I wish that for Jason that they copy Vega's(Barlog) gimmick in that if they take enough punishment (not necessarily damage), that he would lose his weapon and mask. If I remember correctly, if Vega loses his mask, he takes 1.5% more damage than usual, and if he loses his claws, it is a 1.5% decrease in damage output. Other than that, I suspect that we won't hear the end of Freddy, since you know, the whole Freddy vs. Jason thing.
Sidebar: Now that I think about it, why wasn't the same thing applied to Freddy(and/or Kratos) in the last game? I know that he only had those two claws, but think about it. Those two claws can factor in extra range in combat. Take that away, and he is all but powerless. Removing the weapons in a manner that is not unlike Vega can reward aggressive play if done right, especially if the buff/debuff is around 1.5%.