General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Kazumi Mishima Gameplay Trailer:

A very fluid fighting style with a touch of that familiar Mishima Flair, A beautiful face and a damn literal Tiger Uppercut. Can't explain, just want.

You also forgot to say that she can summon a GODAMM TIGER to attack, mind you. Not just a literal Tiger Uppercut, it's more along the lines of Tiger everything bar fireballs...

Quite the impressive final boss.
NEVER screw with the Mishima Family (unless you're the Kazama family, of course. :)). Kazumi seems pretty formidable. Shoot... even Street Fighter's Sagat can appreciate someone who actually fights with a tiger instead of just screaming "Tiger..." whatever.
Tanya Gameplay Trailer:

Love how people are already accusing Neatherealm of ripping off people with DLC even though there was already a Kombat pack that included her from the start.
Bizarre story. I haven't touched Street Fighter 2 (vanilla) in over 20 years. The venue where I play Heroclix had an arcade machine just put in with that game installed. Two weeks ago, there is a big crowd around the machine, myself included. It was my turn, and I started trouncing everyone in 3 game sets. It eventually went around the line before they told me to get off.
USFIV PS4 patch 1.03 released.
  • Reduced input lag
  • Improved online match performance
  • Overall audio balancing to correct volume levels; several corrected audio bugs
  • Fixed bug where character movement SFX are replaced by ambient stage sounds
  • Addressed matching not working correctly within the Replay Channel
  • Fixed localization issue in Spanish for the control customization UI
  • Fixed bug where grey box appeared around OPTIONS in MY LIST
  • Fixed resolution ‘snap’ between menu transitions
  • Fixed crash bug where leaving the game in Trials for extended period
  • Addressed Juri pinwheel graphical corruption
  • Added Special Titles (from Prize Codes). Note: There are no more Prize Codes, which is why the input is disabled.
  • Fixed bug where the Title/Icon Scroll speeds were sluggish
  • Adjusted volume of announcer compared to other sound levels
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel releasing this winter for NA market - (PS4, PS3)
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Tonight, I went ahead and bought "Battle High 2" for my OUYA. I decided to use a lot of the extra characters to test them out. I was impressed with the likes of H.W., Arvid, Bryan, and Jada among others. I played my first Arcade mode using H.W. He's as basic a fighter as you can get, but he hits hard. His fighting style is more like a perfect hybrid of Balrog and Dudley of the Street Fighter series. I won every match and didn't lose a single round. nk4e said "Battle High 2" was dope, and I'm a believer. Cool game.
Let me talk a little more about Battle High 2. When I was using some of the other characters, I thought Klein was easily one of the most unorthodox characters. I liken him to being the Dhalsim of Battle High 2 for his unusual moves. Bryan will give you some nightmares. This guy literally will throw everything at you... INCLUDING the kitchen sink! I was able to land his Super moves when I did my training with him. Jada is more like someone whom fans of Chun Li would like. She is pretty crafty with her offense.

Battle High 2 is not the best fighting game, but at least among OUYA-available titles, this game is pretty solid. Maybe the best of the two fighting games I currently have for the OUYA ("Slashers: The Power Battle" is the other, which I haven't purchased).
Klassic Scorpion & Klassic Sub Zero Gameplay

Predator Gameplay


Big Tekken 7 Announcement for July

Apparently, there will be a couple of dates to look forward to regarding Tekken 7. Just today, the Tekken Project has posted that a Big, Serious announcement regarding Tekken 7 will be revealed this coming July 7 (7-7, get it?).
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I picked up Blazblue Chronophantasma Extend from my local import gaming store(its the chinese version with full VAs and Menus in English) and I must say I forgot how fantastic this game is.

So fast compared to most fighters!
I've seen a few videos of Street Fighter V. In case you need any more proof at how idiotic a number of YouTube commenters can be, there were some who were so complaining of Birdie being overweight (I'm trying to avoid saying "fat"). Birdie was ALWAYS a big dude. It's not like Birdie was some chiseled-from-stone guy like Urien (Street Fighter 3) prior to SF5. The game does look to continue where SF4 left off in its style and fighting mechanics.
Now, behold R. Mika and Rashid!

You'll all know the drill regarding R. Mika, but instead of ill-timing or "OVER 9000!" stuff, I'll associate Rashid with Fighters Megamix's Siba, to which Rashid should know. ;)
Why would people make a "over 9000!!!" joke when they could make far less tasteful jokes about bombs and the like. Don't look at me like that, you know that such nonsense can happen in the presence of an Arabian videogame character... That aside, our non-Saiyan friend seems to be some sort of Arabian version of Vega who pulls tornadoes out of nowhere and spins a whole lot. He's the type of fighter who can confuse enemies with quick, erratic movements.

Also, while I know of R. Mika, I do not know who is that girl alongside her? Is she a fellow wrestler from her backstory?