General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

KieranMurphy - same thing has been happening to me, also slow load times and the ads time out

vigilante related stats so far--


CR -- 528553
criminals wasted -- 14043
people wasted by others -- 5691
you've wasted -- 63407
RVD -- 19294
Fires started -- 25172

distance -- 4,947,592ft
flight time -- 15:29

criminals killed on vigilante -- 14285

money -- 999,862,637


level 100:
time on clock 45:50
killed 1134

CR -- 529715
criminals wasted -- 15017
people wasted by others -- 5719
people you've wasted -- 64854
rvd -- 19764
fires started -- 25272
kills since last checkpoint -- 1015

distance -- 5,208,894.5ft
flight time -- 16:06

criminals killed on vigilante -- 15419


note: got the message saying he was hunger at lvl 80 and have yet to lose any fat/muscle/life
note: started losing live around lvl 110 (aparantly my fat and muslce were already at 0) ate 2 candybars at 293:05

level 202:
time on clock 86:49
killed 2370

CR -- 531010
criminals wasted -- 16188
people wasted by others -- 5737
people you've wasted -- 66404
rvd -- 20242
fires started -- 25515
kills since last checkpoint -- 2225

distance -- 5,467,104ft
flight time -- 16:41
criminals killed on vigilante -- 16655


note: level 208, lost fat, ate some candybars
note: level 296, lost fat

level 300:
time on clock 30:54
killed 3534

CR -- 532174
criminals wasted -- 17272
people wasted by others -- 5753
people you've wasted -- 67863
rvd -- 20698
fires started -- 25795
kills since last checkpoint --3338

distance -- 5,739,550ft
flight time -- 17:19
criminals killed on vigilante -- 17819


note: level 390 got hungry

level 400:
time on clock 82:28
killed 4734

CR -- 533405
criminals wasted -- 18346
people wasted by others -- 5782
people you've wasted -- 69289
rvd -- 21116
fires started -- 26102
kills since last checkpoint -- 4429

distance -- 6,024,411.5ft
flight time -- 17:57
criminals killed on vigilante -- 19019


note: level 486 -- realized that i forgot to eat when i got hungry at level 390 and am missing 2/3 life.. eat 4 candybars - 296:35

level 500:
time on clock 24:40
killed 5934

CR -- 534605
criminals wasted -- 19448
people wasted by others -- 5800
people you've wasted -- 70792
rvd -- 21583
fires started -- 26374
kills since last checkpoint -- 5575

distance -- 6,279,987ft
flight time -- 18:34
criminals killed on vigilante -- 20219


note: level 569 got hungry and ate - 297:25

level 602:
time on clock 70:30
killed 7158

CR -- 535829
criminals wasted -- 20625
people wasted by others -- 5834
people you've wasted -- 72469
rvd -- 22091
fires started -- 26674
kills since last checkpoint -- 6831

distance -- 6,553,967ft
flight time -- 19:12
criminals killed on vigilante -- 21443

The writing is just the alternative text to the pictures, if you hover over the picture you will see that text anyway ;)

well, i got to 686, and was halfway paying attention talking to people, and for some reason i pressed triangle, fell out ALMOST died.. hunter landed upsidedown and slid.. had 1 star so i thought i might have a chance.. well before i could switch to the rocket launcher the star was gone, i died, the end... got a screenshot of kills since last checkpoint at around level 580 or so, it was 6612 i believe, but didn't think to pause the game when i died to get one then.. oops :crazy:
Damn!!... tough to end it like that-- you lost almost 10,000 CR points for those kills too as well as losing the legitimate kills :banghead:

Have you ever ended a long vigilante run by actually hitting R3 (on purpose)??? -- I know you locked up once, this time you died, and didn't you do something foolish in VC too?? :nervous:

I think I only screwed the pooch once in VC after going over 500 levels-- I was very careful.

At least you got the criminals wasted stat, kills, and CR from criminals wasted-- as well as the level record 👍

good luck next time....

Damn!!... tough to end it like that-- you lost almost 10,000 CR points for those kills too as well as losing the legitimate kills :banghead:

Have you ever ended a long vigilante run by actually hitting R3 (on purpose)??? -- I know you locked up once, this time you died, and didn't you do something foolish in VC too?? :nervous:

I think I only screwed the pooch once in VC after going over 500 levels-- I was very careful.

At least you got the criminals wasted stat, kills, and CR from criminals wasted-- as well as the level record 👍

good luck next time....


even in vigilante in VC i never actually ended one with R3.. at least not any decent sized run... i usually play still i do something stupid :) i was planning on stopping at level 1000 this time, but knew there was a good chance something would happen along the way.. however i do wish i would have thought to get a screenshot of the kills since last checkpoint right as i died... still a good run either way :)
i might start another run in a few days, see if i can have my record back, its not that boring and it gets kills and CR so i dont mind doin it
That's it!! If Small Fryz is going again, then I guess I'll have to have another run! :) It is actually kind of fun as a group thing. . . .

