General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
I didn't see it till I rewatched it. I believe I saw Charlie's double somersault and his other super from mvc2.

This unfortunately confirms that Jade isn't coming to MKX.

Also, some video of Kazumi in Tekken 7:

Go to 0:52
I have never played a fighting game before but saw Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round Core Fighters on PS Store for free and thought "Why the hell not". After doing the tutorials this is how I did.
Doa:last round is free to play but it has microtransactions.
I forgot to add, this is the first fighting game I have played. Did tutorial then tried Survival on easy then recorded that
Cage Family trailer:

Massive shocker I must say. Of all the things I was expecting to hear, "Ex-Wife" wasn't one.

Also, I completely lost it at Johnny's Fatality :lol:

And if you look carefully, Kenshi is in the trailer.

So this trailer pretty much confirms Johnny Cage & Sonya Blade as playable (And more then likely, Kenshi as well considering he showed up in the MK Mobile Trailer.)
Man... Kazumi seems quite formidable. Even more so than Unknown of the Tekken Tag Tournament games, and she doesn't seem overpowered. Brutal, but not overpowered. Tekken 7 is looking great nonetheless even under Unreal Engine power.
I wish that for Jason that they copy Vega's(Barlog) gimmick in that if they take enough punishment (not necessarily damage), that he would lose his weapon and mask. If I remember correctly, if Vega loses his mask, he takes 1.5% more damage than usual, and if he loses his claws, it is a 1.5% decrease in damage output. Other than that, I suspect that we won't hear the end of Freddy, since you know, the whole Freddy vs. Jason thing.

Sidebar: Now that I think about it, why wasn't the same thing applied to Freddy(and/or Kratos) in the last game? I know that he only had those two claws, but think about it. Those two claws can factor in extra range in combat. Take that away, and he is all but powerless. Removing the weapons in a manner that is not unlike Vega can reward aggressive play if done right, especially if the buff/debuff is around 1.5%.
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Leaked pictures confirming 4 characthers:

Erron Black








And the candidate for funniest Fatality...

The return of Jax and Baraka? My Mortal Kombat experience doesn't really include using those two, but I do remember using Jax in MK2 more than I almost ever used Baraka in MK1. Both of them look they haven't missed a beat.
The return of Jax and Baraka? My Mortal Kombat experience doesn't really include using those two, but I do remember using Jax in MK2 more than I almost ever used Baraka in MK1. Both of them look they haven't missed a beat.
Baraka wasn't in the first Mortal Kombat. His first appearance was in 2.
Someone from Korea has leaked character data from Tekken 7 and got the following pics:





My impressions:

Devil Jin: Kinda disappointed that he still looks the exact same. Even more disappointing is that he is still a separate character. Why can't he just be apart of Jin already as Devil Already is with Kazuya? It'll just make what happened in Tekken 6 meaningless. As much as people hate it, I'll gladly take his Blood Vengeance look over this now outdated Palette swap.

Jin Kazama: Glad to see him and I'm digging the new outfit. I doubt this is his default P1 outfit but still looks great.

New Girl: Not sure about those one. Word is she might be the series first Filipino character and as far as I can tell, she doesn't have any previous fighting style so definitely will be bringing something unique. A lot of people hate her outfit . Either way, Its another new character so its cool and gosh, she's cute.

Big Red...machine?: At first, I thought maybe its a customization for Marduk but when I took a good look, I soon realized he is much bigger the Marduk. So it looks like we got another new character. Now what is his story? How the hell did he get here and what the hell is he doing here? Lots of questions to be answered.
Devil Jin shouldn't really change. Devil has not changed since T2 until he became apart of Kaz
New girl:
If she is Filipino...

(Talim will always be the first lol)
To me, Devil Changed visually for the worst. He went from being a different character to being only a lazy palette swap that just happens to have horns. Again, the main reason I loved the Blood Vengeance designs was because they abandoned the lazy Palette swap design and were actually unique. They were more then just the same character with a change of color in the eyes and skin with a pair of wings.


Just revealed, the Kombat Pack:

In order of appearance:

Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th)
Tanya (Mortal Kombat 4)
Tremor (Mortal Kombat Special Forces)

Interestingly, they come as packs themselves each with three skins:

The Ultimate Horror Pack:

Playable Character Jason Vorhees
Vampress Mileena
Kraken Reptile
Pharaoh Ermac

The Klassic Kharacter Pack 1:

Playable Character Tanya
Klassic Skins for Kano, Sonya and Liu Kang

The Predator/Prey Pack:

Playable Character Predator
Cammando Johnny Cage
Infrared Scorpion
Carl Weathers Jax

The Klassic Kharacter Pack 2:

Playable character Tremor
Klassic Skins for Quan Chi, Kung Lao and Jax

Also, Liu Kang is confirmed for MKX.
Looked at a link from Maxim Russia's Channel and found this...the Shaolin Trailer:

It appears my theory regarding the souls of the dead warriors is slowly but surely panning out.

Also this:

He must not have seen Mortal Kombat Armegeddon if he thinks that is too many characters.

Anyhow, Just released Erron Black Trailer:

Digging that dude.

Edit: Faction War Trailer:

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Finally more details on the recently leaked characters, including the new girl Josie Rizal (Who is indeed Filipino).


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New Jin/Devil Jin Trailer:

So it would appear that the hood is indeed his new outfit. I dig it. Don't care too much for Devil Jin, I honestly see no point in him being a separate character anymore the way he still looks. His appeal has just worn on me.
For those that would like to skip straight to the Jozie Razal Trailer:

New Jin/Devil Jin Trailer:

So it would appear that the hood is indeed his new outfit. I dig it. Don't care too much for Devil Jin, I honestly see no point in him being a separate character anymore the way he still looks. His appeal has just worn on me.

Regular Jin didn't adopt Kazama fighting style but picked up Karate. D.Jin still has the mishma/kazama fighting style.

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