General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

No! I must be dumb. Don't tell me you could do it in Vice??

Yup I've been doing that since Vice City too man. But good thing you noticed it for yourself.:P Is the NRG-500 any faster? I got all golds on the bike school so I got one. Find the impound lot? First see if it works get in SF get busted then look either right away or a day later. The impound lot is in one of the missions where you take a rocket launcher from a helipad and go on the freeway with the FCR-900 and shoot it down. Where the helicopter took off is where the SF Police Compound/Impound lot is. There police cars are there too but at the very end of the lot are at least 4 cars parked as if they were impound cars.
I think i asked it before but i didnt see a response but is there any other house that you can buy that have more than 2 car garages.
I dont think there is any, I have everysingle property bought, except for the ones in Los Santos. There is one safehouse west of the area with the auto garage and wang auto that has a really large garage, in San Fierro.

Ugh, only need two more cars to complete I&E. The Mesa and Euros. No clue where to find the Euros. :ouch:
Has anyone tried equiping the parachute and bullet diving off a bridge (Gant for instance) into the water below? I haven't yet and can't at the mo, was just wondering if it's possible. Obviously you wouldn't want to activate the chute.
Has anyone tried equiping the parachute and bullet diving off a bridge (Gant for instance) into the water below? I haven't yet and can't at the mo, was just wondering if it's possible. Obviously you wouldn't want to activate the chute.

Uh, can you elaborate?
Has anyone tried equiping the parachute and bullet diving off a bridge (Gant for instance) into the water below? I haven't yet and can't at the mo, was just wondering if it's possible. Obviously you wouldn't want to activate the chute.

I've not jumped off a bridge doing this but I have from a jet. So I'm assuming it would be possible from a bridge.

I just finished the main storyline of the game! The last mission wasn't too hard at all. I did it on my first attempt.

Now I gotta pass that bloody driving school and finish the Casino heist missions...

Walk into the red marker in front of the TV.

I'm stuck. Apparently there is one territory owned by the Vagos but there are no yellow areas on the map in Los Santos. Do the Vagos have an area outside of Los Santos that I'm not seeing?
Yup I've been doing that since Vice City too man. But good thing you noticed it for yourself.:P Is the NRG-500 any faster? I got all golds on the bike school so I got one. Find the impound lot? First see if it works get in SF get busted then look either right away or a day later. The impound lot is in one of the missions where you take a rocket launcher from a helipad and go on the freeway with the FCR-900 and shoot it down. Where the helicopter took off is where the SF Police Compound/Impound lot is. There police cars are there too but at the very end of the lot are at least 4 cars parked as if they were impound cars.
Oh sweet thats where the impound lot is.
Cool i know how to get there then!.

Has anyone tried equiping the parachute and bullet diving off a bridge (Gant for instance) into the water below? I haven't yet and can't at the mo, was just wondering if it's possible. Obviously you wouldn't want to activate the chute.
Yeah ive done abit of base jumping of some tall buildings, but not of any of the bridges yet.
I need the Remmington and thr camper. what do they look like? I found what I thought to be a camper and it ended up being a journey.
The Camper is the RV looking thing.

You know, like this.

According to this map, you can find the Camper in North San Fierro (Paradiso, I think) and the Remington in Los Santos (just NOrth of the Airport).
I haven't seen one at all yet, what mission is it in?

After you finish missions for Wang Autos, Jethro will eventually call you and let you know about some Street races in San Fierro. You can find the races on the east side of the Wang Autos building, which is a few feet away from the Pay n Spray. The phoenix can be found in the San Fierro Hills race (something like that) - It's the really long one around san fierro.

Just start the race, take the car to a safe house garage, put it in there, get out, wait for your time to run out, and then after being returned to the wang autos race selection screen, exit out and go save your game. After which, when you return to your garage, you'll find the phoenix in there. :)
Walk into the red marker in front of the TV.

I'm stuck. Apparently there is one territory owned by the Vagos but there are no yellow areas on the map in Los Santos. Do the Vagos have an area outside of Los Santos that I'm not seeing?

The Vagos own a tiny tiny little square of property in Los Santos that has a bridge in it... Just round the corner from a cop bribe... it's really annoying actually cos they're hardly ever there to start a was with... so you'll just have to keep walking/driving around it til you spy a gang.


PS A Camper is the one that looks like an old school VW camper... basically like the mothership!

EDIT: I've attached a map image with a yellow area which is where the last territory is... Sorry about quality... crappy 100K limit on jpegs!!


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Is there any way to stop those stupid "Our hood is under attack!" messages I keep getting. I was half way up Mount Chiliad when I got a message! I'm not travelling half way across the country to stop a few goons causing trouble.

If you take over all the territories does it make it stop? It's a real pain. I have to go save my game or start some sort of race or mission to make it go away.

no man you just have to go kick their ass. and that kinda thing sucks because this map so huge. thats why they should place a helicoptor near every base. it would be a lot easier and faster to get around. but man im so amazed at the detail and work they put into this. i mean there are things to find all over the place. and you go to where you expect not to find anything and you do. i love it so much.
Is there any way to stop those stupid "Our hood is under attack!" messages I keep getting. I was half way up Mount Chiliad when I got a message! I'm not travelling half way across the country to stop a few goons causing trouble.

If you take over all the territories does it make it stop? It's a real pain. I have to go save my game or start some sort of race or mission to make it go away.


Take over all the territories and all is good... no more attacks!! (I did that before I left Los Santos... and then spent a lot of time messing about with Denise and Tags and stuff.

Has anyone else noticed that eating is completely unnecesary? I just save and regain my health....
If u see the message"Our territory is under attack" and you are far away from it just go save and the attack will stop and the territory will still be yours.
I've yet to do certain missions like Firefighter. Can someone who's done it tell me what it consists of? Is it a reach level 12 thing like Vice City, or get a certain amount of fire in each area like GTA III?

Event Horizon
I need the Remmington and thr camper. what do they look like? I found what I thought to be a camper and it ended up being a journey.

Remington is actually a cool car-- I found one while I was on a mission but while I was killing it disappeared-- it spawned near the LV airport while I was driving either a cabbie or taxi (I can't remember which)-- to me its looks like a great big cadilac (old style) but its a low rider--- (it actually looks like a combination of a cadilac and an impala) actually drives pretty fast and has good handling--engine sounds cool.

Also to those searching for the patriot-- I twice saw it parked in the parking lot of the LV hospital next to the airport.

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