General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
I went to a GameStop here in Houston and picked up not only Tekken 6, but also Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Only other PS3 Tekken I have is Tekken Revolution, which I haven't played much at all really. So I'll have a chance to kind of catch up with the storyline with Tekken 7 in the pipeline. I still have Tekken Tag Tournament 1 from the PS2 days. I know a WHOLE lot has changed between that TTT and this one.

I'm currently playing Tekken 6 as of this post. About to see what this is like. Then later today or tonight, I'll be sure to give Tekken Tag Tournament 2 a test drive.
The only reason I'm even still playing Tekken Revolution is to unlock Eliza. Once that happens, I'm pretty much done.

For me, Tekken Revolution is abit...well I don't hate it, but I don't really love it either. Its basically (as you will soon discover) a Online-only Tekken Tag Tournament 2 without the tag mechanic, a very reduced character roster and a modified moves. Really (as far as I was able to tell and read), its for new players who found Tekken Tag Tournament 2 too difficult. Luckily for you, the final boss character won't be nearly as difficult as when the game first came out (and that was on Medium difficulty mind you).
The first thing I liked about Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was the remixed and reimagined theme song. Especially with the PS2 version of Tekken Tag Tournament, that was a beautiful theme. TTT2's theme was a nice spin on that song. I played a pretty nice casual run through Arcade Mode using Jin and Lars. Then... Jun Kazama happened, and all she'd do is juggle the hell out of me to where I couldn't wait to tag in my partner. And I'm like... if this is what Tag Battle is like trying to shut down Jun, I can't even fathom trying to get back on my feet in Solo mode against Jun! I just go with what I know. As for TTT2 itself, it seems like a great legacy collection with all kinds of characters from the Tekken series including the new faces. The Combot character is quite interesting with the Fight Lab mode.

I even used Jin in my Tekken 6 run. I was doing pretty well doing a one credit run until I got tripped up twice by Wang in the 5th(?) battle. I didn't do the Scenario Mode as I was trying out Tekken 6.
Tried out Ultimate Controller the other day. That is, using a PSVITA instead of sixaxis to play UMVSC3 on the PS3. Found out that one can pre-configure four hypers or specials of your choice to execute with a touchscreen press of a finger (X-factor too but doesn't really add value). I couldn't help but feel that I was cheating and should do the combos properly but still, it's seriously great for trophy-hunting missions.
Tried out Ultimate Controller the other day. That is, using a PSVITA instead of sixaxis to play UMVSC3 on the PS3. Found out that one can pre-configure four hypers or specials of your choice to execute with a touchscreen press of a finger (X-factor too but doesn't really add value). I couldn't help but feel that I was cheating and should do the combos properly but still, it's seriously great for trophy-hunting missions.
I wonder if there is a manual mode
I wonder if there is a manual mode
Well you can simply opt out of using the screen. The smaller cross and buttons on the Vita are easier to use I think. Especially for hypers the buttons on the ps3 controller feel far apart. On the other hand it's easy to slip and use a combo by mistake on the touchscreen. Also, I noticed inputs on M when I didn't even press M when I started up. Weird stuff and it didn't feel reliable, but after the first minute that glitch was gone.
Last night, I finally cleared the Arcade Mode of Tekken 6. Damn! That Azazel thing is a b:censored: to take down. I eventually tried out various other characters as I started to fail. I had used Asuka previously and did well with her. Then I had run into Alisa and kept losing. I then used my own Alisa to beat her. After that, I'd fail to that NANCY robot before beating Jin. After that, I got my backside handed to constantly until I made progress using Eddy. I eventually won using Raven once I kind of figured out Azazel's attack style.

It's pretty unfair battling someone or something like Azazel who takes up a lot of the screen and is tough to really counter against.
I did it for the endings..... Boss-Unknown was known to be fairly cheap in Tekken Tag. Same goes for Guilty Gear bosses....
One boss battle that has eluded me was when I was mostly playing Street Fighter Alpha Anthology, and I would always come up short trying to beat Bison in Street Fighter Alpha 3. If you play as Bison, your final opponent will be Ryu. And even that time, I lost. I swear I'm like... 0 for 20+ trying to take on Bison there. Some fighting game boss battles can be brutal or even cheap. There is a difference between the two. Just being really good means the boss CAN be beaten... you just have to find out how and try to keep mistakes to a minimum. Cheap just means... you know- overpowered, not really special, tough to score a hit on... basically, when you feel like you have to input cheats or use the same moves over and over again to win, that's a cheap battle.