Good job IntegraGS-R and thanks for the detailed statistics about your Vigilante spree. 👍 Sorry about the ending, but don't worry about the Kills Since Last Checkpoint, because I am absolutely positive that you will get a higher score sooner or later. ;)

When I did my 500 level vigilante spree, I was very worried that I would accidentally hit that damn R3 button. I was even afraid that I might just spontaneously push it for no reason except to screw myself! Do you ever get that feeling? Like if you are walking on a bridge and you are kind of worried that your body might suddenly lose control and throw itself off the bridge to an immanent death. I get that feeling a lot, but it hasn’t happened yet. Some sort of a skitsophrenic paranoia or something like that. :indiff:
Deli Dingo
That's it!! If Small Fryz is going again, then I guess I'll have to have another run! :) It is actually kind of fun as a group thing. . . .

Good job IntegraGS-R and thanks for the detailed statistics about your Vigilante spree. 👍 Sorry about the ending, but don't worry about the Kills Since Last Checkpoint, because I am absolutely positive that you will get a higher score sooner or later. ;)

When I did my 500 level vigilante spree, I was very worried that I would accidentally hit that damn R3 button. I was even afraid that I might just spontaneously push it for no reason except to screw myself! Do you ever get that feeling? Like if you are walking on a bridge and you are kind of worried that your body might suddenly lose control and throw itself off the bridge to an immanent death. I get that feeling a lot, but it hasn’t happened yet. Some sort of a skitsophrenic paranoia or something like that. :indiff:

hmm. i may do some more in the next couple of days... i dont worry so much about hitting R3 as i dont use that joystick when i'm doing brown thunder...
i just worry about my ps2 freezing, even though i got my ps2 the same time as SA. It doesnt seem to run SA the best, though there is no problems on other games
yeah, i got mine last july.. the only time it has actually frozen was that once during vigilante, but some times it scares me.. did about 100 more levels of vigilante, now i'm going to bed :)
I'm very happy that I haven't had a freeze yet. I have a PStwo, and it has run perfectly fine, although I haven't played much San Andreas for a while.
I looked on but their locations didnt have what they specified. I keep going back there but there has never been the car im looking for.
Are you using that map right?

Click on Vehicles on the tick list to the right of the map, then click on the Filter button. Type "cheetah" or "stallion" into the box and then click Done.

When you've found what you want, just click the Change Filter button to change the filter or to clear it.

According to the SAM, there's a Stallion in northeastern San Fierro and a Cheetah in north Las Venturas, in Prickle Pine.

Yeah i know all that, theres an Elegant where the Stallion is supposed to be and theres all kinds of different cars where the Cheetah is supposed to be. :ouch:

Yeah i know all that, theres an Elegant where the Stallion is supposed to be and theres all kinds of different cars where the Cheetah is supposed to be. :ouch:


i'm sure you have tried leaving and coming back but you might want to try moving the car that you dont want, then leaving and coming back... this works for the maverick and sea sparrow that both spawn in the same spot in bayside and for the leviathon and apache that spawn very close to each other at verdant meadows..
i'm sure you have tried leaving and coming back but you might want to try moving the car that you dont want, then leaving and coming back... this works for the maverick and sea sparrow that both spawn in the same spot in bayside and for the leviathon and apache that spawn very close to each other at verdant meadows..
The Sea Sparrow / Maverick and the Leviathon / Hunter are different because it's a case of 2 vehicles spawning in the exact same location vs. 2 vehicles spawning beside each other but never at the same time. In the case of the bayside chopper spawn spot, it's either of the Sea Sparrow or Maverick that spawns in that place, just like it's either an FCR900 or NRG500 that spawns outside the bike school in Las Venturas.

I think the case of the Leviathon / Hunter is a bit different weird because they spawn in different locations. I don't understand why you never get both of them spawning?

But the game seems to be bugged to hell when it comes to vehicle spawning. Whenever I load a game at Verdant Meadows, there's never a PCJ600 by the garage. And I mean never. The same thing happens with me at Angel Pine, there's never a Sanchez or a Go-Kart in the trailer park when I load a game there. I always have to drive a few hundreds away and come back to make them spawn.

Goddamn Rockstar and their stupid glitches. This is worse than Vice City and it's stupid glitches.

i was messing around with the pcj driving under the hunter.. i got all the way though, and when i looked back it was floating a couple feet in the air..

well i did the same thing with the hydra, and did a wheelie into the middle of the plane, it blew up shot the bike off and killed me... is this the same thing you were talking about before, spuds?


  • hunterfloating.jpg
    19.6 KB · Views: 23
Thats exactly what I did-- thats also pretty much how you set up the packer superjump in VC--- only difference is you need to morph to a bike, drive up next to the packer and pop a wheelie just behind the rear wheel to get it up in the air-- drive under and it will fall on you--- wait a few seconds and Tommy will start shaking/wobbling-- then boom--you will usually get some type of superjump when this happens-- I usually point the bike toward one of the rear corners before it falls on me....thats about it-- this is by far the easiest superjump-- I really haven't had any good ones though-- but if you are superjump challenged, this is the superjump for you.... 👍

Sorry this is a little bit off topic--- for more info see the superjump thread-- link in my sig.

Complete the mission vertical bird, and it will appear at the airstrip.

Just got all the gang territories. Now, who wants to print off a hidden items map!? :sly:Stupid printer doesn't work :(
You can obtain the Parking Garage as an asset after finishing the Valet Parking side-mission, if that's what you mean...