General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

Well i'm on Woozie's missions not in San Fierro. So I am ahead of you. I'll just keep it at Woozie's missions not in SF because I don't want to spoil.

I've found 6 Horseshoes on accident.:D
I completed the Driving School - to gold - the moment it was available. I've been completing the rest of the game in mission order - I'm up to Toreno's Last Flight and there's no hint of Wang yet.
Hmm. Must be completing driving school AND something else. But I don't know what. Report back when you get the call to do the Wang Autos missions. It might clear things up.

Well I've got more percentage than you, so stick that up your Wu Zi.

Where is the driving school located? I've only completed Bike School and Flying School.
You get told to do it in a mission, you should know...Either way, all the schools are marked with a Red "S".

I'm up to the Heist, and "A Home in the Hills".
Yes I know they are red "S"s. It's going back today and I asked my mom if I could re-rent it and she said no.:( Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I can try to help people out with the AT-400.:)
I just need to know where it is. But you should just get some money up (if you work, that's a good way), and rent it with your own money.
I think it's safe to say that after you wipe out the other gangs, they don't come back.

During 4 hours of play I didn't get attacked at all, actually I havn't even seen a Ballas or Vagos gang member since getting all territories.

Cesars gang seems to be around though, and they don't like me to much, I have been shoot at when I got to close once, but they only carry pistols so no threat there.
Yeah i've noticed that crashing the AT-400 into a body of water I parachuted too soon and by the time it opened fully I was in the water. I know some people noticed this but I had just noticed that the AT-400, Nevada, and Shamal automatically give you a parachute just like a Cop car gives you 5 rounds for a shotgun.

I'm sure all of the planes give you a parachute but I have only noticed it in those three planes I listed above.
Every plane and helicopter gives you a 'chute, so there is no need to go searching for one if you want to skydive.
Revolution 909
Cesars gang seems to be around though, and they don't like me to much, I have been shoot at when I got to close once, but they only carry pistols so no threat there.
That sort of sucks, I thought they were peacefull towards you.
They did when I was all the way back in LS, I don't know if they do at the end but I would suspect so.
I only ever got attacked by the Ballas, so I assumed the Vagos were a friendly bunch.

Either way, the Mountain Cloud Boys/Triads are the best. They're funny, too. I like when they lead you in the Heist mission, one of them is meant to be the leader, but the other one speaks for him, and he gets frustrated.

"Hey, I'm meant to say that!" :lol:
Ahh well, when I finish up, I'm just going to make Los Santos OGF-dominated. I hate being shot at when driving through places. That's why I hated the Haitians in Vice City. I didn't have a problem with any gang in GTA 3, except the Columbian Cartel, because you couldn't help being hated most of the time, and only 1 gang didn't hate you in the end. I had a problem with the game for that. But that could all be fixed on the PC version. :D
I didn't have a problem with any gang in GTA 3, except the Haitians, because you couldn't help being hated most of the time, and only 1 gang didn't hate you in the end.
The haitians weren't in GTAIII, but I know what you mean. That was also annoying because there wasn't a save point in Yakuza territory :grumpy:
Edited. Sorry, I meant the Columbian Cartel, but I just typed Haitians. I'm filled with so much hatred of that gang, I can't stop typing it! Reminds me of Homer on the Simpsons:

"Moe. Moe. Moe."
"Bart, I told you to Moe the lawns."
"Moe moe moe moe moe."

You can find a few scattered in Las enturas, I can't remember the locations by heart though.
Emmet would probably sell them. I haven't been to his since I left Los Santos.

I would love to know where the Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher is.
I can finally help you Jimmy! The Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher is located between two of the gas cylinders in San Fierro airport. If you need elaboration on the location in the airport just ask.
I can finally help you Jimmy! The Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher is located between two of the gas cylinders in San Fierro airport. If you need elaboration on the location in the airport just ask.
There is also on in West Las Venturas in the desert. Follow the signs where it says the lost pueblo or something like that and it should take you to it. It's behind one of the messed up homes.
I've also heard from someone else telling Jimmy it's in the cabin house of Toreno's ranch. You have a choice between 3 other guns then the heat seeker. The flamethrower, rocket launcher, and minigun!

Thank you {Beta sign}lackbird! :bowdown:

You could just use "B" I wanted it to be Blackbird but some other guy that never comes onto GTP took it so I used something creative.
one more gang territory for me to go and ive got em, all.

apparently you only get the parachute in planes if you have pilots liscense (20% skill),

how much percent have you guys got? ive got 70% atm
Well you can only get access to one helicopter before that so essentially you get one whenever you get in a plane.
I can't be arsed reading through the thread to see if someone has already asked this question, but how do I import vehicles? I just delivered a vehicle to the Import/Export crane and it said that 1 vehicle is available for import.