I actually like my Tekken 6 experience. I am usually the nostalgic type, so anything sort of new age just doesn't attract me like any older experiences. The Scenario Mode is even interesting. I'm now using some of the other characters besides Lars and Alisa to try to score some items to equip for them. I actually remember Tekken 3 being sort of the debut of this off-shoot with Tekken Force. I thought initially it was Tekken's answer to Eidos' Fighting Force, only with Tekken characters. I'd only get as far as maybe the third level in Tekken Force in Tekken 3. I even played the story thing in Tekken 5 with Jin. Tekken 6's Scenario Mode is perhaps the best of the Tekken off-shoot of any Tekken I've played.

I may try Tekken Tag Tournament 2 again in the future, but I'm enjoying Tekken 6 despite it being so old these days.
I don't necessarily think Gill is a cheap boss. In fact, I remember when I first fought Gill playing Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. I was so pleased when I beat him for the first time... until I found out he recovered all of his energy... and I end up losing the match. Yay. So every time I took on Gill and winning, I got to remember to get on Gill's backside when he's defeated and try to limit as much of his recovery as possible to finish him off. He isn't TOO cheap to where it is too unfair of a fight to even try to come close to beating him.

I am inexperienced with the Guilty Gear series, so I won't even comment on the other video.
I spent a lot more time with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 today and tonight. Once I finally learned how to customize characters and buy stuff for them, I kind of went a bit crazy buying certain outfit pieces for characters. I even went into changing colors for items as well. Just playing around with the different options was fun. I hated that I got an Aura for the Combot, but it's black. Seeing Combot with a black Aura kind of makes it look like it is malfunctioning. So after a few fights, I turned off that black aura for Combot.

More importantly, I successfully cleared Time Attack offline. I even got that Trophy for clearing Time Attack mode in 20 minutes or less. My winning team was Eddy and Christie. Another team I used to some great success was Asuka and Xiayou. Other characters I've been impressed with using are Steve and Miguel. Later, I learned to use the item weapons, such as the Crowbar and the Combat Knives. They add a different sort of dimension and a new layer of strategy in using them. I have not done any online fighting as of yet. Then again, I'm almost scared to after I've done Street Fighter IV online play and basically got exposed by (a fellow GTPlaneteer).

I love the collection of fighters in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. It is almost like a legacy collection especially with some of the long-time characters like Paul, Kazuya, King, [Marshall] Law, and others. You have sort of a mix of those whom have been in every major Tekken and then the newer characters who debuted in either Tekken 2 or in future Tekken titles. Another thing I like are some of the classic outfits many of the long-timers are wearing. One other thing I noted was some of the different languages used. Most games have mostly English and Japanese voice acting. I noted Brazilian and French and such to go with the subtitles.

So after time with Tekken 6, I got a lot more entrenched with TTT2.

Being Exposed isn't nothing. Just learn from it.

My fight with a GTPer.
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I would love to visit that district and explore every building lol. I think Jebailey is all " What do you guys want from Japan?" I replied " Green Tea Kitkats"
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I would love to visit that district and explore every building lol. I think Jebailey is all " What do you guys want from Japan?" I replied " Green Tea Kitkats"

Can find that in Chinese supermarkets.

Tekken 7 Test Location Announced, will be held in Japanese NAMCO Arcades October 3rd-5th


Site to watch the stream from:

Announcement Video:

On that weekend, Bandai Namco Games will be holding location tests for Tekken 7 at two locations -- the Namco arcades in Sugamo, Tokyo and Nipponbashi, Osaka, respectively. The aforementioned online matchmaking mode will also be on trial at the location test, allowing players in Tokyo to play against their counterparts in Osaka.
"As we're still working on the game, the location test build of Tekken 7 will be running with about 50% of the graphical effects intended for the final release of the game," Harada said in Japanese on the Sugamo Cup tournament stream.

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When I look at Wolverines Berserker Slash, the damage is the same regardless of L, M, H input. Why would they do that? How is the slight differences in speed so important that they choose to have three different button presses for this over being able to execute two additional moves? Same for Ryu, he already lacks moves compared with Street Fighter since that is a 6 button fighter and he has L, M, H Hadokens with the same startup and the same damage! Why make the attack-list shorter than it has to be? This stuff applies to other characters as well.
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