General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

I honestly hadn't noticed people being shouted down here (unlike GTAforums where you constantly have redundant threads and people telling them to use the search button) but if people are not interested in some of your posts then I can't help you with that Vexd---

If I dismissed, rediculed, or shouted you down vexd then I'd would like to sincerely apologize to you or anyone else I may have offended.

If someone acts boorish, if you should tactfully point it out to them---I don't think it would instigate a flame war--- if you don't feel like dealing with it yourself ( you and the forum) would best be served by bringing to the attention to Jimmy and let him deal with it-- one of his responsibilities.

I honestly don't know why Acidman stopped visiting-- he had immense respect here and its possible he was turned off this forum by some behaviour present but I doubt any was directed at him.

Thanks for being frank in your response-- I would hope everyone doesn't immediatley dismiss your remarks--- I'm sure everyone would aggree that the first and foremost purpose of this forum is to have fun.


i have a theory as to why he might not want to be on here as often.
You guys.
i mean cmon, i come on here (admittedly i only started when the GT4 hype machine got into motion) with some genuine info sometimes, and im shouted down.
I find a funny to share with the world, and no ones interested, at least none of you extremely regulars, i feel knocked back all the time by your responses, and im sure i understand that there are people who seem to have nothing better to do than type bull onto the forums and get peoples backs up, but i am not one of them.
I came hereto find out information about GT4 and GTA and so far this has been the most valuable resource for me i can begin to tell you...... but i have nearly always been put down by the regulars everytime i post, and that doesnt make me want to come back.
I read on the bottom of a web page i visited via a link from one of the regular people here that they had so many cheats for GTA SA and that by looking at the code, they had seen the possibility of a level select amongst other things to be brought out from it, they just had to figure out which button presses on the pad in which order would produce a working version. i thought that it was appropriate to mention that here, seeing as i was led to this info from one of you guys in the first place.
if i could remember which link it was from i would say.
Leave it with me, i will attempt to find it.
read my sig.

found it.
select the cheats section on the left of the screen, scroll to the bottom, and read the following:

Quests through the source code of the game also reveal hidden button codes for things such as all cars with nitrous, all cars with hydraulics, infinite health, infinite ammo, infinite oxygen, never wanted, anyone can be recruited to your gang, spawn Hunter, spawn Dozer, all streetlights "strobe" streetlights, all cars turn into bikes / countryside cars / sports cars / special vehicles. Even a 'mission select' code exists, but the button combinations are up to the point of writing unknown. Perhaps we shall find out the combinations in the future, but for now these cheats can only be triggered with cheat devices.

So tell me not to trust then.
And im sorry if this is B/S and i got your hopes up.
I would like to largely thank you for your honesty, vexd, although I would hate for everyone to start complaining. But this is very helpful.

To begin with, just on Acidman, he hasn't been back as he's been quite busy, and he has said that he doesn't feel like spending the time participating in the Record Book, as like Spuds said, it does consume some time.

Secondly, I do hear what you're saying, as it is a common complaint on every forum, although I had no idea it was a problem in the GTA Forum here. I would like to hear from you via PM on your concerns if you want to get a few things off of your chest. It will be completely confidential, and you don't have to take anything further, but I would like to know a bit more on some of the problems you have faced here. And of course, if there are any problems in the future, no matter on how big the issue is, I would like to hear from you as I have worked on improving this forum in any means possible since even before becoming a Moderator. Please, feel free to confer with me at any time.

I would like to apologise in advance if I have put you down, been condescending or if I have been rude in any way - it is certainly not intentional, and I would hate to think I had done this to anyone here.

Us here in the GTP GTA Forum like to think of this as a more friendly, better laid-out environment than others, so to hear something like this really grabs our attention.

Thanks for the honesty, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hes basically trying to lick your arse vexd


if i'm ever snappy or rude to anyone here, its probably because i was browsing gtaforums and got annoyed with some of the people that post there..


:) :dopey:
Well, there's a whole lot of members that use MSN Messenger, and you just get to know a lot of people over time. I have something like 40 GTP people on my MSN list. It can be insane.
I would appreciate any tips for a person doomed into attempting a level 400 vigilante. After losing about 20 times at the ITB in Montgomery with every horse from 2/1 to 12/1, I think I will try the vigilante thingy. I did it in VC, but I believe SA will take a little longer, so I'm reaching out for help.

