eufemism of telling you you're out of a job and it's a lot of work making that happen. A couple of years back we called it outsourcing. I wonder what word we will be using in 3 years time to describe the same.:)

I tried to improve on euro classic Nurb, found 2 200point races but only managed 3rd last evening. Need to find the energy/time to get on with the FGT World Champs races and Endurances Sarthe I&II, Nurb and Tsukuba.

You guys with 100k+ are pretty impressive. Right now I only just broke 20k (I was around 10k until I started working for A-spec points) and I'm still using the Dodge Ram and Lotus Elise 72. I finished the Beginner's Hall, and I did the Easy Special Conditions Hall races and the first two Professional Hall events. I don't have much time to play because I'm in another country without a TV - my PS2 is set up in my girlfriend's room, because she has a TV but no computer, and she could use some form of entertainment. I only get a chance to play for a couple hours per week, so I'm sticking to the easier races that don't require too many tries to get through.

I still have a long way to go, but this site has a lot of great resources to help me out! In particular, I love using the spreadsheet for recording A-spec data. It's a perfect checklist to see what I still have to do and what I've already done.
Sorry folks, I'm back in England for 2 weeks too so I'm not collecting points at the moment, well, except for airmiles that is! :sly: Will be back home and racing again around Dec 14th. 👍
so whats the most points claimed by anybody without riding walls, cars, and cutting corners, among the many things people openly discuss doing that could never be accomplished IRL?
so whats the most points claimed by anybody without riding walls, cars, and cutting corners, among the many things people openly discuss doing that could never be accomplished IRL?

See the post above yours. Smallhorses has sofar run clean races. There may be higher scores out there though.
100k should be possible with clean racing as well.

My Astons have all been used. I've restricted myself to driving a car once and once only, either a single race or a championship, until I hit 100% complete, then I'll go back and tidy up in places where I left easy points behind purely by having forced myself to use a low points car e.g. Sport Truck races, where I used 3 different trucks, instead of going for all 200pt races in the Dodge Ram. Don't ask, I'm just weird like that.

Then, going back to the Heavy Luxury Cruiser, I'll just have to shout Jaguar S-Type R. The thing has grunt (550Nm of torque, stock), and, together with the Mercedes SL600 (R129) has that super-quickshift transmission, which shifts better stock than tuned. Plus, it weighs a round 1800KG stock, which is very neat if you're after points (400HP on 1800KG), and it handles good for such a whale. Now on offer, complete with Jeremy Clarkson effect on the 'Ring.

BTW, I'm finally officially in. I won't make the 111,813, since I'll never have time to get to those 6hours-or-more endurances, but I'll do my best having fun. Perhaps 100,000 is in sight? I'm currently on 7978 points with only few missions done, and most races done in a way that should not be mentioned in this subforum - but the hint is: I lapped the whole field twice in a 7-lap race at Hong Kong. And most of my completed races don't have any points.

And concerning "Gem-cars"... So far, I found the following common attributes common to "gems": They're either very heavy, not-that-powerful (HP-wise) but with lots of torque (Jaguar S-Type), or very light and less-powerful (GSX-R4) - and either way, they handle better than the rest of the competition. I wonder if two identical cars, PTW wise, but with different torque would get different points...
...I won't make the 111,813, since I'll never have time to get to those 6hours-or-more endurances, but I'll do my best having fun...
You'll find that there are also a few of the shorter races that will give you much more trouble than any of the enduros.

I wonder if two identical cars, PTW wise, but with different torque would get different points...
I am pretty sure this has been tested and found to have no effect on a-spec points
You'll find that there are also a few of the shorter races that will give you much more trouble than any of the enduros.

I am pretty sure this has been tested and found to have no effect on a-spec points

I know some shorter ones will give more trouble, and I reckon that the longer the race is, the easier it is to gain the advantage - but I just won't be able to do then at all, rather than attempt and fail.

And thanks for answering the question.
Finally broke the 108K barrier. :D
It took several tries with the Audi on Nürby in FGT but I made it with 30 secs to spare, despite some horrific accidents :) and about 6 retries.

Finally broke the 108K barrier. :D
It took several tries with the Audi on Nürby in FGT but I made it with 30 secs to spare, despite some horrific accidents :) and about 6 retries.


Hey well done. Have you tried Fuji 2005? A b***** nightmare.
Hey well done. Have you tried Fuji 2005? A b***** nightmare.

Not yet, I don't have much to do.
-4/15 FGT completed for 200 each.
-Gr Canyon Rev hard still eludes me.
-Sarthe I 24h
-Roadster 4h
-Super Speedway for addtl 51 pts :grumpy:
-Classic series 55 and 25 points to be obtained :grumpy:
-1000 miles! classics 264 points still to gather

-The One make races no more points to be gained by me. So i'll let those 285 points slide for the moment.

Most points are to be found in FGT but hard to come by.

Whoohoo, just spent 1.75 hours to clear M34. And on try 14 I made it. A few tries were really close or really started off well but then I messed up.
And to my astonishment beat the 300SL by 4.034 seconds.
Not quite clean though, Cut 2 corners & rode the Caroussel.
That's another 250 in the bag and all missions done. :)

Just 0.2% to go for Grand Canyon Reverse HARD.

AMG. my astonishment beat the 300SL by 4.034 seconds....AMG.
Good job 👍. I think you would have missed the NTSC M34 by just under a second though - somewhere in the middle would have been nice - NTSC too hard, PAL too easy (I have PAL and was a bit disappointed).

Good luck with GC
Thanks, Famine. I was almost certain I've already seen it around here somewhere, but decided to check prior to race again and ruin 200pts.

EDIT: is there any list/thread with the possible/existent AI lineups???

For endurances and longer races, yes. You'll find them in the Wiki.
Hello everyone, I've been reading these forums for sometime now and this is my first post here on gtplanet.

Earlier I was kind of bored with the game because of lack of good challenge and thats why I decided some months ago to start the quest for maximum A-spec points :crazy: and I must say that it has become a quite addictive task. I've been progressing nicely and today I got past the 50% completion mark. :)

I've been doing races here and there and I must say that the hardest race so far has been the 4h roadster endurance which was a 4 hour blocking nightmare and I ended up winning the race with 1.2 sec margin :crazy: This one race took many many retrys but I'm glad now that its over with.

This a-spec forum has been a great assistance to me and I wanted to thank all who have contributed here. Especially the 200point summaries and racelists have been invaluable. Keep up the great work guys 👍