General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
I AM A PERFECT SOLDIER, BITCH! BEGONE! (OK, he doesn't say the last two words)

That's Kaiser Knuckle's (aka Global Champion) General for ya. Don't even think to 🤬 with him, he will always spam some sort of aura as well as his slide. :mischievous:
Surprised no one posted this already, but here's some released pics of customizations from Tekken 7:





More can be found here and here
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Here's my bi-annual progress report.

I got too caught up trying to catch his EX fireball and reversal DPs I ended up forgetting to do other things.
I should've. I don't know why I wasn't ready for them. Maybe I got too caught up trying to get into the habit of responding to those quickly by dashing in and doing cl.hp.
I really need to brush up on my Japanese. ...what little I know, anyways.

I still can't believe it's been 20 freaking years of the Tekken franchise. We're basically at a point where lots of the more famous franchises are at least 15-20 years old. I still somewhat recall Tekken when it was known as Rave War. Much like I remember a franchise in arcades called Soul Edge... which we'd all know and remember as Soul Calibur.

Anyhow, on to Tekken 7. Man- what wonders the Unreal Engine 4 does! It seems like Tekken 7 remains pure in gameplay and style even from the very first games without being too over the top. It's all looking great... whether you play as Jin or as any other Tekken character. It doesn't look like this one is going to disappoint. If anything, it will maybe be the most solid Tekken ever.
Exhibition combos are over YT

I'd say:

I forget. I got SFIV on PC. Means I can dab into skin mods too. :D

Wait for the Oni transformation. That was admittedly really cool.
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Yup. Full $30. Felt the Yolo run through me and didn't want to place my hopes of "stumbling" on a deal since I never look up these kinds of things.

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I did promise that I would get Injustice once it hits PS+, and now it did today. I grabbed it. Best freebie I ever got. Ready to take my Batman 1.0 online.
Saw it, was removed I think.

Maximillian uploaded it and I saved the video right away.

Dat gotdamn pressure at the end.
Kinda behind just slightly on the Tekken side of things:

Still can't figure why the hell I love her already.


:lol: These guys are just great.
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