I was also wondering what raises gambling skill the quickest. Is it determined by time spent gambling, money spent, money lost, money one, time in a casino, number of bets made or what? I've done a little gambling, but my skill hasn't raised yet. . . .
Deli Dingo
I would appreciate any tips for a person doomed into attempting a level 400 vigilante. After losing about 20 times at the ITB in Montgomery with every horse from 2/1 to 12/1, I think I will try the vigilante thingy. I did it in VC, but I believe SA will take a little longer, so I'm reaching out for help.

I was also wondering what raises gambling skill the quickest. Is it determined by time spent gambling, money spent, money lost, money one, time in a casino, number of bets made or what? I've done a little gambling, but my skill hasn't raised yet. . . .

vigilante -- go in with as much fat and muscle as possible.. make sure you know where a couple snack machines or vendors are.. at the beginning avoid using rockets a lot and try not to be too close to explosions.. when CJ starts getting hungry get rid of your stars (via police bribes) and eat at a snack machine or vendor..

gambling -- not sure exactly what raises it up.. but i got from 0 to 100% betting skill in not too long playing blackjack on the most expensive table i could, betting the max everytime
I don't know about that-- I think you don't gain skill doing horse racing betting but the money spent gambling does rise with horse betting (I think).

I don't think mine rose until I started playing blackjack.

Deli Dingo, i just use the vendor machine near the stadium in SF and there is a police bribe at the maria west of the boat school) thats easy to get via air, another one is on one of the LV cross roads near the 4 dragon casio i think. but just eat when you need to and make sure you have no wanted level. if you use only machine guns you will find your wanted lvl wont go over 2 stars even if you shoot police.
Easy bribes from air:

Bottom of strip above the median in the highway.

SW of 4 dragons casino--in little open area--its on ground though so don't get busted grabbing this one.

Top of strip-- after road divides-- facing north go around the left side of the building there and there is a mid air bribe above the road-- I haven't taken the hunter though there yet but it should be wide enough-- I'd find it before you start and make sure its possible to get

I'm sure there are others but I haven't noticed, or remember other ones that are easy to get from the air.

I'd keep your wanted level at 2 or less stars no matter what-- no need to attract a police chopper while you are doing vigilante-- just takes away from you chasing the criminals.
Thanks guys, I think I'll make the vigilante attempt tonight. I'll just make it an all-nighter :sly:! Actually, about 80% of my SA playing time is done between 11pm and 3am; my parents don't like it when I "waste my time" playing video games :indiff:
sometimes if my playstation is left running for too long it'll freeze and/or have horrible loading times.. i assume most people probably turn it off when they're done playing, but if not, make sure your playstation is nice and rested.. it froze one time when i was at abotu lvl 550 :(

almost forgot, good luck :)
I did 81 levels earlier today-- my most so far-- I had to quit when my kid woke up from his nap and insisted on watching Blues Clues--

I did encounter some dificulty--after I stopped to eat--I lost a few minutes I flew right across the naval base and got 5 stars-- did take a missle shot from a hydra-- I couldn't concentrate on clearing stars because my time got kind of low-- got down to 34 seconds :crazy: -- anyway, I finally got my time back up and my stars back down---

Also for Dingo-- there is a bribe above the railroad tracks in SF--- from the station follow tracks toward LV and they are right after you come out of the tunnel (pretty close to the naval base)-- you can easily grab this one with the hunter but watch the cliff in front of you (watch your forward momentum).

I did encounter some dificulty--after I stopped to eat--I lost a few minutes I flew right across the naval base and got 5 stars-- did take a missle shot from a hydra-- I couldn't concentrate on clearing stars because my time got kind of low-- got down to 34 seconds :crazy: -- anyway, I finally got my time back up and my stars back down---

yeah, i've done that before.. took at least 4-5 hits one time, go hydra
If you get 5 stars through regular gameplay, will the Hydra go after you? Or does it only go after you if you get 5 stars from flying over the naval or military bases?
Oh, man! I'm taking a short break from Vigilante, because I'm half-way to level 400!! Yay! I'm actually getting a little tired. It's 2:25 am right now, and I hope I finish before morning, because I have a wedding to go to! :lol:
In the burglar missions do you have to get $10,000 in one swoop or is it overall, this is the only thing i need to get 100% and im stuck on it :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:

you dont need the burglary missions for 100% completion.. if you still want to do them.. get the boxville nearest CJ's house (use for directions) do this at about 18:00 then drive to the end of grove street (by the johnson house) at 20:00 start the mission and two houses to the left of sweet's house will have yellow triangles at the doors.. park the boxville backwards inbetween the two houses. go in one, get the tv, then the vcr, then go in the other and do the same. the houses are small so you dont have to worry about being quiet.. you can run to the tv, pick it up and get back to the door before the cops get called... you can complete the entire mission in one night doing this, but you dont have to.. the amount required for completion is cumulative
IntegraGS-R - That really sucks that the PS2 froze on you at Vigilante level 550; that must have taken forever!

I finally quit Vigilante at level 501. It was pretty boring, but it's hard to stop once you get so high. Kind of a weird thing is that I never used my rockets, so about half the time I had 1 star and the other half I had no stars. I never had more than one insignificant, lonely wanted-star. Anyways, I had about 147 minutes saved up by the time I quit! I was a little scared when my 99 minutes changed to 9 seconds, but it went down to 00:00 then rolled over back to 99:99, so I was quite relieved. Don't ask why, but my PS2 was on for about 45 hours straight from when I started Vigilante until I got to level 501 (I wasn't playing the whole time though). . . .

Screenshot after beating level 500:


  • Level 500.jpg
    Level 500.jpg
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Deli Dingo
IntegraGS-R - That really sucks that the PS2 froze on you at Vigilante level 550; that must have taken forever!

I finally quit Vigilante at level 501. It was pretty boring, but it's hard to stop once you get so high. Kind of a weird thing is that I never used my rockets, so about half the time I had 1 star and the other half I had no stars. I never had more than one insignificant, lonely wanted-star. Anyways, I had about 147 minutes saved up by the time I quit! I was a little scared when my 99 minutes changed to 9 seconds, but it went down to 00:00 then rolled over back to 99:99, so I was quite relieved. Don't ask why, but my PS2 was on for about 45 hours straight from when I started Vigilante until I got to level 501 (I wasn't playing the whole time though). . . .

Screenshot after beating level 500:

yeah, i was pretty pissed when it froze, but i'll do more vigilante again sometime (maybe tomorrow :)) using rockets makes it go a bit faster, but also damages the hunter more.. i think that's what usually happens to me, i get trigger happy and whither away at the hunter's armor, eventually it blows up.. it does take a long time, but its only tedious if you let it be. i just pretend i'm just flying around blowing up cars without a goal and it makes it a lot more fun that trying to get a certain level... i asked this in the record book too, but what ended it?
If your game is prone to locking up, I'd video tape your game--- you will lose the stats but can keep the highest record (if you get that high)--alternately take a screenie every so often--I did that when I broke the VC vigilante record-- I was so paranoid-- I kept my radio turned off---just so the game was doing one less thing.
If your game is prone to locking up, I'd video tape your game--- you will lose the stats but can keep the highest record (if you get that high)--alternately take a screenie every so often--I did that when I broke the VC vigilante record-- I was so paranoid-- I kept my radio turned off---just so the game was doing one less thing.

i'll be able to do that now that we have a camera :)..
i was a little paranoid when i was doin vigilante however once when i first got gt3 i left my ps2 on for a week and few days (until i got a memory card).

Does anyone else have troubles with there ps2 loading things. Sometimes my ps2 doesnt load the rocks that are there, and i can go through them and then i turn around and they are loaded and i go over them. Sometimes this is good however as when i do the races the hardly any traffic loads. :P.

I was thinking of doin some vigilante later tonight, get some more kills and distance in helicopter and maybe even go for the highest level record.
I was thinking of getting into the whole Vigilante thing and put myself in the kills competition.


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